March was a little up and down. I ended strong, though…so, I could be fooling myself thinking it was a good reading month. (spoiler alert: when composing the actual post it turns out I was correct…I was fooling myself. It was not a good reading month)
Anyhoozles…here’s my list for March.
Some may interest you, some may not. I hope it gives you at least a few ideas!!
Onto the post:
What I Read
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (audio)
Okay, this one is a long one…although book 5 is even more crazy long.
Though I’ve read & listened to them all multiple many times. In the long run, this is not the best book. It’s a lot of nothing going on leading up to one very big something.
Still, this one will always have a special place in my heart because it was this book’s movie that introduced the hubby and I into the world of Hogwarts, Harry Potter, and all things He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
Plus, I’m not about to skip a book just because it’s not the BEST in the series. It’s still a GREAT series and deserves to be read in order.

Locke & Key series 4-6 + 2 stand alone’s
I started reading this series a couple of years ago. I got through 1-3 and could not tell you why I stopped. They’re written by Joe Hill (son of that famous author and all…but awesome in his own right). They’re kind of creepy, super awesome, and have much fun and different magic.
4-6 let us dive more into the backstory and find a great conclusion to the series that wrapped things up nicely, yet still left me wanting more in that special way caused by a great story.
Luckily, there were two more little side books to grab up with little stories, but no less fun.
Set in times before the adult restriction created during WW2, the adults get to really take part in the fun here which lends a special different aspect to the whole thing.
All in all, this whole series is a great, fun read. Even though in some ways you ight consider it as leaning toward horror…it’s light enough that it’s easy to read, which is saying something coming from this not-a-horror-fan chick.
What I’m Reading Now
Conspiracy of Ravens
Yes, yes…I KNOW. Another month with it on the list?
This time, though…I’ve made progress.
For reals.
Maybe next month it’ll be on the read side, finally…or I’ll just remove it and we’ll pretend this never happened. K?
Y: The Last Man
Another graphic novel series. I JUST started it.
Honestly, based on the premise I’m not holding my breath on it….for multiple reasons.
Every man on earth dies, but this dude…
Glorified way for a dude to get his rocks off writing both only-man-on-earth and lesbian scenes? Degrading to women somehow despite the world being full of only them? Who knows. We’ll learn as we go, I guess…
Full report coming in May.
The Wedding Guest
Man, I keep putting books back on this list. I really did NOT have a good month of reading in March.
Still, I’m eager to get some reading in. Going out of town next week for a few days will help with that, I hope.
This one is top of the list(ish) behind the library books.
For sure this time.
I mean it?
Don’t You Cry (audio)
This one has been on my radar for a hot minute.
Decided to dive in when I finished the last HP book while I wait for the next one that’s on hold (along with several others).
So far, I’m barely a chapter in so I have no feedback.
I do like that it has multiple actors. I prefer when a story is conveyed through multiple readers. It brings it to life even more.
P.S. Audiobooks at the library can have REALLY long wait times. I have one that I’m waiting on for probably a year. Not sure why they only have one copy of that crazy popular book…but they do.
What are you reading these days? I’m always looking for suggestions!
Stick around…more updates coming soon!