I Am Grateful…

Apr 1, 2018 | All About Me, Blogging Life, Redefining Perfect

Gratitude is a funny thing.  So often I have so much to be grateful for, but all I can see are the negatives. To try to curb this oddly innate response, I’m trying to start each week with some gratitude for what I have, or what has happened in previous days, or this year in general.

  1. My new job – which I love, and will expound more on in a later post.
  2. That I found Oola. (See above)
  3. That my husband and I were wise enough to not dive into a loan we could afford, but would have strapped us, for a car we both were crazy about. (Major will power needed to walk out that door, and major growth)
  4. That in about 6 weeks I will have one credit card paid off, and a nice chunk in savings.
  5. For hot tea. My new addiction. Yum.
  6. For a son that sends me random gifts that truly are marvelous and meaningful.
  7. For an artistic daughter that stretches to break her own artistic boundaries.
  8. For tweens that actually still want to snuggle and talk.
  9. The coming spring, shown by the daffodils blooming despite the recent snow.
  10. Books. Writing them. Reading them. It’s all pleasure.

More in coming weeks, because as I said, I would like for this to become a daily habit. Busting through my tendency toward the negative thought stream. 🙂 Sarcasm has its place, but it’s taken up too much of a residence lately.



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