Well, it looks like our Christmas, and our pocketbook have been saved! We don’t physically have the money yet, but it has been withdrawn from DH’s 401K. We can fix Dh’s car now, and this means we can sell my car (this is bad and good) to CarMax, pay it off and get that bill, and the cost of insurance off our backs!! This translates into HUGE relief.
On top of that, our Christmas will be nice for the first time in 5 years. We can get our ‘big’ gift for Denver (space camp! Whee!), and a few others (It is SO hard to shop for a 10 year old boy, you know that?). We can round out the girls toys (right now they are primarily clothes)….AND…*gasp* BUY FOR EACH OTHER!!
AND, I can buy the supplies to make the girls holiday dresses…and purses for the rest of my fam (I’m still hoping mom’s sweater will be knit in time…but just in case…hello pursy!).
We’ve been waiting on news for over a week on this! The thought of getting this money has been a glimmer of hope for us! We need it…and a good Christmas. It’s been far too long! (Plus the added money every paycheck that he can’t pay into his 401K will help, too).