I’ve Missed You {Scavenger Hunt Sunday}

It has been far too long since I participated in SHS. I’ve missed it, and I’ve missed using my camera. I’m feeling a little rusty, but overall, I’m glad to be back and loving the photos I captured in the chaos of my week. I have so many more to share in coming days, but I limited myself for SHS. No quotes this week because it’s 2AM and I should be sleeping.
All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

1. Background

Trying to be goofy, being photo-bombed by the camera-hog-wanna-be-model
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She refused to pose WITH the stormtrooper, but let me get her hovering in the background
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2. Spotted/Dots

Gorgeous dress on display at the museum.
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A spotted hedgehog in the wall art at the children’s hospital
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3. Weather

Sun vs….
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4. Motion

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5. Sweet

A rare sight, a picture of my fam (ignore the teen sticking his tongue out…the one great pic of them all and he pulls that ~sigh~)
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‘Nuff Said
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You can find more pictures over at my flickr account.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday is run by the beautiful Ashley. Head on over to see more Hunters.

Y is for Yoda #AtoZchallenge

e-file_Midnight-Opening-web_mediumSo Because, dude…DUH.

Oh, and because I get to go to this awesome Star Wars experience at the Indiana State Museum…and a costume party and…oh yeah.

I’m a total geek.

We have 4 versions of the original trilogy on DVD, and still have the VHS tapes somewhere, too.

Our kids are quite well versed in Star Wars.

If you’re in Indy – you have to go.

If you’re not? Be jealous.

Be very jealous.

Millennium Falcon, here I come!


The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!

I is for Interstate #AtoZchallenge

highwayThe path is familiar.

Second nature.

The first time I followed it, I was only 14.

Unable to drive.

Unable to process what it meant.

How I would change.

While the path stayed the same.


The first time it was the I-90 to 271, to 71, to 270, to 70…and off the highway in the middle of Indiana.

A far cry from home.

From the suburbs of Buffalo, the suburbs of Indianapolis – that felt to me more rural than suburban.

From attitudes and pride, to looking people in the eye and church.

A foreign land.


For three years we traversed the path between two worlds frequently.

We lingered in the past, and at the same time moved forward.

Our lives moved on, and a few years later, so did we.

We left behind Indiana and followed new paths…

Only to return again.

Not “home”…no, not New York.

“Home.” Indiana.


20 years later I could still drive the path blindfolded.

I know the way.

I can still find my way through my old home town, even though I learned to drive 500 miles away from it.

Instinct brings me back around.

But I don’t.


Now the roles are reversed.

This foreign land has become home.



The last time I drove that route was 2 years ago…and it was for a funeral.

Before that, almost 4 years had passed.

I missed much.

So much it’s now foreign.

There are days I miss that land.

Days I feel my heart call me home.

But life has moved on.

And so have I.


I will return again.

I will eat the familiar, delicious foods.

I will drive the pathways that no longer lead to the same places I remember, where strangers now live, or where the home itself has been changed.

Because a piece of me will always remember and belong.


Those interstate pathways carried me away.

Took me to places I never expected.

But they can never lead home again.


The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!

The Animals Came Out To Play

Two years ago I took a leap of faith.  Despite initially cringing at the cost of a membership to the Indianapolis Zoo – I splurged and bought it to cover our family.  I knew that one of the leading factors behind us never going was the cost to get in.  I thought, if it’s “free” after that onset – maybe we’ll use it.

And use it we have.  I re-purchased it last year and go on a moderately regular basis, weather and time permitting.  Sometimes just me, but most often with the kids.

One thing about going to a smaller zoo – you learn some of the quirks.  Like the brown bear always hides, the wild dogs are always asleep, and the gibbons are always chirping like mad.

This past weekend we went with the girls on a gorgeous sunny day and the zoo had turned on its head.  The Gibbons were silent, letting us hear the chirping of the otters they share a cage with.  The wild dogs were awake and moving all over their enclosure.  Best of all, the brown bear was up close and personal – with a big friendly grin on his face.

I’m so glad that this time I took  my camera – because I get to throw some of my favorites at you.  Of course I have SO many, I’m struggling to pick just a few so I will beg you to please head on over to my FLICKR account to see the rest. It’s worth it, I promise…everyone was posing for my camera.

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Harvesting Joy…and Pie

[flickr id=”5075549323″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]Fall is my favorite season.  I might be partial to summer because that’s when I was born – but it gets too hot (especially here in Indiana) and far too humid and I don’t have a pool anymore.

Besides – fall has all the gorgeous color, brief though it may be.

Fall is the season I start to bake.  I start making Christmas cookies early & freeze them – but I also start baking bread.  And pie. And anything else I can concoct.  My family loves the influx of fresh food baked in warm oven.  Only thing I wish for at this time of year is a lot more counter space.

Fall is also the season that the local farmers have the corn mazes, apple picking, pumpkin picking, and fall festivals.  There is so much to do at this time of year – and my favorite is the apples.  Apple pie and applesauce adorn our table regularly in the fall.

There really is no better season.



This post was written as part of Indiana Family of Farmers Table Talk series. As a Table Talk contributor I received various products to help along the table talk.  All opinions and stories in the post are my own truth.  

Climbing Mountains

Of all the things I thought I’d do in my life – scaling a pseudo-mountain wasn’t one of them.

This Friday I did just that.

Thanks to The Crag in Brownsburg I got to scale rock walls, challenge my pitiful out-of-shape body – and laugh at some of the best innuendos I’ve heard in years with my friends.

The Crag is a great indoor climbing facility tucked away in Brownsburg that has walls from “easy” to extremely challenging.

[flickr id=”8104337222″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”right”]A group of us went, within about five minutes we were trained on tying ourselves to the ropes and belaying.  The staff was super friendly and helpful, and even clued us in on where to start for the easier climbs (although it wasn’t long until the dares for the harder climbs began).

I was a total newbie to the climbing thing, and sadly mistaken at how much I’d be able to do.  It was super difficult, and I’m still feeling the aches in my shoulders and upper arms days later.  Much as they tell you to use your legs, your arms get killed.

[flickr id=”8104322567″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]Thing was, much as it hurt and tough as it was, every accomplished climb was a rush of adrenaline and pride.  Every single one of us set forth to climb onto a platform, and we all did, making our strong pose – even those that were afraid of heights.

I’m ready to go back.  I just need someone to go with me.  Best part is that it’s not that expensive.  A day pass for those over 8 is $20 – and for those under 8 it’s only $12.  But there are weekly specials that are super worth it.  Wednesdays are their canned food drive. If you bring in 2 cans of food, you get your pass for $12.

[flickr id=”8104333850″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”right”]Friday nights are Family night.  It’s $30 for the first 2 members (a $10 savings) and then only $5 for each additional family member.  That’s only $40 for a family of four. You can’t go to the movies for that folks – and rock climbing takes teamwork and communication.

The best night, of course, is date night.  $15 for the two of you.  You’ll be challenged, you’ll laugh, you’ll have to be there to support each other going up and coming down.  Again, cheaper than a night at the movies and better for your marriage then sitting the dark for an hour and a half.

So if you’re in Indy…get thee to The Crag.  Some tips – don’t wear heavy sneakers. Wear shoes cut closer to your feet so it’s easier to plant your feet against the wall.  Wear pants – you need to have those harnesses nice and tight.  And be prepared for sore muscles and possible blisters.

View all the pictures from our night HERE in my flickr acct


*The Crag treated me and some of my fellow IndyGeekGirls to a night of climbing free.  All opinions and achingly sore muscles are my own.