Memories, Carefully Wrapped

Each year it’s the same
From storage, boxes emerge
Marked with black sharpie

One by one we find
Carefully wrapped memories
Hanging by thin threads

Sometimes the year blurs
Sometimes it’s plain to be seen
Each time the heart tugs

Family gathered
Love, laughter, peace, understanding
Problems disappear

Memories held close
Pulled from storage once a year
Shimmering brightly

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope your plates are full, and your bellies fuller.  Enjoy every moment with family and friends!!

Remember the good times, before they’re forgotten.

Embrace your family, for too soon today will become the past, a memory to laugh over.  An old photograph that you’re trying to place. A forgotten memory surfacing amidst laughter and tears.

A letter, found in a hope chest. A photo album in the back of a closet. An old family movie dug out from long stored boxes.

Hold onto today. Savor each moment.

Be thankful for the now.

Before the now’s are gone.

I am blessed…

I posted this last year. As tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I thought it was appropriate to post again.


In the morning when you rise
I bless the sun, I bless the skies
I bless your lips, I bless your eyes
My blessing goes with you

In the nighttime when you sleep
Oh I bless you while a watch I keep
As you lie in slumber deep
My blessing goes with you

This is my prayer for you
There for you, ever true
Each, every day for you
In everything you do

And when you come to me
And hold me close to you
I bless you
And you bless me, too

When your weary heart is tired
If the world would leave you uninspired
When nothing more of love’s desired
My blessing goes with you

When the storms of life are strong
When you’re wounded, when you don’t belong
When you no longer hear my song
My blessing goes with you

This is my prayer for you
There for you, ever true
Each, every day for you
In everything you do

And when you come to me
And hold me close to you
I bless you
And you bless me, too

I bless you
And you bless me, too

~Celtic Woman – The Blessing

We had a cottage, and family, and…

To this day there are times when my Mom says, “I wish I had let you see more how much we struggled.”  Money-wise she says we struggled.  Money was tight, times were hard.

We never saw it.

Our summers were spent at the beach at my Nana’s cottage.  Swimming in Lake Erie, playing on our exceedingly large inner tube (I still miss bouncing on that thing).  We spent weekends there in the winter, too.  Walking across the thick ice, playing in feet of snow.

Our Christmas’s were always happy and our Christmas lists were filled.

Every holiday was filled with family.  Thanksgiving our house was overflowing. Piles of coats on my parents’ bed. The kitchen so full of people my mom would say ‘never again’ every year…and every year we’d do it again.  The long table filled with people, the kids table right next to it.  Christmas at my aunts house, so full the heater wasn’t needed for all the bodies and good cheer in there.

Dinner was always on the table. I didn’t always like it, but there it was.

I had dance, the bro had hockey.

Life was good.

I always look back on my childhood with a smile.

Were there troubles?  Sure. I remember them.  I remember bad times too…

But the good times outweighed the bad.


Written using MamaKat’s prompt #164 “What made your childhood bearable? Write about it.”  My childhood was more than bearable…so there you have it 😀

Weekly Winners – Life Lessons Week


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi.
For week 9/12-9/18/10

Water Falls

Fish Swim
(Above is Nemo#1)
(and Pingu)

Fish can be replaced
Nemo#1 was “sick” and so flushed “Back to the sea” and so we have Nemo#2:

Hair Curls

Determination Wins
(He got 17th place this time! Moving up!!)

Teamwork is Everything
(The Team Won the Meet!)

Relaxation takes many forms…

At the Park:

With Friends

I Can Be Beautiful
(A lesson in progress, a piece at a time – this is my first piece)


That’s it for this week.  Head on over to Lotus‘ digs to check out other, more worthy entrants!!

Weekly Winners – One Moment edition…


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi.
For week 9/06-9/11/10
Title of this weeks Weekly Winners in honor of the first three pictures.  They prove that one moment in time can be all it takes to capture beauty & perfection. And it doesn’t need editing. These first three pictures are also SOOC – only editing for size (and a minor crop on the second picture)

I See You

I Wonder Where She Goes –
And if she’ll ever be able to tell us

Classically Handsome
(Once again my nephew “Poochee”. He was just too handsome in this picture)

That’s it for the ‘one moment’ pictures…just two other winners this week. I had so many other pictures that I liked – but this week I’m just posting those that I LOVED for one reason or another…otherwise this page would get way too slow loading!

On the Line

Excitement in a Test Tube
(Post on these coming later this week)

That’s it for this week!  I was dangerously close to putting about 15-20 pictures up. So I forced myself to narrow it down. This is about ‘winners’ after all…I can’t be putting up every picture I have 😉

For more great photos, head on over to Lotus‘ place.  She is the brainchild of this activity, after all. You’ll find no shortage of brilliance on her site, or in her linky. (Wait, that sounded kinda dirty).