[flickr id=”6348905046″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]I claim all rights to Purposeness as a word. It is one because I say it is 😀 In all seriousness, I’d almost forgotten I promised to tell you about all of my cleaners. Today Ill get into my most frequently used cleaner.
I never was a neat freak. I’m a pack rat, I’m a clutterbug. In recent years that’s started to change. Maybe it’s the five people in a tiny cramped house, or maybe it’s my neat-freak OCD hubby (love you, Archie) rubbing off on me. Either way, I’ve started to be a bit more meticulous. I’m nt perfect by any means, but I’m getting better.
One of my favorite things I’ve found since I started making my own cleaners is my all-purpose antibacterial spray. I use it on everything. My kitchen counters and table receive the most frequent attention, but I’ve used it in the bathroom, in the living room – I’ve even used it to clean crayon off my girls wall (it works best on fresh crayons).
I call it my miracle spray since it’s removed all sorts of things from my counter tops, and managed to erase age old stains.
It cuts through grease and grime, and sticky messes left behind. The key is to let it sit on the heavier mess for just a few seconds to soak in and break it down.
P.S. with all of my cleaners – I use cotton cloths always. I never use sponges except on my sink or on the rare occasion I have something really stuck onto the counter – then I’ll use a scrubber, but rinse clean with my cotton cloth.
All Purpose Anti-bacterial Cleaner
*Lavendar is a natural antibacterial element. That is what makes this spray antibacterial. Also after much trial and error I’ve started making my cleaners in a large glass measuring cup first, then adding them to the sprayer once cool. It’s much easier.
2Tbs Vinegar
1tsp Borax
1/4c. Liquid Soap (Castile soap)
Hot water
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
Mix vinegar & borax.
Add 16oz hot water
Stir until borax is dissolved – this is important. If Borax isn’t dissolved it will clump up when you add the soap.
Add Liquid Soap.
Add Lavender