When I started this blog, they were toddlers.

Off and on the past ten+ years I’ve posted about them, their special needs, our struggles…everything.


My oldest is legally able to drink.

My girls?

They’re teenagers.

A couple of weeks ago, I snapped a picture of a piece of Molly’s artwork and posted it on Social Media as I have for ages…since Kennedy first displayed her amazing talent.

Molly chastised me when she found out.  “No! I did not give you permission to put that on social media!!”

And it hit me…

They are autonomous now.  They have some internet savvy, and much still to learn, but they are now capable of telling me NO.

I want to foster that strength of character. Especially in my young daughters. I want them to be fierce and proud and in control of their own wants and needs.

They aren’t babies any longer.  While I’m still their mother and have a modicum of control over their life – I no longer have control of their social image here on my blog, facebook, instagram, or any other social media.  They have every right to tell  me NO, I can’t post that.

I have to give them the right to use that right. I have to let them sit in their own power. I have to ask permission. Always.

Their body, their minds, their abilities are their own.

In my mind sometimes it’s hard for me to comprehend how mature they have become. They are no longer my “Babies”…they aren’t as immature or young for their age as they’ve always seemed before…they are now growing into their true selves.

I am going to foster that.

So you may “see” less of them. The timing is good as I’d begun to adjust the meaning of this blog and what it is for me lately.

That is their right.

They are strong girls.

Long live the Girl Power!



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