Sweet Saturday Sample 3 – Into a Mirror Darkly

Apr 26, 2013 | Books, Morgana Chronicles, Sweet Saturday Samples, Writing

mirrorcovermedAnother Saturday, another sample.

Sweet Saturday Samples are samples of any story, published, unpublished, whatever you like.  Any genre is welcome of any heat level – but the samples themselves are all rated PG-13, so yes, all samples are safe for innocent (or not) eyes.

It’s been quite some time since I brought out Into a Mirror Darkly to show off.  It’s a WIP, and to put it into a genre would be difficult as it spans several. Red is one of my favorite characters to date. She truly kicks butt. It is a first draft of a WIP, so excuse any errors.

I hope you enjoy it.  And don’t forget to check out Sweet Saturday Samples for more samples!

By now Gran should have the silver weapons cleaned of ogre blood, so Red wouldn’t have to feel unprotected for long.  Whether or not Gran had put protection spells on Red’s land meant little.  Magic was too scarce these days to be reliable.  That’s why the damnable clockwork inventions were everywhere – replacing magic.

With a sigh, Red turned to the wall.  In place of a real mirror hung a well-shined metal plate.  No matter much the plate shone, the reflection was still warped and muddled, leaving much to be desired.

She twisted her lips and tapped the lid of a small pot on the shelf below the plate. The internal debate dissipated when she heard a familiar masculine laugh outside.  Without further hesitation she took the extra step to line her eyes with coal and enhance her lips with rich red.

“It’s so rare that I get to say you remind me so much of your sister.” Gran’s voice comforted her while her words twisted a long buried knife in Red’s belly.

“Except we both know I’m nothing like Snow.” Red reached for the brush, but it was snatched out of the way and running through her hair too fast. With just a few brush strokes and a whisper of a spell, Red’s rich auburn hair fell in gentle waves across her shoulders. “We don’t even look alike. Just because I made my lips red doesn’t mean we have anything in common.”

Gran tsked, straightening the clothes Red had scattered in her search for an outfit. “She’s your sister, Rose. Don’t hold such hatred in your heart for blood.”

“Is she really, Gran?  Is she really, truly, my blood?” As usual the question silenced her Gran in ways nothing else would.  At eighty six the woman could boast to rarely ever outright lying.  With another eighty or so years ahead of her if magic hung around long enough, she’d do her best to keep that record.

“Of course she’s blood,” Gran finally admitted.

“Blood. But is she really my sister? Mother always said we were twins, born minutes apart.” Red wrapped a lock of red hair around her finger, thinking of Snow’s jet black hair and ‘pale as snow’ skin.  The opposite of Red’s deep olive skin that turned dark brown in the months the sun shone through the dust clouds.  “And besides appearance we certainly have nothing else in common.”

“You did once.”  Gran set a hand on her arm, the fierce fire of a woman devoted to her family bursting forth in the depths of her blue eyes.  Years of experience lined her features, while the beauty she’d been in youth came out in the high cheekbones and plump lips she still stained daily.  “In the Before.”

“Yes, well in the Before there was magic galore to blind us to such things.  Amazing how hiding the sun has revealed truths, like how much some people are willing to sacrifice for wealth and position.”

“Do not speak ill of your sister.”

“She sleeps in that woman’s castle. The one that killed her own husband, not to mention her niece.” Red snatched her arm back, “Your cardinal rule is to not ignore company isn’t it, Gran? I should go greet Solange.”

Gran’s strength and ferocity faded with the mention of Misty, and she gave a nod, “You’re right of course.  Let’s go join your guest then.”

Red wrapped an arm around Gran’s shoulder and kissed her temple, “Sorry Gran. I don’t like fighting with you. Let’s just try to have a good afternoon. Find out what it is Solange wants so that I can take that head in and collect the bounty.”

“No more ogres for a while, please.  I’m running low on supplies. Protecting all of those bags and cleaning your clothes ate most of them up.” The twinkle returned to Gran’s blue eyes, “Much as I know you like a challenge. Sometimes a challenge can be found right at home.”




  1. Laurel-Rain Snow

    Wow! Talk about sibling rivalry….and Gran seems to love stirring things up! Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

    • Sarah

      🙂 Sibling rivalry is putting it mildly. We don’t meet Snow until book 2, but we hear enough about her in this one.

  2. Jeff Salter

    Very interesting. I love that line, “You did once.” Packs a lot of possibility for the reader.

    • Sarah

      Thank you, Jeff. That’s the intention 🙂 This book promises to be fun if I ever have time to work on it.

  3. Elaine Cantrell

    I need me one of those hair brushes. Only magic could make my hair work. You excerpt is interesting. I like Gran and Red.

    • Sarah

      LOL. It’s not the hairbrush you need, it’s the magic. Gran is rather powerful, even in a land of dwindling magic.

      Thanks. I love Gran and Red as well. Wait until you meet Wulfric. 😉

  4. Jenna Jaxon

    Wonderful characters! And we don’t meet the sister until Book 2? This is getting more and more interesting. Great sample!


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