by Sarah | Dec 14, 2017 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Disney Mom, Make-A-Wish, Redefining Perfect, Universal, Universal Studios Mom
Our trips to Universal through Make-A-Wish were amazing. Hands down. The cast members, the rides, the amazing treatment we received. Universal WAS Kennedy’s wish. She wanted to see Harry Potter world. That was her ultimate goal.
We had the best time.
We also had a strange curse afflict us while there.
See, we had two days at Universal. That was more than enough time to ride every ride we wanted to ride. Even some we weren’t sure of.
Both years, we were able to ride every single ride, but one.
It was always one we really wanted to ride. Always.
On our first visit, we made it through most of the rides on our first day. We decided to save Big Mama…i.e. Rip Ride Rockit for our second day, on the theory of saving the best for last.
Our second day at Universal happened to be November 1st, and an odd thing happened that day. The weather decided that since it was November, it was going to show us how cold Florida was capable of getting. The temperature dropped into the 40’s (Thank goodness we had our jackets from home with us), and the wind picked up like you wouldn’t believe. The sun was shining bright though, so we set off on our newest adventure…
Here’s the thing…like I said, it was windy. Rip Ride Rockit starts with a super-tall straight-up climbing tower of track.
High winds.
Tall tower.
See where I’m going with this?
The ride was closed for the day. We hung our heads, made sad faces, but figured it was all right because Kennedy wasn’t tall enough to ride anyway. We didn’t know when we’d be back, but we figured once we did go back, K would be able to ride, too. (And she did, but that’s another story).
The second time we went was for Denver’s trip. He’s not a roller coaster person, but his Mimi (my mom), totally is…and by his request Mimi had come with us on the trip.
Because of the incident the year before, we made Rip Ride Rockit our top priority. We rode, it was short but glorious, and has a story to tell later.
As we made our way through the parks with my mom, I was excited to take her to the Hulk coaster because it had been so amazing the previous year.
After much of the day we finally get there to find what you see in the picture over there. The ride was closed, being torn down in Universal’s plan to make it even better. By all accounts, the new ride looks amazing, but it totally cut yet another coaster out of our trip.
I can’t say enough good things about Universal and their staff…
But whenever we do return (2019, maybe?)…I’m going to plan to fully expect at least one awesome ride to be down for whatever reason might occur.
Maybe if I plan, and expect such a thing I’ll be pleasantly surprised and the ride will be available. Yeah? Maybe?
by Sarah | Dec 7, 2017 | All About Family, All of Us, Disney, Redefining Perfect
I finally got to get my happy butt to the original Disney property this year. It was pretty cool to see finally, especially with the Disney craze that has been this house the past few years. It got even better when I had company, who happened to be an experienced Land-goer.
Honestly, Disney World is still tops for me, mostly because it’s my first Disney memories, where I’ve taken my kids…but Disneyland most definitely now holds a special place in my heart.
Disneyland: Walt walked these streets. He lived in the apartment above the fire station when he did. He mingled with guests. His light is still on, always on, to show that he’s there. Always there.
Disney World: Walt inspired the concept of the parks, he was in the minds of the designers, and remains so, as they expand and change. He never walked the streets, he unfortunately passed away before it was built.
Disneyland: California Adventure Park. Once a bit of an embarrassment, it is pretty awesome these days. (Let’s just not talk about what they did to the Tower of Terror, ‘kay?). Cars land was really neat to see, as immersive as Hogsmeade at Universal…so, so cool. I spent a bit of time in Cars Land. The pier with the fair themed games and rides really made me happy. I loved every ride I went on here, pretty much.
Disney World: Epcot. Animal Kingdom. Hollywood Studios. Three parks to one. It’s sort of tough to beat. I have always been a huge fan of Epcot, and Hollywood Studios. Not so much Animal Kingdom, but it hasn’t really managed to get a good, thorough visitation from me for many reasons. Although, Mt. Everest is way, way at the top of my favorite rides. We’ll talk about the construction downsides soon.
Disneyland Magic Kingdom: Cramped. Nostalgic, yes…but cramped. Dead ends everywhere. Weird rides bundled together in a loosely-tied theming…just to keep ‘up to date’. Really liked my guided tour with my buddy learning the facts and one word: Matterhorn. I don’t know, it just felt like a cramped mishmash. I did really enjoy going on several classic rides and the Matterhorn, though. Single Rider is a lifesaver there, though. Do it, even if you’re in a group. You’ll save a TON of time.
Disney World Magic Kingdom: More open, less confusing, and really, I just prefer it, even if they don’t have the Matterhorn. 😉 The lands make more sense with the theme tie-ins, and the rides feel like they haven’t been shoved in because there’s no room to grow.
Downtown Disney vs. Disney Springs: No comparison. Disney Springs (although at times seems too big) wins. The end.
Construction in the midst of magic: We all know Disney has to innovate. I was fortunate enough to not see too much construction in Disneyland (I didn’t approach the SW or GotG construction areas), but scuttlebutt going around is there is about to be some pretty hefty work going down in DCA in 2018. Disney World has been overrun with construction. Last time I went I didn’t even venture into Hollywood Studios but for about two hours to do Star Tours and have lunch because there was so much closed. In the coming years, Epcot will be seeing a ton as well. Although, that needs it…but still. It’s a lot. A lot, a lot.
Clearly, going as an adult has its downside. You’re an adult and you notice these things. My kids? Not so much.
Still, I love both parks in their own way. I can now say I’ve been to Disneyland, enjoyed myself, and it will hold a special place in my heart. I’m not in a huge rush to return, though. Disney World, on the other hand…I’m going later this month, and I just went in September…so, I think it’s still a winner, winner chicken dinner in my book.
by Sarah | Dec 2, 2017 | All About Family, All About Me, All of Us, Redefining Perfect
I have always hated change.
Changes, much like social situations, make me nervous.
Looking back, it seems weird to be so uncomfortable with change, considering how much I faced it in my youth. We moved many times in my life. When I was 8, 13 (halfway across country), at 20 I moved halfway across the country again for school, then had a baby and moved to another state again, and six months later we moved again, then two years later we moved again. (Hey, have I mentioned my dad is a nomad? Yeah…)
Somehow as an adult with three kids, a husband, a cat and a dog, I’ve turned into a hermit that fears change.
I’m kind of sick of it. I’m sick of accepting toxicity because my social anxiety keeps me hidden. I’m tired of accepting a job I hate and shoddy treatment because where else will I go? I’m sick of being afraid.
You might have seen me mention a few times around here (or if you’re new, here’s your intro), but 2016 SUCKED. HARD. It was an awful year full of bad things, bad vibes, and a drop (for me) into depression I couldn’t shake for the first time in my life.
By accepting where I was, and making active moves toward changes, 2017 has turned into the year I begin reaching for change.
And I don’t just mean my bucket list (which we will visit soon enough)…I mean change.
I quit my job. Without a backup. It’s led to some hard financial times…but now has blossomed into better things. First, I am not completely miserable. Second, I am starting a new job on Monday that is WAY outside of my banking comfort zone. I was sick of banking, sick of my lazy boss that blamed me for his ignorance. I’m going into a completely new field (on Monday!), and to be honest, it’s a lot-bit scary…but in the best way. I’m going to be learning things I’ve never thought I would, doing things I never thought I would. It’s going to be an intense, high-pressure job, and it’s only going to be 2-3 days/week.
I’m finding [easyazon_link identifier=”075731984X” locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Oola[/easyazon_link]. Oola, in case you didn’t know, is a method of finding balance in the key 7 areas of your life to create the sense of happiness…the “oolala” sort of life. I got a copy of it free via netgalley (the Oola for Women book)…and have since bought a print copy for myself, and a print copy of the original [easyazon_link identifier=”0757319971″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Oola[/easyazon_link] book for my hubby. We are examining our wheels, and making plans for changes. Big changes.
I brought my youngest home to “homeschool” (online school). That was a huge step for me, because I treasure my alone time during the day. We’re several months in and we’re still adjusting. Some days she insists she wants to go back to brick and mortar. Some days I want nothing more than to ship her back to brick and mortar. Other days, it’s pretty darn awesome. We’re finding a groove, and making it. We’ll revisit where we’re at once summer comes, but we’re in it to win it right now.
Nowadays I’m looking forward to the changes coming. 2017 saw me taking charge to come out of my depression and face life again. If I were the type that chose words to represent a year, this year would be growth. 2018’s, I expect, will be change. I’ve got a lot of plans for writing, a lot of plans for changing the way our family lives, a lot of plans to head toward our biggest goal/change of all…our big move to Florida.
It’s a huge mind-set change to me, a big challenge…but I’m going for it. I’m going to welcome change, and embrace it like a new friend. It’s high time I remember how exciting it can be.
by Sarah | Sep 14, 2017 | All About Erik, All About Family, All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Disney, Disney Mom, Florida Dreaming, Redefining Perfect
Sun. Sand. Palm Trees. Oh, and those little places called Disney & Universal.
My son is down there now, and I have every intention of packing up to follow him as soon as is possible. (Unfortunately I’m no longer 19 and packing up to take off is a bit more complicated than it was for him).
Now, before you go saying, “it’s your vacations that make it so relaxing.”
It’s not about that.
It’s about a sensation. An instinct.
I’ve been there for other purposes. I’ve worked my ass off there for a week & never saw a single vacation destination. Never saw anything beyond the convention center.
I still felt it.
Recently Erik and I got to go down for his 50th birthday (for my 40th we took a trip around the state & visited a haunted spot. He got to drink around the world for 50 😉 ).
We got to spend some time with our son after not seeing him for six months.
Within minutes of seeing him, he was already annoying us with his antics, his puns, and snark. I loved every annoying minute. He planned surprises for hubby. He planned out our perfect spot for the fireworks shows. He showed us where he lived, where he worked, and in general spent a lot of time with us.
It was fabulous.
Erik and I got to lay out in the sun.
Go on a date.
Talk about moving.
Or not.
When, or how.
Enjoy the sun.
Enjoy the parks.
Discuss our next trip.
Next time we go back will be at Christmas.
This trip will be about a lot more than Disney. Of course, we will go for a couple of days…but we’ll do more.
We’re going to take the girls to see more of Florida.
Take Erik to see more of Florida.
Because there’s more to life than the theme parks (though they are awesome).
And if I ever hope to move there, I want to see it all.
by Sarah | Sep 8, 2017 | All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, All of Us, Redefining Perfect
Each of our kids is unique. They always have been.
Denver was the “on point” kid every time. Every milestone, every clothing size, every single step was right on target. Right on projected ideals. He was always calm, always smart (though unwilling to put in the effort…got bored with school). He had dreams, and often got a single-minded view of them until he achieved them…i.e. He’s in Florida, working at Disney now.
Molly is unique in her own way. She was delayed in many aspects, speech, occupational, physical…but we knew she was brilliant in there. We could tell at two, with the way she could take the pieces from 10 different board puzzles laid out on the floor and put them away in 2 minutes flat. She would literally read the words in books at the age of three…silent, but sure. She’s grown up to continue the trend of intelligence, doing even better now that she’s had appropriate therapies for her SPD issues. Loves school and craves the structure of her every day.
Kennedy…she has always been a free spirit. Her imagination, though sometimes morbid, is brilliant and vivid. She sees life in such brilliant color, she is so sensitive, and caring, and crazy-talented in art. She loves to read, draw, color, and watch movies…but struggles in math. School, especially the cruel world of middle school, is rough on her sensitive heart. She hates sitting in a seat ALL Day long.
When the school year started this year, Molly went back with eager abandon. Kennedy trudged there begrudgingly.
Then, a few weeks ago Erik came to me with a thought. He said, “I’ve been thinking that maybe Kennedy would do better home schooled.”
Honestly, I sat and stared at him in shock. I had approached the idea of home schooling when the girls were younger, and Denver was entering middle school. He’d bald-faced refused with such vehemence that I have never broached the subject again.
Even more – several times over the summer I’d looked into one of the online public schools thinking it would be good for Kennedy. As one of her old friends had been withdrawn from school to attend one a couple of years ago, I’d been more and more curious. Her friend was doing so well under the different way of learning, and the conversations I’d had with his mom had made me intrigued.
Still, knowing Erik’s aversion I’d always closed the tab in my browser saying, “Erik will never go for it.”
Yet, here he was approaching me with the idea.
The past month we have researched, gone over the possibility with Kennedy herself. Kennedy was fully on board. Erik still had some reservations.
We asked Molly if she would feel bad if her sister did school at home and she didn’t, to which she said, “Don’t you DARE take ME out of school! I don’t want to leave!” After we reassured her this was for Kennedy, and that she’d remain in regular school, she was good with it.
We did some more research. Talked to my friend about her experience. Talked to the online school. Talked to each other at length. The fact that it is still a state-certified public school, with local teachers is a huge bonus. She’ll have some work each day to do at the computer. She’ll be able to get credit for doing activities outside of the virtual classroom. Her hours of PE are up to us & her how they are done. Different home activities will count. She’ll be able to take sign language for her foreign language. She’ll be able to do a full year of art without “special accomodations”. There are many clubs to join that are up her alley, and there is a local group of students that meet regularly for socializing and learning activities.
It’s a much more creative way to learn. It’s a much more Kennedy way to learn.
And the decision was made.
Monday we start this new adventure. It was unexpected, but is exciting.
So, off we goooooo!!!!!
by Sarah | Aug 16, 2017 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Disney, Make-A-Wish, Redefining Perfect
There’s a weird thing that happens once my plane touches down in Florida.
Technology becomes unnecessary.
I’ll be the first to admit that when I’m at home, it’s everywhere, in everything. I work on my computer, I play on my computer (and phone). When I’m away from it too long, I get a little twitchy (although I’ve found this to be less and less of the case since in the past couple of years).
I’ll admit, on our first trip in 2014 while I didn’t have my phone out at all…the first couple of days I had out our camera taking pictures of EVERYTHING. No joke, I’m still editing photos 3 years later.
Then, rather quickly, I stopped snapping photos every two seconds.
I realized I was seeing our vacation through the screen of a camera. I wasn’t living it to my fullest extent. I was having fun…but I wasn’t IN it.
So I put the camera (mostly down). I pulled it out for big moments. I pulled it out for some cool shots…but I let the Disney photogs do their duty and dove headlong into it.
I never regretted a moment.
I never missed my phone.
Disney has a lot of magic.
For me, a huge bit of magic pulled me away from screens and showed me how much I don’t miss them if I’m living.
I’m looking forward to our next trip in a couple of weeks.
I’ll be putting away the phone and soaking in the fun!