Until Now…

Nov 1, 2009 | Uncategorized

SchoolHouseUntil now I’ve been happy with our school system. Brandon has thrived and learned and had his intelligence recognized.  Not one thing has given us pause when it’s come to his schooling. The girls were a different matter – but with Brandon we’ve not had problems…

Yesterday became the day – the first time I had to really sit back and wonder at things.  I became very disappointed in the school’s handling of a situation that affected me, my son, my husband. 

Brandon blacked out in school. We don’t know why. We don’t know how. We only know that it was for a couple of minutes, and that it improved after he ate lunch.

We never had a chance to get him and take him to the doctor when it would have been effective. We didn’t even know it happened.  Why?

They called us – twice. Once on the home phone and left a message (I was in the bathroom – heard phone ring but not the answering machine).  Once on my cell phone (which had a dead battery).

Did they call ANY other number on our emergency number list?

Did they call Archie? My mother? My father?


They didn’t even LOOK at his emergency card. They asked HIM for the numbers (he doesn’t have all of those memorized!)!! 

They did not try to call the home number again. At all.

It wasn’t until I happened to glance at our answering machine 4 hours after the initial phone call that I found out.

Meanwhile Brandon spent at least 30 minutes in the nurses office freaking out over what had happened to him and he had no one to comfort him but a school nurse.  I live two minutes from the school I could have picked him up and had him at the doctors office (another 3 minutes away) in no time.

By the time I found out he’d finished the entire school day.

Archie and I are NOT happy.  We are trying to decide how best to address this with the school.  It was handled exceptionally poorly and we are nowhere near okay with it at all.


1 Comment

  1. Rachael

    Wow. That is completely appalling. I’m sorry that this happened, and I think a little chat with the school is definitely in order.


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