It’s stuck like glue…

glueLast month I cleaned.  I started in my bedroom and into my living room.  I decluttered out about 15 bags of trash and goodwill items.  Out of just the two rooms. 

If you know me at all – you know I’m not a cleaner.  I hate cleaning.  Daily cleaning has never been a thing I do.  I’ve never minded clutter – a point that has bothered my husband for seven years.

Since the declutter I’ve made the bed every single day.  I’ve dne dishes (almost) every single day.  I’m always cleaning my kitchen counters, using the swiffer on a patch of dust.

The cleaning bug came to visit and is stuck like glue.  I’m trying to find a good opening to get the major declutter done on the kitchen – though what it really needs is a remodel – for now I’ll settle for the major declutter.  The kitchen, bathroom and Brandon’s room still need it…but having two rooms that are primarily clean and remaining so has been great…I’m just not sure what’s come over me *G*

Top Ten Reasons I’m excited to stay home w/ my family this weekend…

For those of you living in a cave…this weekend is the big BlogHer party just a few hours away from me in Chicago.  I made the choice not to go back when tickets were available and I had the cash…and now that neither are available I’m sort of regretting that decision.  But, I’ve found plenty of ways to beat those blues…

1) This post itself.  It’s entered me for a chance to win a $1oo sponsorship from Cozi!  They’re sponsoring 15 moms (with the highest comments…so please make sure to say something!) who are missing the big weekend with $100!  This would help me afford the technology to improve my webmag, so I so need it!! 

2) It turns out I’m so not alone.  There are tons of parties going on across the blogosphere.  I’ve found 4 of them and added their links to my side bar!  Check them all out!  Some started last night, some tonight…join in the fun!! 
Non Blogher Party blognerd
3) I may have a chance to see some of my Indy girls that are home as well…if we can coordinate it!

4) It looks like the weather is finally looking up.  Maybe I can finally get the kids out of the house!!

5) My house cleaning is close to compete (only my kitchen and bathroom need major overhauls now)…so I can sit back and just do maintenance cleaning this weekend.

6) I can spend some time seeing just how easy it is to adapt my Cozi account to my Home Management Notebook.

7) I get to do some back-to-school shopping for my oldest.  It’s hard to believe that his school starts in 2.5 weeks! 

8) I may get some time to myself, too.  I have a gift card to JoAnn’s that I got for my birthday to spend…and it’s burning a hole in my pocket!

9) I’m hoping that our potty training journey is just about done.  I’ve been trying some advice I got – so I hope it works better than any other I’ve gotten.

10) It’s time to Dave Ramsey it…Total Money Makeover.  So I shouldn’t be out in a hotel spending too much money on food and drinks anyway…so it’s all for the better that this homebody is home!!!

I hope you’re weekend is great, and I hope to be back with picutres from our cookout last weekend (croquet! So long since I’ve played!!), and other assorted posts in between all the things I hope to do this weekend!!


For those coming here for the parties – let me introduce myself!
I’m Sarah, of Casa de Perfect. I’ve been blogging for almost two years now!

My hubby, Archie and I are the parents of 3 great kids.

Brandon (10) is neurotypical and in 5th grade.

Riley (3.5) is mildly autistic and has RSS. She’s in special needs preschool.

Angel (2.5) has CF, severe truncal hypotonia, dysphagia, tibial torsion, sensory disoroder, and anger issues.

Every day we redefine ourselves, our lives, and our definition of perfect. We hope we can redefine yours, too.

Here’s to living life beyond our labels…and to redefining perfect for everyone.

Packrat be gone…

0411**This is not my actual house, just one similar to it I found online. Ours is like this, small, one floor, no landscaping, tree in the front yard…but our is more rectangle than square ;)**

When we moved into this house 7 years ago it was as a ‘starter’ house.  It was perfect for our ‘small’ family of three.  3 bedrooms, the largest of which was 13X12, the smallest 9X9. The kitchen and living room were a good size and there were two bathrooms (unique for this neighborhood).

Since them our ‘starter’ house has become our permanent home.  We’ve made mistakes financially, which we are now trying to correct, but the end result is we are here and likely not going anywhere for a long time. 

In a way, that’s okay with us.  The neighborhood is amazing.  Our neighbors are wonderful.  The street has no outlet-which means no through traffic, only 95% residential traffic-so the kids (and there are a LOT of them) can run and play up and down the street with only minimal chance of danger.  Brandon can go out and play and I know that if he’s up to no good where I can’t see him a neighbor will call and let me know.  We all watch out for each other-and I couldn’t ask for a better place to live.

But the house is SMALL.  When we first moved in we took the biggest room, put Brandon in the next biggest and turned the tiny box into an office. For the two of us packrats, the office became the catchall and by the time I became pregnant with Riley it was packed full of junk.  We cleaned it out and somehow turned it into a nursery, putting much of the junk in the garage. When Angel came along we made another switch, putting the two girls in the big room and squeezing poor Brandon into the 9X9 room.

Guess what, the packrats that are us still needed a catchall.  It became our bedroom.  Every other room would be ‘clean’ (but filled with clutter), and our room would be the pit.  It was the last room I would touch, and was so packed that I was overwhelmed.   We needed Clean House in the worst way.  But in the absence of ‘reality’ television…I finally had to bite the bullet and DO something.

This week I’ve started.  Our house is way too small for 5 people and the amount of clutter we had.  I don’t have the money for clever storage plans (oh, but I wish I do) so I have to cleanout completely.

I started in our bedroom.  From top to bottom I cleaned I rearranged and the room is now the cleanest in the house for a change.  It needs a coat of paint and some nice curtains, a new bedspread (Indy Girls, I’ll take offers 😉 )… but it’s CLEAN. 

Since then I’ve moved onto the living room – clutter central in a way I never realized…I’ve been finding clutter everywhere. 

But clutter is slowly taking it’s exit of my house.  I’ve thrown away probably 20 trash bags in the past week, and that’s just in two rooms.  I’m sure some of the items we could have done in a garage sale, but I’m just getting rid of everything. If I hold it for a garage sale, I’ll never have the sale.  I’m being realistic and aware of my own lethargy/procrastination on some matters.

Over the weekend I’ll finish the living room and move onto the kitchen next week (be afraid. Be VERY afraid).  I would love for the boys (my husband and neighbor) to just cut out the wall separating the living room from the kitchen while I’m working on this (we have talked about doing this, just not actually done it)…but for now I’ll just be happy to clean.  I hope to get paint and paint the rooms that need it (living room needs fresh coat; hallway, bedroom, and kitchen desperately need paint)…once everything is clean.  The last two rooms I’ll do is the boys room (I got started, didn’t finish) and the bathroom (hubs asked me to wait until he and Moe finish up the remodel…hopefully that will happen SOON).  The girls room is the closest to already clean that there is…as I regularly clean it out when they outgrow clothes. 

So now that this is being done I’m trying to shed my packrat ways…and the spending habits that came with her.  It won’t be easy – but I’m going to try!!

Weekly Winners – Christmas Edition

Enter to win $75 Gift Card to Ridemakerz!!


For the week of 12/21-12/27/08
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

I’m going to be a wee bit egotistical and ask you to pay attention to the girls’ skirts (& pettiskirts) – they were handmade by me and delivered by Santa!

Getting ‘into’ the spirit


Box of Wonders

Puddle of Skirt

Little Drummer Boy
(This is my nephew – unnamed and unseen w/o permission)1228drummer

Action Shot

Opening Carefully


Back to our regularly scheduled programming…

Don’t forget!!
Enter to win a $75 Gift Card to Ridemakerz!!


And the chaos of the holidays is over.   It’s time to step back from the stress of cookie baking, present making (and wrapping, ugh), AND two weeks straight of sick children!! 

I’m beginning to look to the new year.  Not New Years (I hate that accursed ‘holiday’ almost as much as Valentine’s Day)…but the New Year.  It’s becoming 2009.  My girls will both be in school full time starting in April (well, until summer).  My boy is turning 11 in 3 weeks.  My girls will be 3 & 4 instead of 2 & 3. 

I’m also looking at myself.  I have changes I need to make.  Two pregnancies followed by a hysterectomy and becoming a SAHM has wreaked havoc on my body.  I now weigh MORE than I did when I was 9 months pregnant with either of my girls.  I don’t like what I see in the shower.  I don’t like habits I’ve obtained.

So for the new year I have not necessarily resolutions (blech), but goals.  Over the next week I’ll be posting each goal in its own post as I work them out in my head.  So that I have a record of them, and something to look back on, and something to note with progress (or failure). 

What about you?  Are you already looking toward the new year?  Or are you already sick of it??

Will we miss Christmas?

Win a $75 Gift Card to Ridemakerz at Two Brooms Up!!!


As the holiday approaches, my concern grows.  Will we manage to see a happy and joyous Christmas with my family? 

Riley has healed, though she is once again PAINFULLY thin (she’s lost 2 pounds in the past 2 months – pounds she didn’t have to spare in the first place).  She is joyous and rambunctious and pestering the HECK out of Mommy.

Angel is not yet out of the woods.  Despite a brief respite on Saturday at Archie’s family Christmas thing…Angel has still spent much time like this:


Today, after a week of being sick w/ no fever…she spiked a fever up to at least 101.3 by ear (I do not trust our thermometer), and she had a rash.  The rash started on Saturday on her face, appearing in such a way we didn’t realize what it was.  Today it covered her upper arms and both cheeks.  After nap her cheek looked bruised and swollen from it.

Now is when I start to worry.  When panic creeps into my consciousness.  When at the edges of my awareness is that occassional cough and the definite change in attitude.

Because as much as I love her, Angel is NOT the type to just lie still in your arms for hours on end…which she has spent the past 4 days (at least) doing with either Archie or myself.  That’s what worries me most of all.

When will I get my baby back?  Will she be here for Christmas?  Or are we destined for this to get worse still?