The Saga of the Big Toe

Apr 9, 2009 | All About Me

As a podophobe I cannot tell you how much this story pains me to express – even about my own foot.  But I figured if I was going to get back into blogging (finally) again, I might well start with a bang.


Back in January I spoke of a series of assaults on the feet of our household, including my own.  The object that assaulted me was the “as advertised” unbreakable Pyrex measuring cup:


It fell lip down on my big toe.  It got bruised and swollen and ugly.  Hubby said, “could be broken”. I wrote it off as all the doc would do is tape it and it would be all over. So I never went.

For three days it remained swollen. For a week it hurt and remained bruised.  For three weeks it ached and would cause me to flinch – but gradually it started to fade.

Every time I thought it was over, it would ache again for a few days, and fade again. It was annoying, but never cause for concern.

Last week out of nowhere I started getting shooting pains through the toe and down into my foot.  When I spend Sunday night on the couch with my foot in the air I begrudgingly told Archie and my BFF that I would call the podiatrist.

Today I went and met with my podiatrist (whom I love though I’ve only seen him once or twice).  I was immediately taken in for x-rays and waited for the podiatrist to show up.  He checked the x-rays and declared “no break.” 

Then he asked about the pain, and had me press my toe UP as hard as I could against his finger. OW. But, I had to tell him how far up it hurt.  It hurt about halfway up along the line of my EHL (tendon).

THEN he grabbed the end of my toe and bent it down. I just about jumped out of my chair.

Apparently this is all…BAD.

He says the tendon is injured. We just don’t know how bad.

Tomorrow I go for a 3-D MRI (how different from the excitement of a 3D u/s) and return to the podiatrist in one week to determine how bad it is…

I may need surgery.

Surgery!  Because of a Pyrex measuring cup!



I have many reasons for being gone over the past several weeks.  I will go more in depth on them over the course of the next week while I’m anxiously awaiting the results of the MRI!


1 Comment

  1. Barbara

    Hoping surgery was not indicated. I would prescribe a pyrexotomy – for the kitchen.

    I linked your CF story 3 post into my top post – on tuesday – which is about to be the topped by another post.

    Be well or better, My Friend


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