The Blessing

In the morning when you rise
I bless the sun, I bless the skies
I bless your lips, I bless your eyes
My blessing goes with you
In the nighttime when you sleep
Oh I bless you while a watch I keep
As you lie in slumber deep
My blessing goes with you
This is my prayer for you
There for you, ever true
Each, every day for you
In everything you do
And when you come to me
And hold me close to you
I bless you
And you bless me, too
When your weary heart is tired
If the world would leave you uninspired
When nothing more of love’s desired
My blessing goes with you
When the storms of life are strong
When you’re wounded, when you don’t belong
When you no longer hear my song
My blessing goes with you
This is my prayer for you
There for you, ever true
Each, every day for you
In everything you do
And when you come to me
And hold me close to you
I bless you
And you bless me, too

I bless you
And you bless me, too

~Celtic Woman – The Blessing

(Day one of NaBloPoMo and I’m already cheating…but really, the song called to me…I thought the words were beautiful…so I tied in some pictures of my wonderful family…what better way to start a month of posts?)

100 Days!!!

christmas_decorations_presents_265030_lDid you know that there are only 100 days left until Christmas?

Two days ago I got hit with the bug. Yup, already.  I’ve told Archie to make me  list of his co-workers and friends that he wants included on the list.  Because I’m making plans.

Last year I made well over 1000 cookies, that we pigged out on, I sent in a plate w/ hubs to work, I went to a cookie exchange and took a plate of ALL my cookies-not just my exchange cookies.  I took them to my parents – and we ate them ALL.

This year I’m all about the homemade gifts. I can’t go into too much detail because people read this blog that will get some of those gifts 😉  But I’m making my list, and I’m checking it a dozen times.

I have recipes lining up to make even MORE cookies than previous years, and candies.  I’ll make gift bags of the goodies for friends and family…and for family I’ll also have some non-edible gifts. 

The girls are getting homemade clothes, and I also have purchased clothes for both them and Brandon.  So far I’ve only spent about $40 total and have all of their clothes shopping done (this far in advance! NEVER happens!). 

I have gifts planned for all the youth (older, younger, and unborn)…and simple gifts for the extended family.  If all goes well no one will be without a gift – even if it’s a goodie bag of dessert 😀  I’ve also started giving hubby ideas of what I want *G* Now if he’d do the same (although he’s sort of predictable…I think I can guess)

I hope you’re making your plans…it seems so far – but it passes by so fast!  I hope to finish early…there are other holidays to plan for 😉 


Any blogging buddies that want a care package of my goodies better email me now so I can add you to my list!!

I thought he’d grow right through the ceiling…

I know what today is.  I know what it means to our country. I remember every detail of 2001 in vivid detail…but since before 2001, this date has been difficult for me, for my family…in 1996 my family’s core was lost, the heart of us…my grandfather…so my post on 9/11 is for him. Perhaps tomorrow I will put up my other 9/11 reminder. Oh, and at surface glance I hate this picture of me, but then I see the pure joy on my face dancing with my grandfather and aesthetics be damned, it’s my favorite picture.





 It was his birthday.  I was young and such a very short kid…and he was TALL.  I remember watching him put our coats in the closet and staring up, up, up at him and asking, “How tall are you?”  With his sparkling eyes and laugh he informed me that he was over 6′.  My eyes grew wide, and all I could say was, “But you’re so close to the ceiling!  If you have ANY more birthdays you’ll go right through!”

His chair sat by the front door and the minute he sat the race was on – who would get the privilige of sitting on his lap, carrying on as deep a conversation as a child was capable of. Who would get to play with his round pot belly, and listen to his laughter.

He worked for GM and he was proud of it, and so were we.

When I close my eyes I can still smell his pipe and see the pipe carousel on his dresser.  I can smell the cigarettes that he and grandma smoked.

I remember that after he retired he would watch soap operas during lunch.

And I remember the weddings – when my cousin and I would trade off and share him for the dance.  “Grampa” by the Judds.

I remember his smile.

I remember his belly.

I remember the strength that he always carried in his soul and body.

I remember the pain that shot through my heart at the word…”cancer”.  Once it was uttered it was less than a year.  10 months.

I remember the first time I saw him in the hospital-and how I had to run from the room because it made me physically ill to see my big strong grandfather lying in a bed weak and hooked up to tubes.

I remember his fight.

I remember when it was acknowledged in our hearts that the time to fight was over.

I remember how he held on – hours past when we thought we would lose him – because he would not let go until he’d gotten to hear the good-bye of all of his grandchildren, and my brother had been in surgery for his shattered wrist. Half an hour after the final phone call, he was gone.

I remember the sound of the tennis balls scattering across the hallway when my professor’s assistant walked up asking if she knew where I was…and all I could do was run to my car to get home as soon as I could.

From there it’s a blur…a long car ride from NC to NY.  The arrangements. The funeral home. The droves of people I didn’t know, but who all knew him, overflowing the room.

The pain has lessened, resorted to a memory. For the most part I remember the love, the good things, the joy.   But on this day every year the pain comes back to the forefront.

We love you still, and will always love you, Grampa.


When it’s family…

Time means nothing.

Time means everything.

Years go by.



And it’s like nothing…and everything has happened.

There is never enough time together…

And always too much apart.

But when apart, and then rejoined, familiar words, jokes, thoughts, feelings…the heart beat of home remains the same.

Nothing changes.

Everything changes.

Family is constant.


In the next day or two, expect my wonderful husband Archie to guest post.  I have asked him to contribute on how it is for him raising our special girls.  He has agreed to give it a shot!!

Weekly Winners – Family Photo Shoot

Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

I really didn’t get out my camera much this week. I’ve spent the second half of the week playing with my sewing machine instead of my camera. So, I decided to bring out some of the pictures that I didn’t get to in last week’s showoff of our photo shoot. These were all taken on the White River – where it becomes more of a creek when it’s not raining and runs through our local park. When I was taking the kids around town, we stopped in the park and seeing some other people playing in the river I impulsively took the kids down. The last few pictures were after we were done and I was cleaning the sand off my feet, the girls were changed and running around.

[nggallery id=21]

Now go check out some others, over at Lotus‘ place while I stare longingly at the photography courses in my local colleges course catalog.

Top Ten Reasons I’m excited to stay home w/ my family this weekend…

For those of you living in a cave…this weekend is the big BlogHer party just a few hours away from me in Chicago.  I made the choice not to go back when tickets were available and I had the cash…and now that neither are available I’m sort of regretting that decision.  But, I’ve found plenty of ways to beat those blues…

1) This post itself.  It’s entered me for a chance to win a $1oo sponsorship from Cozi!  They’re sponsoring 15 moms (with the highest comments…so please make sure to say something!) who are missing the big weekend with $100!  This would help me afford the technology to improve my webmag, so I so need it!! 

2) It turns out I’m so not alone.  There are tons of parties going on across the blogosphere.  I’ve found 4 of them and added their links to my side bar!  Check them all out!  Some started last night, some tonight…join in the fun!! 
Non Blogher Party blognerd
3) I may have a chance to see some of my Indy girls that are home as well…if we can coordinate it!

4) It looks like the weather is finally looking up.  Maybe I can finally get the kids out of the house!!

5) My house cleaning is close to compete (only my kitchen and bathroom need major overhauls now)…so I can sit back and just do maintenance cleaning this weekend.

6) I can spend some time seeing just how easy it is to adapt my Cozi account to my Home Management Notebook.

7) I get to do some back-to-school shopping for my oldest.  It’s hard to believe that his school starts in 2.5 weeks! 

8) I may get some time to myself, too.  I have a gift card to JoAnn’s that I got for my birthday to spend…and it’s burning a hole in my pocket!

9) I’m hoping that our potty training journey is just about done.  I’ve been trying some advice I got – so I hope it works better than any other I’ve gotten.

10) It’s time to Dave Ramsey it…Total Money Makeover.  So I shouldn’t be out in a hotel spending too much money on food and drinks anyway…so it’s all for the better that this homebody is home!!!

I hope you’re weekend is great, and I hope to be back with picutres from our cookout last weekend (croquet! So long since I’ve played!!), and other assorted posts in between all the things I hope to do this weekend!!


For those coming here for the parties – let me introduce myself!
I’m Sarah, of Casa de Perfect. I’ve been blogging for almost two years now!

My hubby, Archie and I are the parents of 3 great kids.

Brandon (10) is neurotypical and in 5th grade.

Riley (3.5) is mildly autistic and has RSS. She’s in special needs preschool.

Angel (2.5) has CF, severe truncal hypotonia, dysphagia, tibial torsion, sensory disoroder, and anger issues.

Every day we redefine ourselves, our lives, and our definition of perfect. We hope we can redefine yours, too.

Here’s to living life beyond our labels…and to redefining perfect for everyone.