by Sarah | Jul 5, 2016 | Cover Reveal, Guest Authors, Writing
Cover Reveal
Kerrianne Coombes
Deadly Slumber
Book 1
The Demon Tales

The Demon Tales Are Back!!
I am so happy to tell you that Deadly Slumber, the NEW first book in the Demon Tales Series will be released in October. (Deadly Slumber is a re-release of Sleeping Beauty, and the Damned Demon. After this book the Demon Tales will be ALL NEW stories, never read before.)
The Demon Tales have had a shake up, a rejig and been given a whole new, shiny look!
I did this because I felt they needed a polish, and I believe a new era, needs a new look!
My writing has grown and evolved since I first wrote Beauty and the Beast 7 years ago, and I wanted to breathe some fresh air into their stories. So, while you may not see all characters you once read about yet – you will, but they will have fresh books! (All coming soon)
Thank you for waiting so patiently for the Demons to return. I will be eternally grateful to all who read the original series. I hope you enjoy my changes.
If you a new reader, Hi! 😉
My Demon Tales are sexy, dark and twisted versions of recognizable fairy tales. They are full of action, intrigue and HOT SEXY males. My females are strong and forceful – not meek and defenseless. And I hope you learn to love them as much as I do.
I hope you enjoy Deadly Slumber.
Much love.
Kerrianne Coombes x0x0
Selma is wasting away, starved of light, love and happiness. Locked in a human insane asylum, cursed. When she awakens the nightmares truly begin. She has given up all hope of escaping, until a dark stranger, with frightening eyes, secrets her away in the night.
Alone, bitter and determined, Rhand searches for what was taken from him. Ruthless beyond measure, nothing and no one will get in the way of fulfilling his promise to his people. The Fey who lost it all… Until his search leads him to Selma.
Dark Magic, demonic lands and evil inhabit the world where he takes her, but nothing compares to the power of the love between the mercenary and his Sleeping Beauty.

by Sarah | Jun 20, 2016 | All About Molly, All of Us, Autism, Connective Tissue Disorder, Redefining Perfect, Special Needs
We waited a month for this visit.
In the grand scheme of “waiting for a specialist” times that has ever been for us – a month isn’t bad.
Still. We waited a month. Worried over her shoulder, and what the doctor would say. Our geneticists suggestion of “Connective tissue disorder” ringing in our ears.
We worried.
Hoped for the best, expected the worst.
Wondered over whether there’d be an MRI. Or possible surgery.
Of all our fears we never once expected it to become what it was.
We never expected to be left wondering how a visit to a specialist would turn into a horrible vaudeville joke.
“It clicks when she does this.”
“Well, then don’t do that.”
~blink blink~
You would think I was exaggerating.
But I’m not.
None of our concerns were truly addressed.
We were dismissed with a prescription for therapy for “Scapular strengthening”. Told that she shouldn’t click her shoulder. And that was that.
No words about the connective tissue question.
He barely touched her shoulder, only tested her strength.
The geneticist spent more time on her shoulder than this doctor. He didn’t check to see if her arm dislocated like the referring doctor did.
An X-Ray.
A bad vaudeville joke (and he wasn’t even kidding).
And no answers.
I don’t even know where to go from here.
by Sarah | Jun 17, 2016 | Books, General, Goals, Writing
June has been up and down for me. I made some major progress, but then crashed and burned when once again real life took a bite out of me.
The Wolf was released and is picking up in sales for it and The Tribe. I’m a hair away from finishing Red Zone, and made myself a list of all planned books (totaling 40, for the record).
So, when the real world stops getting its rocks off by kicking me in the teeth, I’m doing pretty well. I just wish I had a lot more time for writing. This second job is going to kill me…but the bills must be paid. ~sigh~
Onto the update!
First, my overall goals for the year…
- I’ve challenged myself to write 600,000 words in 2016. (at 229,644 as of 6/16/16. Not a huge leap from last check-in, but it’s only been 2 weeks, so I’m not disappointed.)
- I will build my audience and work harder at promotion. (This is going GREAT. Been talking with my publicist guru and she’s gotten me many new reviews, and given me great ideas on how to build. My sales are slowly starting to be impacting by the efforts.)
- I will regain my focus. (Getting better. Kids out of school and here all the time is throwing me off. Still, doing my best.)
- I will face my demon/salvation – the one story I’m afraid of. (Nope, not even a little bit yet)
- I will decide by July if I will return to Lake Point in 2017. (Still not a clue)
- I will prep all the things for print. ALL. The. Things. (Tribe and Wolf are in print. The Chief is next. I’m working on a few other things on the side when I can.)
- I will update my author website. (Just started. It’ll be slow going, but I have pages up for The Tribe series, which are my front runners right now. As I go, I’ll be adding all the books again).
And next is my list of projects. The list seems small without all the Lake Point books of the past on it, but I’m sure it will change and grow over the year. The books in ORANGE are current works-in-progress. The books in BLUE are new to the game.
- Into a Mirror Darkly (Morgana Chronicles 1) – 100k (~10k done)
- Dust Raiser (Dominion Falls 6) – 100k (Title Change!!)
- Dead Man’s Switch (Dominion Falls 7) – 100k
- Red Zone (Dominion Falls 5.5) – 40k (~32.5k done)
- The Raven (The Tribe #4) – 85k (DONE 5/15/16)
- The Child (The Tribe #5) – 85k
- Auld Lang Syne (Lake Point 12.5 ~ Revisiting Old Stories)
- Untitled Project (Hand Delivered Book 1) ~ 40k
- Escaping Humanity (Co-authoring w/ Mary Terrani) – 100k (60k done)
- Masked Hearts – Create new cover and re-release this one last SCP book (Plan to work on this in July)
- Fall (Hidden Senses #1) ~30k
Definitely still a big struggle this year. By making a list of all my books really has helped me find some more focus. Now if, like I said, real life would stop kicking me in the teeth I might get more accomplished. I have two more Tribe books scheduled for release in the coming months. I have more planned, and I have plans to release the re-vamped Dominion Falls series as well as getting some new books in that series on the way, and another series planned, not to mention the Lake Point series.
Many plans, but still struggling to find the time to get it all done. But I will. One way or another.
by Sarah | Jun 17, 2016 | All About Me, All of Us, I'm A Reader, Personal, Random, Redefining Perfect
It’s been a rough year, so I take every moment of joy and kindness with a little extra heart these days.
A few weeks ago an innocent conversation at work turned into one of my favorite stories ever.
An older gentleman came to my window to transact his bank business. We made the common small talk, but then he took notice of my necklace. It’s nothing elaborate, just a moon-wrapped pentacle pendant–that I wear simultaneously with a Mickey Mouse pendant.
He paused in our conversation and said, “Your necklace reminds me of a book series I just read. It was very good, I enjoyed it a lot. Now what was it?”
As he pondered, I finished his transaction.
Then he had his epiphany. “Oh, yes! The Hunger Games! Have you read it? It’s really good.”
Call me sexist and ageist, but I was surprised when he announced he’d just read a YA series…but I brushed off my non-PC moment and smiled. I nodded and replied. “Oh yes, I have heard of it, many of my friends have read it, but I haven’t read them myself yet.”
“Oh, you should! I tell you what–I’ll bring in my copies, and you read them.” At my initial protest he held up his hand. “No, really. The only thing I ask is that once you’ve read them, you pass them on to someone else to read. Books are meant to be shared.”
He left and I thought little about it again…until I got to work the next week, and the whole series was awaiting me in my station.
So now, I’ve moved these to the top of my list…because such a gesture must be met with enthusiasm.
And thus, I am now (finally?) reading The Hunger Games.
by Sarah | Jun 13, 2016 | 45 before 45, All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Bucket List, Random, Redefining Perfect
I turn 40 in about a month.
I’ve been blessed in the past couple of years to be able to unintentionally fulfill a few items on my 45 X 45 list, and have my sites on a few more in the next couple of years.
However, this past fall-into-winter, I stumbled into a role in the local community theater.
One of my customers at the bank was the producer and urged me to audition.
It was A Charlie Brown Christmas, so of course I did.
Say hello to Violet Grey.
Also in the cast was Shermy (my hubby, Erik), and a couple of Woodstocks (Kennedy & Molly)…and backstage you could find Denver helping out.
For two months we rehearsed.
Roller skated!!!
I had forgotten how much I loved doing theater.
Plenty of excuses not to.
This turned into a family affair and was the perfect way to dip my toe back into the theater pool.
More auditions are planned (this month! Eek!).
Though my available time has waned in recent months, that theater bug has re-seated itself into my blood.
This was about more than knocking another item off of my bucket list.
It was like coming home.
I won’t go all crazy 4-shows-a-year-so-I’m-never-home again.
But I won’t go too far away from home again.
This time, though, it’ll be just me.