The Ride Not Taken – Universal, Disney, & Make A Wish

As if it wasn’t clear yet by my bevy of posts – we had an amazing time at Disney and Universal in Florida. I have only scratched the surface of the stories to tell, and best we’re going back in a couple of months to make some new stories.

However, for all the wonder and fun we had, there were a few hiccups in the road.

Our first few days, the three final days of October, were gorgeous. Beautiful weather. Low 70’s, sunny, low humidity. Just flat out amazing.

Then November 1st dawned.

hollywood-rip-ride-rockit-rollercoasterA high of 47 degrees and strong winds. I mean, strong.

So we put on our jeans and returned to Universal for our last day with one thing in mind…well, for Erik and I.

The one ride we’d missed on our first day. The Rip Ride Rockit Roller Coaster. Erik had been intimidated by it, but after a few days of roller coasters, he was ready to try the intimidating coaster.


Remember that detail about the weather?

Strong winds?

The ride was closed. Because of the high winds, and the intense height of the coaster, it wasn’t safe to run that day.

Of course we still had plenty of fun that day, but we were sorely disappointed that we’d missed this ride.

And yes, we’ve already said that the first ride we go on this year is the Rip Ride Rockit. We aren’t chancing another turn in the weather.

Boulangerie Pâtisserie – Disney, Universal, & Make A Wish

For two of the kids there was one park that was a hands-down favorite.


Molly absolutely loved the world showcase. Perhaps because there weren’t any rides she was too afraid to go on. She loved seeing the different countries and meeting the Princesses in their areas.

Denver loved the rides (and is mad, like me, that we totally missed a few), and the world showcase was top notch for him. He liked exploring and seeing all the different things to offer. His biggest regret is that we missed the one Disney Princess he would have agreed to get a picture with – Mulan.

BoulangerieBut, what we all loved, unanimously, best about Epcot is situated right in France.

Boulangerie Pâtisserie

It has been my favorite place since my first trip to Epcot, and remains so today. I cannot wait to go back, and plan on budgeting a bit more money for more sweets than last time. They were so good, and I could totally bring them back with me to the villa. 😉

We bought four whole desserts last time, and scarfed every single one of them down. The favorite was, of course, the macarons. Light, airy, and so packed with flavor in every bite. I think I ended up with the vanilla, while the kids got the blueberry, raspberry and chocolate.

I think the kids and I totally ignored lunch that day and just pigged out on desserts. Poor diabetic hubby didn’t get to share in the joy as much, and was disappointed that all of their sandwiches had sauces (he doesn’t like sauce on his sandwiches). But, he satisfied himself with other treats as we were there during the food and wine festival.

Anyway, we’re already prepping our menu for next time, and seeing as my parents will be with us, it’s going to be quite a to-do, I’m sure. I might even actually get a sandwich this time, there were so many that looked good…but really, the whole point in going there is for the desserts. I can snack all day in Epcot, but here I get serious and sit down and really dive into the sweets.

Becoming My Father

Growing up, I always knew I’d become my mom. It ran in the family, after all. She was turning into Grandma, and I favored her over my dad, so it stood to reason I’d turn into her.

I never expected to become my dad.

My family had a tendency toward vacations that were road trips. My dad has a bit of a nomadic side to him, so I think those road trips really helped ease that need to go, go, go.

My dad was also a control freak.

I remember half-teasing that he had a tendency to plan our vacations down to the minute.

Trips to Disney. To California. Hockey tournaments. Busch Gardens. The Henry Ford Museum.

Everything was thoroughly researched and plans made that we weren’t allowed to deviate from.

It was intense vacationing.

I swore I’d never do that.

And I haven’t…


0721151350When the word came down that Denver’s original wish was going to be a no-go, I knew what that meant.

A return to Disney World (his backup wish).

This time we’d have the experience of last year (and the handful of missteps we made, rides we missed, etc.) to guide us…

Which meant planning was going to happen.

Turns out the teen is as much my dad, if not more, than I am. We’ve gathered books (these are just two of the 6 we have), watched every single Disney special on TV we could find, and I got the free Disney vacation DVD. We’ve written down what we missed that we want to see, and things we saw we want to do again. Denver has even located a map w/ approximate walking times between attractions (seriously).

I’ve made meal reservations (we sort of flubbed this last time), and Denver’s plans are revolving around those times and the parks we’ve mutually agreed we want to visit each of our three days.

Since he’s been gone most of the summer we haven’t gotten down to nitty gritty, and I’m still insisting on complete flexibility (not minute-by-minute) in our planning because things happen, and my dad is ill, and my mom has a horrific back (they are going w/ did I mention that?)–so flexibility is key…but we are going in with some plans this year.

It’s oddly soothing.

Just don’t tell my dad I said that.

You Know You’re In Disney When – Disney, Universal, Make-A-Wish

I’ve been to Disney a few times in my life.

The first time I was 5, and really don’t remember much beyond what the pictures show.

The second I was 10. Then 18.

The last time I went I was in my twenties, about 23, I believe. On that last trip I only had a one day park hopper and never went to the Magic Kingdom (I know, sacrilege). I had my reasons, of course. I had to do Hollywood Studios because our free ticket came from a cast member in the Beauty & the Beast show–and we had to go see him. And we did chose to do Epcot for the second half of our day.

So when Erik & I were able to go with our kids, we made sure our first day in the Disney portion was at the Magic Kingdom. We got off to a late start after breakfast at the amazing Ginger Bread house at Give Kids the World.

After we crossed the lake and made it through the gates we knew without a doubt we were in Disney…

Because the first thing we happened upon was this:


Soon as I saw it, I turned to Erik and said “You know you’re in Disney when the first thing you see is dancing in the streets.” I’ve been to Disney quite a few times, but this is the most memorable, best entrance to the magical world you’re heading through for sure.

It doesn’t get any better, you think…but then it does…

Friday Feels – Stop Time, It’s Moving Too Fast

When I was growing up I wanted nothing more than to be older.

I wished away every year, wanting to be a little older so I could do one thing or another.

So I could stop being a baby.

Untitled design (1)Nowadays time is flying by way too fast. I blink and half a year is gone. I take a nap and it’s been almost a year since we went to Disney.

I take a deep breath and my baby boy is not just a teenager, but an Eagle Scout destined to graduate in just a heartbeat.

Because a heartbeat is all it’s going to take.

A heartbeat and the girls are teens.

A heartbeat more and they are grown.

I want to put a pin in so many moments.

Hold onto them tight and let them pass slower.

Meanwhile my girls are wishing their lives away as I once did.

“I can’t wait for school to start” – just days after the last day of school.

“I can’t wait until I can drive.”

“I wish I was seventeen.”

“I wish…”

“I wish…”

I wish it would stop.

For just a few minutes.

To let me breathe it in.

To make this one heartbeat last a few minutes longer.

Or a lifetime.



Waterlogged – Disney, Universal, & Make A Wish

For 90% of our visit to Orlando last year, we were blessed beyond belief weather-wise.  Despite Orlando’s proclivity for random rain showers, we weren’t rained on once. We took ponchos with us every day, and blessedly never had to use them.

We did, however, have to use our jeans and jackets–but that’s another story for another time.

Our first full day in Orlando was spent at Universal, most of it in the Islands of Adventure.  The weather was the most perfect we could have hoped for. Sunny, but not hot or too humid. We were comfortable in shorts and tee’s, hiking through the park didn’t overtax us.

Still, about two hours in, we spotted the first water ride. It was one of the white water rafts, where we knew we’d get…a little wet. Molly was opposed to getting wet, but we convinced her it wouldn’t be so bad…(are we bad to be such liars 😉 )

Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge Rat Barge was the winner for our first water ride.  They offered ponchos, but we scoffed saying ponchos were for chumps. I think my exact words were, “Who goes on a water ride and wears a poncho?”

For a good portion of the ride, our side of the boat escaped the worst of the impact of the water and we thought we were safe–but no one is safe on the barge. By the end we came off dripping.


Right down to the bone.

drying podsOf course, when you get off any water ride, Universal has these dryers in place. People dryers.

We stared at them, and down at our soaked clothes, and back at the dryers. We debated for a long time as people were using the set we were considering.

After much debate ad hemming and hawing, we decided to go ahead and use them. Two and three of us at a time, at $5 a pop, we hopped in. Dried off, mostly and went about our business.

Further down the line we came to the flume ride, Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls. This one had a HUGE drop that excited Kennedy to no end. Molly and Denver?  Not so much…they wanted to beg off the ride, so we let them. Erik and I thought “Well, we just dried off, but surely we can’t get as wet on this ride as we did on the barge.”

Oh were we wrong.

The ride is long, you keep thinking the big drop is coming, but it doesn’t. You get soaked along the way by spraying water, twists and turns, and evil people on the bridge spraying water guns at you. By the time you get to the drop, you know what’s coming. We were sitting near the front so we were way more soaked the some further back.

We got off lamenting the wasted $$ at the drying pods, and totally ignored the pods at the end of this ride and went about our day preferring to let the sun and light breeze dry us.

So needless to say by the time we made it to the Jurassic Park River Adventure we were still damp and figured we couldn’t lose. Once again, Molly and Denver said “Nope” to the flume ride and positioned themselves near the end of the ride to see us emerging.

Wouldn’t you know–when we got off that ride, we were drier than Denver and Molly?  Those two buffoons decided it was GREAT fun to stand in the splash zone at the end of the ride and get flat-out doused by every flume that came over the edge.

So, needless to say our first day at the parks was our wettest day (especially since we ended up missing on one particular ride at Disney, which is, as I said, another story for another day).

But it sure was fun.

Waterlogged in Florida isn’t such a bad thing, after all.