Horny Hippies & House, M.D.

Feb 26, 2011 | All About Me, Crap

I took this picture earlier in the week. When I had a sick husband & daughter…I didn’t realize that a mere 36 hours later I would be the one so laid up I wouldn’t be able to function to even take a picture or write a blog post.

At its highest, my fever hit 101.3 (I believe, only checked every 12 hours).

It hit suddenly.

At 4:00 I was fine.  My stomach felt a little fluttery, but nothing that hinted at oncoming tragedy.  I left my girls in the babysitting hands of their older brother and left to surprise the hubby to dinner out. His choice.

By 6:30PM when we were at Best Buy I was hardly able to walk. My chills were so bad, my entire body was trembling. We raced home with the heater on, leaving our secondary car at Archie’s work because I didn’t feel well enough to drive.  By the time we got home I was done.  Pain, fever, stomach cramps beyond belief.  I was begging for mercy, and apologizing to Archie for not being more understanding when he was sick.

So what does this have to do w/ my post title?

Oh…well…didn’t you know that with a good size fever you get the STRANGEST dreams?

I blame the first night on my current obsession with catching up on old House episodes on TV. I’d left to go surprise hubs in the middle of a whiz-bang of an epi and my mind was still rolling over it…at least that’s my defense.  Oh, and I just got my new XS and my new 50mm lens…so I’m sort of obsession over those too…

Which is why I was kept awake (and asleep apparently) with dreams of House and his team talking about cameras & lenses instead of medical terms.  It wasn’t until a tombstone was built that I was graced with enough peace to sleep for a full 3 hours.


The horny hippies?

Oh, well, they apparently (in my head) moved into the house next to my Grandma’s (now my Aunt C’s) house.  I was in NY, somehow ending up in the house next door.  A couple of hippies had moved in and kept going at each other with me right there, so I left…to see a new (very black) door on my g’mas porch..and all the porch furniture was black…but the old door was still there. The house looked the same inside (though I’m fully aware that it doesn’t now), just a few minor differences.  My cousin was inside (my aunt C was absent) and rushed to greet me.  My Aunt D showed up…but was more excited to see my nephew (where he came from? No idea) than me.

Then I woke.

The hippies…they disturbed me…still do.

Seeing my aunt and cousin?  Much more refreshing.





  1. Jessi

    you sure your fever was only 101? Glad you are starting to feel better though. Being that sick is never fun 🙁

  2. Secret Mom Thoughts

    Hope you are feeling better. This has been a tough winter for illness for sure.


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