This piece is actually one I wrote a few years back for a 100 word challenge.
The prompt for this challenge was “Consumed”.
It only seemed natural that I would write about…well, writing.
When the story creeps deep into your psyche.
When the words flow forth like beer from the tap.
when the characters whisper in your ear, or scream in your head. Demanding to be heard. For you to share the story they have to tell.
When they occupy your every thought. Seep into your dreams. Fill your spare moments with ideas and counterpoints.
That is your drug.
The high of the perfect scene. The funniest line that sent you laughing after it spilled from your keyboard. The tears shed at shared loss or pain.
You are addicted.
You are consumed.
I’ve been digging through old files and finding things I wrote ages ago. I’m having fun digging these old pieces out, so you’ll probably see a few more pieces in coming months.