by Sarah | Jun 10, 2016 | All About Denver, All of Us, Redefining Perfect, The Teenager
It’s done.

The caps have been tossed. The gowns returned.

Twelve years of school.
A diploma in hand.

He has gone from “the boy” to “the tween” to “the teen” to the “oh god, aren’t we done yet?”…and back to “the teen”…and now we move on to “The Adult.”
He has big plans.
He hopes to be in Florida by October.
Working for Disney by 2017.
Growing up and moving on.
But he will always have a place right here.
In the heart of our family.

And he will always be my little boy.
(I am tempted, but will not show the baby picture of him in this post…soon, I’m sure. Very soon).
by Sarah | Jun 10, 2016 | Giveaway, Writing
I’ve been on a giveaway-entering spree lately. They pop up in author newsletters all over the place. So I thought I’d share the love and give you all some links to enter these yourself. They cover the gamut from books to Kindle’s to an Amazon Echo! So pop on in and enter a few.
- Kindle Paperwhite – via Author Andrea Pearson – ends June 19
- Kindle Fire – via Helen Smith Books – ends June 22
- $100 Amazon Gift Card or Kindle Fire – via Free Kindle Giveaway – ends June 26
- Grand Prize of $2000 Amazon Gift Card (& various other prizes) – via Becca Hamilton Books – ends June 30
- 100 Paranormal Romance books – via Becca Hamilton Books – ends July 6
- 2 Years Free Kindle Unlimited – via Becca Hamilton Books – ends July 13
- $1000 Amazon Gift Card & 14 books – via Becca Hamilton Books – ends July 31
That’s what I have for now. I’ll keep try to keep up with this regularly.
by Sarah | May 25, 2016 | Books, Challenge, General, Goals, Writing
How is it that it’s already May? My last update was in February…and then March was the month of sheer, utter hell around these parts. The bad sh*t kept happening. So there was little-no writing of any kind. By April I was working two jobs, and working too many hours at them…
Around Mid-April I started to get my ducks in a row finally. Then this week I set about really putting my big girl panties on and getting back down to business.
Through all of the chaos of my home life…I still managed to accomplish some good things like an ebook/print release in March (one sure shining spot), a few book tours that got me a bunch of lovely reviews, and another release coming up in about two weeks. Plus, this week I’ve actually gotten some words on the page again!
So, let’s see where I am in the goals I’d set. I hardly remember what I said, so this is going to be a journey to get through these for me. 🙂
First, my overall goals for the year…
- I’ve challenged myself to write 600,000 words in 2016. (at 212,324 as of 5/24/16. Running behind, but catching up.)
- I will build my audience and work harder at promotion. (This is going GREAT. Been talking with my publicist guru and she’s gotten me many new reviews, and given me great ideas on how to build. My sales are slowly starting to be impacting by the efforts.)
- I will regain my focus. (Struggling here. I lost my mojo–and the practices I’d put in place to keep on track. I’m re-establishing several of them now and trying to get back into the game.)
- I will face my demon/salvation – the one story I’m afraid of. (Nope, not even a little bit yet)
- I will decide by July if I will return to Lake Point in 2017. (Still not a clue)
- I will prep all the things for print. ALL. The. Things. (Tribe is done, I have The Wolf all set, and it’s onto the next. This is going on! I have a LOT of books to get through yet, but I have my print-formatting basis down. Loving it.)
And next is my list of projects. The list seems small without all the Lake Point books of the past on it, but I’m sure it will change and grow over the year. The books in ORANGE are current works-in-progress. The books in BLUE are new to the game.
- Into a Mirror Darkly (Morgana Chronicles 1) – 100k (~10k done)
- Switchback (Dominion Falls 6) – 100k
- Dead Man’s Switch (Dominion Falls 7) – 100k
- Red Zone (Dominion Falls 5.5) – 40k (~18k done)
- The Raven (The Tribe #4) – 85k (DONE 5/15/16)
- The Child (The Tribe #5) – 85k
- Auld Lang Syne (Lake Point 12.5 ~ Revisiting Old Stories)
- Untitled Project (Hand Delivered Book 1) ~ 40k
- Escaping Humanity (Co-authoring w/ Mary Terrani) – 100k (60k done)
- Masked Hearts – Create new cover and re-release this one last SCP book (Plan to work on this this week)
- Fall (Hidden Senses #1) ~30k
Clearly this year has been a struggle for me. I’m really determined to make sure the worst has passed. There will be days I don’t write, depending on editing, formatting, and the slew of other tasks I have to complete, but if I stay on target and write some every day, and keep my editing deadlines instead of pushing them back–I could see everything on my lists accomplished.
Now if only I could find those elusive EXTRA hours to add to my day. Any clue where to find those?
by Sarah | May 25, 2016 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
After an excellent start to the year I’ve really fallen off the wagon. I was reading a little before bed every night, and haven’t in about two months. Doing my best to get back on the wagon, but it’s been a struggle. I still have every intention of hitting my 50 book goal this year. It’s just a long way off.
What I’ve Read
Anna Dressed In Blood
— I had this book on my TBR list forever and a day. Then I happened to see on Instagram that my fabulous editor reviewed it with high marks. So it’s all her fault that I finally picked it up.
And I LOVE her for it.
When I first started to read I didn’t expect to like it. It was written in 1st person POV–from the guy’s perspective. I usually can’t connect to these sort of books, but I kept going and was so shocked to find that I really enjoyed the book.
All the MC’s were great, and likable. The mix of magic, horror, and teen drama worked shockingly well together. I’ll definitely be trusting my editors book reviews from now on. This was awesome.
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets
As always, I enjoyed this one. It’s not my “favorite” of the books, but it’s always great to read them again. Like book 1 it’s a pretty fast read. It’s by book 3 that things start to get in deep. Still, I enjoyed my little jaunt into the girls bathroom. 🙂
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
It always makes me so-so-so happy to read this one!! Definitely right up there in my favorites! Buckbeak, Sirius, the Marauder’s Map, the time turner…what’s not to like?
Marked (Servants of Fate #1)
I got this from netgalley forever and ever ago. It sat and sat. I’d start, then stop, then start again. I loved it, but I had about 20 gajillion books on my kindle and it kept getting lost in the crossfire.
And then, it happened.
I hit that point in the book where you!!! I was up until 2AM sucking down the tasty deliciousness of Sarah Fine’s story, and immediately opened book 2 before I passed out. It’s lovely, marvelous, sexy as hell, and I just love the lore.
This series is a definite must read. So much fun.
What I’m Reading Now
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
In my out loud reading with the little, we are at about 1/4 of the way through. Unfortunately, though we’d been off to a great start, things stalled with my laryngitis. Hopefully once I get my voice back we’ll get rolling again. This one is a LONG one, and I’ve always found it the most depressing (so. much. angst.) But, we’re working on it and we’ll get through. 🙂
Claimed (Servants of Fate #2)
Also snatched from netgalley (I forgot to go back for 3, but I’m paying for that one without question). Anyhow, I did open this soon as I finished book 1. I love this lore and I can’t wait to see what Sarah Fine does with Galena and Dec. Also, I’m hoping I get a few glimpses into how Cacy and Eli are doing.
Red Rising
A little worried to read this one. It’s a Goodreads first reads win and I have heard a TON about it…that usually ends up with me feeling “eh” about the book. I just started and it’s another from the male POV, AND first person. Anna Dressed in Blood was a success with me…I’m hoping this is the same. We’ll see what happens as I read. I’m only a chapter and a half in. Fingers crossed it doesn’t head south on me. 🙂
The Glass Magician (The Paper Magician Trilogy #2)
I actually borrowed this from Amazon forever and a day ago. I’m almost halfway through…but then I did the great Kindle switch of 2016 where I upgraded to a Paperwhite and this one got lost in the shuffle. Talking to a good friend who just started book 1 reminded me of it…and I instantly went and had it sent to my new kindle. It’s up front and waiting for me. I ADORE this series and can’t wait to get back to Ceony and Emery!!
My goal is to get these in print. The covers are simple and beautiful in their simplicity. I have way too many print books (is there such a thing?)…but I feel that these must be added (take note, my birthday is in July 😉 )
What I’m Reading Next
The Wicked Will Rise
Loved Dorothy Must Die. Super excited to continue on in this series. Now that I have the whole thing (including the short stories) in hand, and in print, I’m anxious to get back to them. Love the dark twist on the world of Oz and Dorothy, et al. Hopefully if I get back into a regular reading schedule I’ll be reading this soon!
Dark Matter
A netgalley book I scooped up for something out of my usual comfort zone. It’s still sci-fi/fantasy…and it looks pretty interesting. I didn’t think I’d be approved for it, but I’m glad I took the chance anyway. I’m looking forward to reading a book I know nothing about, and haven’t heard much about intentionally. Going in blind always leads to an interesting end (whether it be good or bad 😉 )
And that’s where I’m at for now. More books coming in the near-future I’m sure. Here’s hoping I get through them all quick. 😀

by Sarah | May 23, 2016 | Books, Tuesday Tales, Writing

Welcome back to Tuesday Tales! This weeks prompt is Purple.
So I’m back…and though I meant to return to my little fantasy series, this week I’m actually travelling back to Dominion Falls (sort of, the series at least). I’m in the midst of writing a little novella between stories. This one focuses on Leanne – the Virgin Madam, and Tommy – brother of the MC in the Dominion Falls series. They shared a flirtation in book 5, so this is part of their little story.
When they travel to another town to pick up some new talent for Leanne’s brothel they walk in on some soldiers dragging two children into town. The children are white, but were raised by Ute Indians. One man alone offers to take them in. Feeling uneasy, Leanne and Tommy head out to check on them. Leanne manages to get the girl to talk, and learns she still speaks English:
“Jacob.” The reverend spoke before she could, which was likely best or she might have regretted her words. “How are things with the children?”
“Fine. They’re getting some milk. Doing chores as they should.” He lifted his chin. “Ain’t had no trouble. Got them in real clothes and everything.”
Only the sharp squeeze to her hand from Tommy kept her mouth shut.
Tommy himself cleared his throat. “Don’t you think it might have been better to let them ease into things? They were awful scared yesterday.”
“No.” Jacob narrowed his eyes at Tommy. “They gotta learn the right way to do things. Hard work will get the Injun out of them.”
“May we see them?” Leanne kept her seething to herself well enough that Tommy didn’t even cast her a sideways look at her request.
“They ain’t yours.”
“They aren’t yours yet, either.” Tommy’s smile turned dark and threatening in a way she’d only seen a few men accomplish. “We just want to check on them. I have some doctoring knowledge and I want to see that they’re not carrying any illnesses or injuries from their past.”
Jacob didn’t seem to have an argument, so he just shrugged. “They’re this way.”
Leanne followed, eager to see the children for herself. In no time they’d crossed the small yard to the barn. As the door opened, the children scattered from beside the cow to hide, which did nothing for Leanne’s nerves.
She stepped around Jacob to enter the dimly lit space first. Keenly aware of the dark gaze at her back she approached the girl. A few feet away she knelt down. “Hello there. Remember me?”
The girl nodded once slow as molasses. Her brother crouched behind her, his gaze fixed on Jacob. Leanne noticed that the girl kept her hand fisted tight at her side.
Curious, Leanne held out her hand. “Would you come outside into the light? We’d like to see you again.”
After some hesitation, the girl turned to her brother. They spoke low and quiet in the language they’d used the day before. They approached her together, hand in hand. When they got close enough, Leanne rose and set a hand on the girls shoulder.
Relieved she didn’t pull away, Leanne guided the pair outside, being sure to put herself between them and Jacob as they passed. “There we are. Now let’s see you two.”
True to his word, Jacob had put the pair into white clothes. Ill-fitting and filthy ones, but definitely not what they’d been in. Both children were dirty, and the girl still kept her hand clutched close to herself.
Leanne glanced at Tommy. “Perhaps you men could get us some water. We’ll see what we can’t do to clean up these faces.”
Tommy took the hint with a quick nod. He all but pushed Jacob back toward the house.
Leanne waited until they were some distance off before she turned back to the pair. “You poor things. You’ve been through it the past few days, haven’t you? Now, what shall I call you? Do you have names?”
“Shivering Willow,” the girl whispered. “He is Jaybird.”
“You speak English.” Leanne smiled in delight. “Wonderful.”
“My parents spoke it. Let us speak both.” Shivering Willow lifted her chin.
“Your parents? Were they with the Ute taken to the reservation?” At the girl’s nod, Leanne sighed. “What are their names?”
Willow clammed up, shutting her mouth and shaking her head.
“All right. What about that? What do you have there?”
The girl’s gaze darted toward where the men had disappeared. When there was no sign of them she held out her hand and opened. On her palm sat a shiny purple bead.
Leanne remembered the necklace around the girls neck the day before. “Did that come from your necklace?”
“He ripped it off.” She nudged her chin toward the house. “I saved this.”
“I see.” Leanne frowned. “Is he mean?”
The girl closed her fist, and her mouth. In one quick motion she’d moved her brother behind her again. Pride and stubbornness took over her features.
“If he is, we can take you away somewhere.”
The girl gave her a look filled with doubt. “Home.”
“No, I can’t do that.” Leanne sighed. The voices of the men reached her ears. “Do me a favor. Find a place to hide that bead. Keep it safe. I’ll see what we can’t do to help you.”
The girl tucked her hand behind her with her brother, chin lifted in a show of strength Leanne wasn’t so sure she actually felt.
“I promise.”
“White promise means nothing.”
Hope you enjoyed it! Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!
