If only it was a musical…

Feb 18, 2009 | All About Me, Crap



I’m sure no one noticed…but I haven’t posted in five days.  This was not in my plans…but it’s what happened.  The biggest reason is my life is NOT a musical…

For those that didn’t know – a little over two years ago I had my uterus and my very offensive remaining ovary wrenched from my body in what turned out to be a rather painful affair between my doctor and his scalpel (he knicked a nerve making recovery just a wee bit longer).  

ANYWAY, it was the best thing I’ve done and I’m so thrilled to never ever have to worry about what time of the month it is or the need to spend thousands of dollars on “products”  I’ve never ever complained…

Unless I’ve run out of hormone meds while simultaneously having an argument with my hubby, my BFF having plans all weekend and us not talking AT ALL, my daughters turn into raving lunatics and paint their room brown, and the most horrible of disgusting holidays occurs…ALL AT ONCE.

Which happened to all happen this past weekend.  Starting Thursday/Wednesday night. 

By the time I was feeling better it was Monday – but I was wrapped up in a few things…

1. The Wolverine movie previews that Fox was showing.  I watched them OVER and OVER…I LOVE me some Hugh Jackman Wolvie…YUMM…
2. I was reading, finishing, and lamenting my wait for the next novel in the House of Nightseries.  It’s YA vamp and I lurve it…
3. I was digesting my reading of that other YA vamp series that’s OH SO POPULAR…She challenged me by calling me biased (I hate that) so I read it. And to be even more fair, I picked up the other books in the series to see if I liked it more with passage (I really didn’t like the first one).  I’ve read all of the second, and half of the third. I’ll post my thoughts when I finish. And no, I won’t name it because I don’t think it deserves any further recognition…and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you live under a rock.
4. Did I mention the Wolvie previews?  Yeah…check them out. Yummy hotness and humor.  I’m chomping at the bit here…seriously…

Oh, I’ve read about ten books in just the past month, which is half of what I read this past YEAR.  I’m looking for major recommendations for more books.  I’ll even take suggestions for ebooks since I’ve learned that my new laptop is rather easy on the eyes (though I’d die for a Kindle).  I’ll read almost anything.  I love fantasy, sci-fi, romance, historical fiction…just about anything…I’ve even read erotica (but I’m choosy on that 😉 )

So anyway…reccommend me some books.  I need to build on my To Be Read pile…it shrank down a LOT in the past month!!

I promise… Iwll NOT forget to call in my hormone patches again next month.  It was seriously not pretty.  Of course that horrible psuedo-holiday VD won’t be around to bother me then…



  1. Purpleallison

    … It’s been more than 5 days this time.
    Yes I notice. 🙂

    • Sarah

      Awww..thanks, Allison. I’m happy to know that my absence didn’t go unnoticed. I honestly have no explanation because I hae no idea what I’e been doing the past week! *lol*

  2. gina

    Yikes! I think I ‘m going to check out the other Vamp series you are reading- since your feelings about the oh so popular one matched mine so thoroughly. I am also looking forward to the new Jodi piccoult book due out March 2nd. She’s hit or miss but I like the way she gets under the skin to the knitty gritty REAL feelings of her characters.

    gina´s last blog post..Homeschool Happy Mail – they don’t make ’em like this at McDonald’s!

    • Sarah

      You should check it out!! Its a bit more mature than the other series in its ention of ‘adult’ matter…but it’s a bit more entertaining, too. I’ve read complaints about the main characters “stupidity” over some of the things she does…but I’d love to point out to them that she’s 17 – and how brilliant were you at 17? *lol* But, I love them…and am anxiously awaiting the next release on March 10th!!

  3. Barbara

    What?! No non-fiction?! I live in another world. Sigh. Cannot.offer.titles.

    When you run out of books, write. Ahem.

    Barbara´s last blog post..More Than Just Backdrop

    • Sarah

      I didn’t say I wouldn’t read non-fic. I would if the subject matter was right *lol* Make a recommendation, I may just follow it 😉

  4. Sarah

    I’m still craving Wolvie yumminess, Sandy 😉 Hehe…he’s easy to crave, no?


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