by Sarah | May 13, 2013 | All About Family, All of Us
Three generations of women.
A Mom now called Mimi.
A daughter now called Mom.
The tides change.
We grow.
Families change.
One day the tides will turn.
I will be the Mimi and they will be the Mom (as I hope for both of them).
But forever, this moment will resound with me.
The last time I became a mom.
The last time my mom joined me in a hospital room to welcome her newest grandchild.
The moment I became complete. Our family became complete.
Until they grow and it’s time for our family to grow again.
by Sarah | May 9, 2013 | All About Denver, All About Family, The Teenager
I think we all remember being grounded at least once in our lives.
Or many times.
I never minded – I’d be ordered to my room and have to stay there…
But I had my books. Nothing better than being made to sit in my room and read.
It might have been more punishment to make me go out an socialize.
Crippling social fear can do that to a person.
These days I’m the parent.
The one doing the grounding.
I’ve got it easier than my parents (only in this instance…in many ways my parents had it easier…).
Because I can send down the worst punishment of all with one keystroke.
Change the internet access password.
It’s the end of the earth as he knows it.
No online games.
No chatting with the girlfriend.
No netflix.
Punishment dealt.
I do love a good password protected router.
by Sarah | May 8, 2013 | All About Family, All About Indiana, All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Indy Geek Girls, Random, The Reluctant Hoosier
I make no secret of my geek status.
I wear it proudly.
What makes me even more proud is when my kids show their geek.
Begging for movies that only proud geeks would watch instead of yet another re-watching of an animated story.
So when I got wind of the Indiana State Museum’s Star Wars®: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit? I knew we had to go.
And thanks to this awesome job I have…I got to go to a special preview of the Millennium Falcon ride with the great group of local bloggers I’ve been privileged to be a part of.
It. Was. Awesome!!
The 4-D effect of the ride, sitting in he cockpit and feeling the ship jump into lightspeed and rock and bump, the shock of space objects crossing close by. was amazing.
On top of that, we had storm troopers and sand people to help take the experience to the next level.
In just a few weeks this incredible exhibit is going to open for real, and I cannot wait to take my kids! It’s just one of those rare activities that is great for both adults and kids. There are definitely not enough of those around, we tend to try to soak them all up.
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by Sarah | Apr 18, 2013 | A to Z Challenge, All About Family
Most everyone knows that April is Autism awareness month. You can’t go anywhere in social media without reading the articles, blog posts, and seeing the imagery. I wholeheartedly support the Autism support, as our Molly has a mild form.
But did you know that April is also Parkinson’s Awareness Month?
Don’t know what Parkinson’s is? Well, in pop culture reference, it’s the disease Michael J. Fox has.
Because I excel at layman’s terms, here is what Parkinson’s is…
It’s a progressive disease that involves the malfunction and death of vital nerves (neurons) in the brain. It affects the brains ability to produce dopamine…and dopamine is vital to controlling movement and coordination.
Primary signs of PD are:
- Tremors – in the hands, face, and legs
- Postural Instability – imbalance, lack of coordination
- Rigidity
- Slowness of movement (Bradykinesia)
Right now there is no cure. The treatments and medicine can be as difficult to bear as the disease.
My father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s eight years ago.
It went from being “that illness Michael J. Fox has” to a very real and prominent part of my world.
I hate the disease.
I hate how little we know about the brain.
I hate that they still aren’t 100% sure what causes it. If it’s genetic, or the cause is external.
I don’t like living in a world without answers.
Answers are my life-blood.
Not knowing sucks.
So please, take a moment and head over to the PDF website. Learn about Parkinson’s. If you can spare a few dollars, donate to support research and help them find the answers that are still so lacking.

The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!
by Sarah | Apr 10, 2013 | A to Z Challenge, All About Family, All About Home, All About Indiana, All About Me, Random, Story of Me, The Reluctant Hoosier
The path is familiar.
Second nature.
The first time I followed it, I was only 14.
Unable to drive.
Unable to process what it meant.
How I would change.
While the path stayed the same.
The first time it was the I-90 to 271, to 71, to 270, to 70…and off the highway in the middle of Indiana.
A far cry from home.
From the suburbs of Buffalo, the suburbs of Indianapolis – that felt to me more rural than suburban.
From attitudes and pride, to looking people in the eye and church.
A foreign land.
For three years we traversed the path between two worlds frequently.
We lingered in the past, and at the same time moved forward.
Our lives moved on, and a few years later, so did we.
We left behind Indiana and followed new paths…
Only to return again.
Not “home”…no, not New York.
“Home.” Indiana.
20 years later I could still drive the path blindfolded.
I know the way.
I can still find my way through my old home town, even though I learned to drive 500 miles away from it.
Instinct brings me back around.
But I don’t.
Now the roles are reversed.
This foreign land has become home.
The last time I drove that route was 2 years ago…and it was for a funeral.
Before that, almost 4 years had passed.
I missed much.
So much it’s now foreign.
There are days I miss that land.
Days I feel my heart call me home.
But life has moved on.
And so have I.
I will return again.
I will eat the familiar, delicious foods.
I will drive the pathways that no longer lead to the same places I remember, where strangers now live, or where the home itself has been changed.
Because a piece of me will always remember and belong.
Those interstate pathways carried me away.
Took me to places I never expected.
But they can never lead home again.
The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!
by Sarah | Apr 8, 2013 | A to Z Challenge, All About Family, All About Home, All About Kennedy, All About Molly, All of Us
In a house of girls, many favorites pass through these halls.
Stuffed animals galore go from favorite, to well worn, to out the door.
One of the oldest and still most cherished are two identical animals.
So old, the glitter that once adorned them is worn off.
The fuzzies are no longer fuzzy.
The ‘hair’. is matted and ripped off, and what’s left is knotted.
But in this house, these animals aren’t called unicorns.
Oh no.
It’s the unigoat.
*~*~*The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!