The Vampwriter – G.D. Ogan

Oct 9, 2013 | Author Interview, Guest Authors, Thursday Tell All, Writing

Today G.D. Ogan stopped by to talk a little about himself.

* Can you tell us a little about yourself? As a youngster I loved to run long distance events up to marathon length (gets the endorphins really flowing) and I continued my running during the military, I’m a retired Air Force Major. I have a pair of graduate degrees unfortunately not in English or Literature. I’m also retired from a second “calling” as a psychologist with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice where I evaluated inmates for various treatment programs and in another area of work I wrote treatment programs for overcoming addictions.

What do you like to read? What’s your favorite genre? Well Vampire Novels, as long as they’re not the “slasher” type novels. Like humans there would be good as well as bad vampires, at least in my novels there are many extremely good vampires! I also like steamy romance where humans care for each other enough to share passionate love and sometimes with a vampire and human or vampire and vampire, all of which are found in my books. I also like novels with action and political intrigue (also found in my own works), also some non-fiction, such as military hitory.

What’s your favorite place, real or fictional? Why? I MUCH prefer being inside the world of my novels be it in Prague, The Czech Republic, or Cayuga, Canada, with Magdalena, Eviana and members of the coven or all of us fighting the Chinese Communist invaders in Siberia. It is world where people and vampires fight for what they believe in and let the passion flow!

What piece of advice would you give your teenage self? This may seem weird: “Get better running shoes…that way you may not have the hip and knee problems in your later years!”

What’s the best thing you’ve done in your life? From a personal perspective, having two wonderful children with my wife of 45 years (and counting). From a military perspective, serving as the Logistics Project Officer helping set up the first B-1 Bomber Base.

Describe yourself in 5 words. Passionate about freedom and animals.

Where can people find you on the web and read more about your books?  Book 1:  Book 2:  Book 3: Out in October. Web:

Your Novel 
What is your book about? Finding Love, passion and new reasons for “Living,” even when you had thought you were on life’s downhill slopes.

What about your book might pique the reader’s interest?  What started the series was when I found out that my late father had participated in a “tryst” while stationed overseas at the end of WW-II, it confirmed some things my mother had said those many, many, years ago, but which I was too young to understand. The photographic evidence and a discussion of that event are on the first two pages of the first book (you can see and read that in the “Look Inside” feature on Amazon and the facts are mentioned again in the second book).

What inspired you to write this particular story? “Immortal Relations, Love and War” continues the characters in “Immortal Relations.” It is a story I felt compelled to write and as the love and passion between the characters grows, they will not be denied their existence, if only in print. They have become more than just friends and lovers, they are the breath of life itself! I could no more cut them off than cease loving my own children…maybe that is what the characters have become for me (I care for them that much)! IMHO the world would be a far, far, better place were my characters “alive” on the surface of the planet rather than locked up inside the covers of my novels. If I could wish it so…I’d be with them!

* How much of yourself is hidden in the characters in the book? Nothing hidden about Gary Logan, he is me with just a tweak of the name. His desire to save the dogs in books one and three are examples of our shared passion for animals.

You’ve gotten the call, your book will be made into a series! What is your dream cast?  OH WOW! How I would love that…not for the money but to see my “friends” animated on the movie or television screen! The male characters are not as important in my book as the female characters but if I could have anyone I wanted play the parts:

From the movie RED: Helen Mirren as Grandmother
From the Underworld Trilogy: Kate Beckensale as Magdalena (if she was unavailable, then from Lost Girl: Anna Silk)
From Lost Girl either Anna Silk as Eviana or Ksenia Solo (also from Lost Girl) If neither of them were available, then Candice Accola of Vampire Dairies (would need a dark wig or a dye job)

From Vampire Dairies Ian Somerhalder* as Gary (his eyes speak volumes!) If he wasn’t available then John Malkovich (the consummate actor)
From the movie RED James Remar as Adam
*okay, I know, Ian Somerhalder is probably too good looking and too young but THOSE EYES!!! So we’d go with John Malkovich for Gary.

* Are you a pantser or a plotter?  Pantser. Since I’ve had Attention Deficit Disorder all my life I have a million ideas bouncing around in my head all the time…writer’s block is not something I’ve ever had, just the opposite, I have to pick from among all the possible scenarios.

* Are there any occupational hazards to being an author? I can think of several, first I like to sequester myself alone in a quiet area, and my propensity to being a hermit can upset my wife. Second, unless you write like Fifty Shades of Grey author E. L. James; Harry Potter’s J. K. Rowling; The Vampire Diaries, L. J. Smith or the prolific action writer Tom Clancy, then it is doubtful you will make money writing novels. For me, as a storyteller, getting my unique stories out into the hands of those interested in reading them is my motivation.
Where do you get your ideas? They really do just continually pop into my head and I have to use, modify or discard each one (I mostly use or modify, rarely discard).
What is the most difficult part of the writing process? The easiest? I think you will hear the same thing from almost all indie authors on this one: “Writing the stories is the easiest, doing all the ‘commercial development’ (trying to sell the books) is the hardest.” Of course if you are like the authors mentioned in the previous question and answer, you’ll have minions to do all that ‘little stuff’ and your books will automatically make the best seller’s list even before they are available because of all the pre-paid orders! LOL
What are you working on now? I’ve sent my third in the series, “Immortal Relations Coming Out” to the publisher (Create Space) and it should be on Amazon & Kindle in October.
* Have you written any other books? Yes, in addition to my “Immortal Relations” series, when I was working in the field of Psychology I wrote a book titled, “Can Anyone Help My Child” on assessment and potential treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder. The book has been out of print for many years but I still have some copies of it.
Fun (Crazy, odd questions just for fun) 
* Any unusual or hidden talents? Don’t know if either qualifies; however, I used to have a pretty good singing voice (choir) and I loved to dance.

Most frequently played song. Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lot of Love” (mentioned being Gary Logan’s often played song in book three).

* If you could be any comic book character, which one would you be? Captain America

Quick Questions
* Sing in the rain or dance in the streets? 
At this stage of my life, I’d better stick with Singing in the Rain.
* Pen or pencil? Pen
* Summer or Winter? Winter. Here in my part of Texas it never gets all that cold but it does get SWELTERING HOT!
* Movies or TV? TV
* Theater or DVD? DVD

* Rural or Urban? Rural
* Facial hair or clean shaven? Facial hair.
* Marvel or DC? 
* Cowboy or Bad Boy? Cowboy
* Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset (I write at night)
* Fall leaves or Spring flowers? (I like Winter but love Spring Flowers)
* Peanut butter or jelly? Peanut butter
* Spender or Saver? Spender


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA| [amazon_link id=”B00A4IEHL6″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Amazon[/amazon_link] |
Blurb:  In “Immortal Relations, Love and War,” in order to help those who haven’t read the first book, “Immortal Relations,” there is a  conversation between Magdalena and Gary discussing a few major events in book one. It isn’t long before our guardian vampires discover that their old friend Field Marshal Kolukov was dying of cancer. He had been instrumental in ending the evil vampire gang when they sought to steal biological weapons to use on innocent populations. Our guardian vampires immediately made arrangements to travel in order to make him an offer they hoped he wouldn’t refuse. Not really having the time to even settle in, our vampires were surprised when a gang of terrorists effectively decapitates the government of the Russian Federation. This forces the dying Field Marshal into heading a wartime government as it is learned that the Chinese troops have invaded Siberia to gain control over not only the vast oil and gold reserves there, but other mineral wealth and room for a burgeoning population. The Marxist regime in Washington acts like they may have had prior knowledge of the pending invasion and rather than trying to stop it seem to be somehow supporting the take over of Russian resources by the Communist Chinese. If stopping a war between two nuclear powers isn’t frightening enough, there are ecological disasters poised to do ruinous things to Western Economies if not the outright destruction of mankind. There is an ancient Chinese Curse which says, “May You Live In Interesting Times” and times are highly interesting in this “fictional” novel. Still, with all the dangers of war and threats of ecological disasters,“life” goes on, Magdalena and Gary become wed and there are new little vampire feet heard in the halls of the Residency once again.



     Maggie laughed and said, “You know you’re an incurable romantic.”

     Around you, how could I be anything other than that?”

    Maggie laughed her musical laugh again and that made me smile and we kissed. I said, “Well, you certainly were dressed to the nines,’ as they say.”

    Maggie replied, “It’d been years since I’d worn that dress to attend an opera or symphony. Several lady friends and I had spent all night in town, but we were about to head back to the Residency since the Sun was rising, not that it caused any concern, unlike Vampire lore. That is when Evy called me about seeing you.”

    I said, “That was a beautiful dress you were wearing when I saw you, your appearance took my breath away, as it always does.”

    She teased, “Since you no longer have to breath, that shouldn’t be a big thing anymore, but would you like me to put the dress back on and model it for you?”

    “I don’t know if my wild, still beating heart, will withstand you looking more beautiful than you are now, but yes, I’d love to see you in that dress again.”

    At a speed that would have made her invisible to faulty human eyes, Maggie flew to her closet and then into the bathroom. Within minutes, the bathroom door opened and she appeared in the doorway looking both sultry and sophisticated.

    I jumped out of bed, arranging the top sheet around me like a Roman Senator going to the Forum. I carefully approached the vision of loveliness before me, and put out my hand to touch the dress. Maggie grabbed my hand and wagged the finger of her other hand saying, this dress was hand made for me decades ago and is too delicate.”

    I backed up, dropping my hand, and asked Maggie to turn around for me. As she pivoted, I sucked in a ragged breath at her beauty, accentuated not only b the light blue, lacy, scalloped, and layered, haut-couture dress, but perfectly quaffed hair and makeup she’d done in only minutes. Vampire speed and accuracy certainly helped in many aspects of our existence.

    Appraising me as I watched her, she saw my ardor rising. To protect her dress, she quickly retreated to the bathroom and changed. I was sitting on the edge of the bed when she next appeared wearing the sexist red lingerie I’d ever seen. I couldn’t hide my reaction and she giggled as she pounced on me.

    An hour later she said, “What was that you were saying about even if we never had physical relations again you’d still feel the same way toward me?”

    Spent, but feeling better than I had a right to, I merely smiled at her and shook my head in disbelief at the fabulous lover she was. “You know, I consider myself the luckiest man who has ever lived, human or immortal, because you love me.”

Author Bio:  I’m a retired Air Force Major (if anyone would have told me I would someday be writing adult paranormal-romance novels I would have laughed at them). I have a pair of graduate degrees (none in English or Literature as my writing will clearly attest) and I also retired from a second “calling” as a psychologist with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, where I was mostly involved with developing treatment programs for inmates with addictions in addition to determining what mental health services they might need. I enjoy collector vehicles (anything from antiques to modern “muscle cars”). I was a marathon runner “back in the day” and enjoyed racing motorcycles and cars in my youth. I have always enjoyed writing and have had articles published in “The Long Distance Log” and other running publications, I had many articles published in Florida’s “Cruising Style Magazine” about car show activities in and around Texas. Of course I did a lot of technical writing while in the service as well as in my work for the State of Texas. In addition to my “Immortal Relations” series, I wrote a book on evaluation and treatment of ADHD many years ago titled, “Can Anyone Help My Child?’98 

Additional (random) Information: 

I offer a comment by one of those who bought the book. His name is Richard Rasmussen: “Being a bit of a vampire-phile, I find myself constantly searching for the next vampire series to reach out and grab, or, more appropriately, bite me. I believe I have found my holy grail of vampire novels. You see, the Vlad books are typically a bit gory for my tastes, while the Twilight series is campy, sophomoric, and I feel, is most appealing to teenage girls. Mr. Ogan has delivered a tale at breakneck speed, one that jumps out of the starting gate and never loses steam. A tale filled with life lessons, love, sex, action and adventure. Complete with new insights into the powers of the immortal vamps, and fresh takes on the complex inner workings of their existence. From page 1 until the very end, Immortal Relations promises to have you on the edge of your seat and begging for more…”

1 Comment

  1. G.D. Ogan

    Thanks so much for allowing me to be a participant on your Story Lines, Sarah! I’ve been traveling most of the day (unexpectedly) so I’m late in thanking you. While we didn’t record any comments I hope a few potential readers saw the blog and may be interested in looking into the series. Surprisingly, I just went to the (the I.D. for the print version of the third book) and it is NOW LIVE (wasn’t expecting it until the end of October)…that hopefully means the Kindle Edition will be active by E.O.M. Thanks again for having me on!



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