Anticipation – Disney, Universal, Make A Wish

The past four months have been chaotic and filled with a secretive sort of excitement.

Denver has us keeping a rather large secret from the girls.

0721151350We are returning to Disney this fall!

I have been scrambling for dining reservations, suitcases, and other necessities that I have to sneak into the house and hide from the girls.

Because they do NOT know.

Part of Denver’s wish at Make A Wish was to keep this whole thing a big, fat, humongous secret from his two little sisters.

So we are whispers, sneaking, and super secret planning and count-downing. Texting ideas instead of saying them out loud.

Oh, we’ve nearly been caught several times…but any time the girls hear Disney or we discuss anything in front of them, it’s “in 2021”.  (For the record, we are planning a trip in 2021 that will be larger in scale and involve good friends along for the ride)

2021 is a great cover story when we get caught.

But we are going back…and the teen and I are making a serious effort for real planning.

We have secured all the reservations we REALLY wanted (getting into the parks early! Yay!). We’ve scoured maps and discussed what was missed last year and will not be missed again. We’ve supplied ourselves with a bunch of pins for trading (and keeping!!).  We’ve watched and re-watched all the Disney shows to be had (thank you, Destination America) until our DVR broke.

In 20 days from now, a limo will arrive bright and early while the girls are still in bed. We will have everything packed and ready to go and we’ll burst into the girls room yelling that they’re late for school and rush them outside to the waiting limo!!

The excitement is palpable.

The countdown is a way to get us through the rough days.

And there have been a lot of them these days.

Thank goodness for the mouse.

One Year Ago

SAM_1072One year ago I’d never thought it possible.

One year go everything was different.

One year ago there was sullen silence.

Moody glares.

Angry yelling.

Intentional disobedience.


Ugliness everywhere.

We were mired deep in the land of the teenager.

A teenager with a girlfriend we didn’t like.

A teenager that seemed to be “perfect” for everyone else.

A teenager I no longer knew.

My first born.

My perfect baby.

Turned into someone I couldn’t relate to.

SAM_1077So much has changed in one year.

There is laughter.

There is communication.

The secretive, angry behavior is lessened.

Not everything is perfect.

But one year ago I never would have thought.

I would be sending my boy off to homecoming.

With a new girl.

A girl he told me about on his own (after hinting for a week).

We are working in a better relationship.

A better place.

A day I worried would never arrive.


When You Can’t Find The Words

MG_0758I have so many words.

So many thoughts.

So many hurts.

So many joys.

I am always the shiny happy.

I build walls.

It drives my husband nuts when I fight against breaking them down.

But they are built.

Because I cannot bear what is happening some days.

I am scared by my own inability to handle it.

Because it is happening.

Some days faster than others.

And it is happening again, although I am a distant witness of my own making.

Because I built walls.

And I am fine.

Most days.

Every day.

I handle things because it is what I do.

I support.

I live.

I cajole.

I laugh.

I rarely ever cry.

I am the best listener.

I am the peace maker.

The peace keeper.

The introvert.

The black sheep.

When the walls fall I fear I will break.

But some days.

Some days the bulldozer knocks them down.

And I am unexpectedly shattered.

And I weep.

And I pick myself up.

And I rebuild the walls.

Because I know nothing else.

But to go on.


Duff Beer & Moe’s Pub – Universal, Disney, and Make A Wish

SAM_0556When we first got married, Erik was pretty big into the Simpson’s. Me? Not so much.  At one point I bought him a season or two on DVD, but over time the Simpsons sort of faded off into the background. Erik will still enjoy an episode now and then, but it isn’t all-consuming.

When we spotted Bart & Homer at Universal it was tough to get anyone in the house to get a picture, but then Erik decided to go for it and his adoring little daddy’s girl went along for the ride (seriously, look at how she’s just staring at him…awwww).


SAM_0574Apparently all you had to say was “Duff Beer” and “Moe’s” to get the hubby fully on board.  When he saw the Duff Beer stand he went nuts…and then when the front of Moe’s pub was free, we had to get a picture. Erik HAD to go to Moe’s, and he HAD to get a beer.

Because that’s what you do if you’ve ever been a Simpson’s fan and end up in Springfield.

It’s just what you do.

You have to.

The Thrillseeker – Disney, Universal & Make A Wish

Visit our Facebook Page to EnterKennedy had never been to a theme park before.


No roller coasters. No thrill rides of any sort.

Day one at Universal – she rode ALL the roller coasters.

We started with Escape from Gringotts and from there…IT WAS ON.

Every possible thrill ride she could go on, she did. She got MAD when she wasn’t tall enough. She wanted to ride them ALL!

Flight of the Hippogriff? Check. Dr. Doom’s Fear Fall? CHECK!  If it spun, flipped, soared, fell, or raced, Kennedy was on it.

The thrills continued at Disney World.  First day, first ride – Space Mountain. Kennedy and I rode it twice. The Rockin’ Roller Coaster was another huge hit.

By the time we left Disney we’d bought Kennedy a shirt that declared her a “Thrillseeker” because holy cow was she ever!  This child LOVES being scared.

When it came to the Dragon Challenge at Universal – she was not tall enough. She was SO MAD. She actually forbade Erik & I from riding it (we did anyway, because DUH)…and has since insisted on regular measurements to see if she’s tall enough yet for the ride.  Even though she’s going to be 14 the next time she’s aware she’ll be going again, she wants to know the minute she’s tall enough for that ride (for the record, she broke the height requirement in August).

So watch out…our little thrillseeker is ready to take over the world and every single theme park ride you can throw her way…because she’s ready to take them all on.

I Can Drive! – Disney, Universal, and Make A Wish

For a few years now, Molly has insisted from her back-seated position that she can drive. There is no doubt, no quiver, no way to dispute her surety that she can drive. She’s ready to beat Denver to the punch (although he’s just finally signed up for Driver’s Ed, so she won’t).

So imagine her consummate joy when partway through Tomorrowland she discovered there were CARS she could DRIVE!!!

Oh my heavens, we absolutely HAD to go and do it.

010And go we did.

Molly wasn’t too far off. She can drive. Yes, there were rails to follow which surely helped her out some, but overall she was a pro.

She was so happy, so thrilled, to be driving.

When we got out on that road she would have been happy had it never ended.

And so would have I.

The joy on her face was incomparable.


And no one dares tell her she can’t drive anymore (well, except for that legal issues of age).