It’s a crazy, crazy life…

Don’t ask why I haven’t blogged since Sunday (actually, technically late Saturday night).  Because I can’t honestly say…well, I can…and you didn’t ask, but I’m going to tell you anyway 🙂

I spent the weekend baking approximate 750 cookies and candies.  I got all but about 80 of them frosted by Tuesday.  I love baking cookies for Christmas…so this wasn’t a problem to me…but it took a LOT of time. 

I’ve also been sewing.  I finished a skirt for Riley, and am about 3/4 done with the pettiskirt for underneath it (I scored a great deal on some organza to use for the pettiskirts).  I have the fabric cut for a skirt for Angel, and have some amazing organza (also at a great deal) for her pettiskirt as well.  So I’ve been sewing my arse off as well – because pettiskirts are awesome, but they take a TON of time and effort. 

In between I’ve done some cleaning (although not enough…but I been busy), some laundry and occasionally cooking. 

I have also for some strange reason, decided that after 3 months of non-activity I needed to get involved in playgroup again.  And have attended two playgroup events this week so far (One I actually hosted), and I’m supposed to go to one tomorrow (though I might cancel that).

We’ve met with the psych this week, and had Angel’s annual appt for Early Intervention (including her transitional meeting). 

The only thing I haven’t done yet is decorating for Christmas/Yule…and it’s killing me.  This weekend I’m determined to get our tree up…Probably Sunday…because on Saturday I’m going to see Lion King with my Dad…and he’s taking me to eat at the Rathskeller – his treat since I bought the tickets. 

I still have to make more felt foods for the girls for Christmas (on top of their skirts), buy shirts to match their skirts, get Brandon’s Christmas presents wrapped up…and then I’ll be able to breathe…

Unless hubby’s coworkers want me to make the cookies that I haven’t made this year.  I made them last year and they were a huge hit…and when Archie took the cookie tray into work today everyone wondered where they were.  I may have to make another type of cookis 😉

Lessons from Cookie Land

Life lessons from Cookie Land Central – i.e. my house for the next 3 days.

1.  DO take out your butter and eggs several hours before you begin.  It allows for much easier mixing.

2.  DO NOT – I repeat – Do NOT crack your egg so hard that it splits completely in half, dropping half the shell into your running KitchenAid that promptly shatters it and mixes it into 1c of butter and 1c of shortening.

3. DO ignore directions and go with your instincts on cookie size.  Otherwise you end up with one GIANT cookie where 5 smaller ones were meant to exist.

4. DO NOT think that the fit of the bowl is “Good enough” to be a double boiler if it moves at all…the chocolate gets burnt and you get miserable.

5. DO make plans for a bigger kitchenm and then pretend you’re in it so the misery of no counter space seems far away while you’re trying to work under those conditions.

5. DO NOT forget to clean as you go…makes it much easier to get to the NEXT type of cookie.

6. DO make a complete list of ingredients needed and make SURE you have enough so that last minute supply replenishing isn’t required.

7.  DO NOT forget to enlist the 10 year old to frost cookies so that once they are baked you can put your feet up and let them have the misery of frosting 10 dozen cookies.

I’m sure many more lessons are left to be learned…but we’re still on day 1 of cookie time!!

Decisions, decisions…


Last year at Christmas I baked about 600+ cookies – about 5 different kinds.  I tried new recipes and not one of them flopped.  I discovered the best-ever sugar cookie recipe, and discovered a few others that were just to die for. 

This year I’ve found new recipes to try, and I just don’t know where to stop.

I have to make at least 5-6 dozen for a cookie swap party – of one kind of cookie.  That will stamp out one kind. 

But how do I choose what else to make?  I don’t want my house overrun with cookies when my husband is a diabetic.  I know he’ll take some into work to share with everyone.  That will take care of several dozen as well.  Plus I have to send some to our soldier.

The problem comes down to what kinds to make?  I have too many options before me.  Want to help me choose? Just select below. I’ll choose the top 4 to make with my standard cookies and giveaway cookies!!

Which cookies should I make?
Dark Chocolate Dipped Macaroons
Lemon Blackberry Dainties
Hazelnut Orange Fingers
Lace Cookies
Chocolate Bites (like brownies)
Chocolate Cookie Bark
Lemony Snickets
White Chocolate Cherry Shortbread

Unexpected Visitors

The past week I’ve been a little mopey.  We had no one coming to dinner.  On Thanksgiving…no family…no friends.  Our friend and neighbor was coming by…but not for dinner, just for leftovers.  My parents were being charitable by helping serve dinner for the needy at their church…but it meant they weren’t coming.

Then last night as I was setting up to make the pies, and run to Wal Mart to get out of Archie’s hair while he mopped pick up a few last minute items.  The phone rang.  It was my mom wanting to know our plans for the Holiday.  I told her we’d be eating about 1:30 but our day was otherwise wide open.

In surprise she mentioned that would be when they were done at the church, and they didn’t want to disturb our dinner.

I just blinked in surprise, and said “Your dinner will be done by 1:30?!”

She said that yes, the dinner ran 11-1. 

So…I invited them to dinner.  My mom actually hesitated because she didn’t want to “invite herself over.”  But they’re coming to dinner.  A day with just the five of us…has become a day of family! 

It makes me very happy…despite the last minute guests…I had plenty of food anyway (I always make too much – leftovers, you know).

So what can you do?

Yes, I’m on that subject again.  But while I’ve mentioned that we’re going to alter our Holiday this year, I haven’t really gone into what we’re going to do…and what you can do to do the same.

For our family charitable event, we’ve signed up for Adopt A US Soldier.  I can’t imagine anything more important than to send some of our troops caring support.  I’m hoping to send a care package, even if they may not get it by Christmas, they’ll get it soon after.  Even if you can only send a letter…isn’t it worth it to brighten the day of a man or woman that is fighting for our country?! Even if you don’t agree with the war, you can support our troops!

Did you know that the current economic climate isn’t just affecting you and me…but innocent pets?!  I received a letter today about a local shelter that is beyond capacity.  On Sunday they received 16 abandoned dogs ALONE!!  How can you help?  Well, if you can’t adopt a furry critter…consider taking one in as a foster pet.  Help ease the burdon on the shelters, possibly save an animal’s life!! 

Monetary donations are another idea.  Think of a type of charity you’d like to help out.  Cancer research, Sick Children and their Families, the Homeless, in the US (or your country) or Abroad.  Not sure of a specific charity you’d like to contribute to?  Do a search for an appropriate charity.  My biggest advice here is…even after finding a charity via a site like that, RESEARCH the charity thoroughly yourself.  Make sure your funds are going toward the cause more than someone’s pocketbook.  Some of the bigger charities line their pockets as much/more than their own mission (I won’t name names…but at least one of them the company I used to work for tried to force me to contribute to, I refused on ground of priniciple).  So research yoru charity, then donate.  Even just a few dollars can help!  I think we all know which charity I support most.

And of course…your time.  Find a local shelter, a soup kitchen, a church that does something for the holidays.  From project Angel Tree, to serving meals to the homeless or homebound, most churches perform some action.  Donate your time…it’s more valuable than anything.


I know…not your typical post from me…but I’ve been bitten by the bug.  And the letter about the animal shelter broke my heart.  I hope you find some way to make your holidays more joyous this year!!

(Sorry…I’ve been knee deep in graphics and coding since yesterday trying to create 4 new semi-matching layouts for me and BFF and our soon-to-be-open review site, my soon-to-be-re-opened writing blog, and finally a halfway decent layout for this site.  I’m a little cross-eyed and short on creativity for posting about now :D)

The Death of Santa

For the past ten years we have perpetuated the myth of the man.  We have struggled and scrimped and saved to continue the tale of a jolly elf.  We have gone without gifts to ensure that Brandon had lots of gifts from us and Santa.  Last year our budget for all three kids was $500…I won’t say how overbudget we went…but our tree was overflowing.  We had disasterous pictures with the man in red.  We had a blowout of Christmases like we’d never had before. 

For the past two years I’ve doubted that Brandon still believed…but the Christmases got bigger as if to reassure him that it was.  I’ve continued to push and perpetuate the myth. 

I spoke a few weeks ago about our plan to simplify Christmas this year.  That we decided that just because we COULD have a big Christmas didn’t mean that we should.  I was nervous about confronting this fact with Brandon.  How would he react, and what would he say? 

Over the weekend at our family dinner we discussed the matter.  Brandon took it with ease.  He admitted that it had been “a while” since he really believed in Santa.  He has started thinking of appropriate charities to choose for his donation.

And now as I sit here watching the toddlers race around the room I’ve realized something.  This year we will see the the death of Santa…the commercialized version.  Our girls won’t learn of Santa in the way Brandon did.  When we teach them about Santa – they’ll learn of thim being the essence of the holiday spirit.  The spirit of giving, not the spirit of hoarding and gathering.  Here, in this house, his image will represent something different than he ever has before. 

Christmas will be about me fililng the house with the smell of hundreds (yes, I do mean that-last year I made 50+ dozen…and we ate them all) of fresh baked cookies.  Of preparing a care package for a soldier (our family charitable effort).  Of making homemade gifts for family and each other, and spending very little on ourselves.  Of donating to a worthy cause as individuals and a family.*

So this year the man in red will be put to rest as he’s been known.  And I’m okay with that.  I hope that the commercial santa rests in peace.  Around here I think our softer version of Santa is a far sight nicer.

*Not bad for a family with a ‘heathen’ as a heart warmer, eh?