by Sarah | Jan 17, 2014 | All About Kennedy, Cystic Fibrosis, Special Needs
It started back in November.
An unusual phenomenon brought on in the unusual life of Kennedy.
She would start coughing.
Oh, sure, a CF patient coughing? Pfft, what’s the big deal?
For starters, it wasn’t a panic inducing wet, deep, ugly cough.
It was dry.
Every time we checked on her she’d declare “I just swallowed a string!”
After a while, she got annoyed with us constantly checking on her whenever she’d have another coughing fit.
This week, Kennedy had a checkup in the CF clinic and Erik asked the doctor about it.
Turns out, Kennedy can paraphrase the Disney movie, The Princess and the Frog.
“It’s not strings – it’s mucus!”
Yeah. We learned something new, and Kennedy can now yell at us appropriately.
Apparently it’s normal. The mucus in a CF patient is thicker, and when it gets in their throat it’s the uncomfortable sensation as if you’ve swallowed a hair that’s just sitting in your throat.
We don’t have to worry unless her cough becomes wet and thick.
Of course, that’s assuming we ever stop worrying.
(P.S. We don’t.)
by Sarah | Nov 30, 2013 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Clever Girls

Up until now our Wii got most of its use from watching movies, or the teenager playing one of his games. There was only one or two games that we could all get into.
Then we got a hold of this one…Just Dance Kids 2014.
I have to admit when I first read the back I got a little excited when I saw “Make it Shine” from Victorious on there…plus a song by Ariana Grande. I’m such a closet (or not so closet anymore) Victorious lover. It’s one of the shows I miss now that we aren’t on cable. 😀
So this week we brought out the Wii for something we all could play – and play we ALL did…even the teen!!
The girls, of course, got first run and boy did they tear it up, to several songs, including “Make it Shine”.
Then it was time for Erik and I to play.
And wouldn’t you know…we did THE HUSTLE!! It was a laugh-riot getting Erik into the mix and doing The Hustle with me. Both of us were laughing by the time it was done, and were reluctant to return the remotes back over!
Then, with a little nudging and encouragement we actually got the teenager to play along. It was only for a game, but I know that he’d never admit how much fun he had.
The girls kept playing for another good hour before we settled down and got ready for bed. By the next day they were begging to play again…and we were all too happy to oblige. The game is addicting, and clean fun, and everyone enjoys playing it. I have a feeling the Wii will stay out of hiding for a good long while now.
As you can see, the girls LOVED it. They were all too happy to lend their review once I managed to get their attention away from the game!!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
by Sarah | Nov 20, 2013 | All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Books, Clever Girls, Giveaway, Giveaway, Reviews

We LOVE reading in this house.
I mean really, REALLY love it.
The day I told the girls I had brand new books for them to read was a party and a half. They were so excited, and when we cracked open the books from the “Travels with Gannon & Wyatt” series it was all over.
I mean, it’s ANIMALS!
The girls immediately dove in and scanned for pictures first, because the pictures of the live animals (the alligator was a big hit for our little alligator), and they couldn’t wait to see every one of them.
Once they’d settled down we sat down to read.
The stories are told in journal form, with separate entries by both Gannon & Wyatt, which make for short “chapters” perfect for my ADD readers.
I also love that each of the entries start with a great learning opportunity (or 2). They list the location – with a longitude and latitude. Temperatures and weather listings are there too. These gave me and the girls some great chances to talk about what these things are, and find a map (~cough~ or a computer ~cough~) to look them all up. Of course, there’s all the animals, which my kids LOVE. Oh, and at the end, there’s a few pages with spots for journal entries. The girls are dying to take a trip to the zoo to use them!
Kennedy got to read first and eagerly dove in, and by the time she was home, she was dragging Molly over to join her.
Hearing Kennedy say words like “Botswana” and “Kalahari Dessert” at her young age, is so much fun. She’s having fun, she’s reading, and she’s learning.
Kennedy has taken a shining to the Botswana book. It has all the animals she loves. Elephants, alligators, rhinos and cheetah’s.
We love sitting down and devouring chapters as fast as she can.
I have a feeling these books are going to be long lasting around here, so much to read and learn, and the older they get, the more they’ll understand!
As you can see below, the girls HIGHLY recommend the books and want you to win a set of your own. (Look below the picture for how to win)
Gannon & Wyatt have a Facebook Page and a Twitter account you should really follow to keep up on their latest adventures!!

Giveaway Time!!
Entry is easy…
1. Leave a comment telling me what you love about these books and why you want them for your kid!! (required entry)
2. For an extra entry, tweet the following exactly (copy & paste should do it). ~optional extra entry
Travels with @GannonandWyatt, a review & a #Giveaway. Great books w/ learning opportunities! #GannonWyatt @sadiecass
3. Pin this post using the giveaway picture & leave a comment with the link to the pin! ~optional extra entry
That’s it! The giveaway ends on 11/25 at 9AM. The winner will only have 24 hours to get back to me, as I must turn in your info by the 26th! There will be no second chances, as I have a deadline!
There is another giveaway over at my dear friend, Emily’s place if you want more chances to win, head on over there!
You should also know that Gannon & Wyatt are having a Kindle Fire Giveaway on their Facebook Page the month of November!! There’s still time to enter, so head on over!!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
by Sarah | Nov 16, 2013 | All About Kennedy, Anger Issues, Special Needs
*Side note – to date this is my absolute favorite picture of Kennedy. 😀
When you first meet Kennedy, and often for many meetings after, you see the sunshine.
We once pegged her as the ‘smilingist’ baby ever.
She has it all.
The eyes that melt your heart with their bigness, their brightness, their expressiveness.
The cheeks that run in the family – from birth until teens just adorable, chubby, and pinchable.
The silly grin. It lights up her face, or quirks just a bit to make you forget the anger and lean to laughter.
Don’t get me started on the baby-doll voice. Cupie doll, sweet and tiny.
No one can believe it.
Not unless they ever see it.
No one understands it.
The completely opposite.
Desperately different.
Achingly painful.
Underbelly of that sunshine.
When we mention the way she can burst your eardrums we get the “You’re kidding, right?” look.
When we mention the temper tantrum she threw – they think we’re being silly. We don’t know what a real tantrum is like, what real anger is like.
But they weren’t there to watch her slam her head into the corners of walls, into the hardwood floor, into our faces.
They aren’t here to see her intentionally dig at her nose until it bleeds so often she’s building scar tissue.
Some days I feel like people look at me like I’m making it all up.
Some days I wonder if maybe I’m overreacting to the anger.
That on top of everything else this one thing is unbelievable.
Because she is sunshine.
With every heart-wrenching smile – she is sunshine.
When I am at my angriest she can make me lose hold of it and smile.
But she gets angry.
Mind-numbingly, ear-splittingly, heart-wrenchingly angry.
Things are better these days.
A little.
At least she isn’t trying to break our noses on a regular basis.
But her teachers notice.
It’s out of line with “normal” temper tantrums.
And for this – for this I don’t know how to help her.
Everything else has a solution.
A therapy.
A doctor.
Most of the time, I don’t know how to handle this.
I let the flame burn out.
And wait for next time.
by Sarah | Nov 10, 2013 | All About Denver, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us

by Sarah | Nov 7, 2013 | All About Denver, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us
Way back when this picture was taken I sure thought I was good at this. (Picture credit goes to my mom who had the fancy camera way back then…in FILM *Gasp*)
Back, 14 years ago, when Denver was only 2. When I only had the one. When my co-parent was my own parents. When the biggest problem I dealt with was chronic BM issues (yeah, he’ll kill me if he ever reads this). When he was cute and adorable and obedient and kind and polite.
When life was “easy”.
Now there are three.
There is school. Homework. Teachers. Doctors. Specialists. Special Medicines. Bills. Cleaning. THREE kids. Doctors. THREE kids. Quirks. Hospitals. Marriage. Home repairs. Car maintenance. Cleaning. THREE kids.
Oh, did I repeat myself once or twice? Yeah. I know.
I don’t want to use the term “bad mother”…because, you know…it’s such a debate trigger.
Sometimes, though. Sometimes I look at myself and I see that I’m not good at this.
I don’t have patience.
I don’t have answers.
I don’t do the things that you’re supposed to. I love to read to myself, but get bored reading to my kids (shameful, I know).
I don’t have patience.
I don’t check homework every day after school.
I always miss deadlines for snack week, permission slips, all those things.
I don’t have patience.
I don’t give my kids daily baths. Or every couple of days. (But in my defense, my baths were 1x/week)
I use the TV as a babysitter.
I’m online too much (I’m trying to do better…some days I do better than others).
I don’t have patience.
Are we detecting a common theme?
Sometimes I wonder what part of my brain actually thought growing up that I would grow into this ‘perfect’ mom. I saw myself doing it all. Crafts, dinner, cleaning…the perfect little household.
My ‘perfect’ has redefined itself into something that feels far from perfect for me.
It’s a process.
I’m working on redefining myself as a mom.
To snap less. To breathe and have patience. To do more cleaning. More cooking. Making sure I’m more involved in what my kids are doing in school.
I want to feel like I’m good at being a mom. Like I DESERVE the title. EVERY day. Not just now & then.