by Sarah | Nov 4, 2013 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, All About Molly, Blogging Life, Indy Geek Girls
On almost any day of the week you can find the members of this family with their noses buried in a book.
Sure, the teen took a really, really long time to come around, but once he did he was unstoppable.
The girls read well above their comprehension level just to get words on the page.
So when I heard McDonald’s was replacing toys with books in their Happy Meals? I was pretty stoked. My girls will love getting books, and I love that McDonald’s is taking this step.
Included in our Happy Meals are these fun titles that involve teaching children about eating right when sometimes it’s not so easy to do:

But they aren’t stopping there, which is even better. Want to know why?
McDonald’s of Central Indiana is leading a “Give a Book, Get a Book” campaign.
All around Indy, from November 1st through the 14th, at Ronald McDonald Houses, local libraries, and Indy Reads there will be Book Donation sites set up.
In exchange for a donation of a new (or gently used) children’s book, you’ll get a “Be Our Guest” card good for a free Happy Meal!
And to top it all off, participating libraries will host a “Happy Meal Day” filled with kid’s activities and McDonald’s Happy Meal books!!
Since 2011 McDonald’s has been finding new ways to take action and fulfill their “Commitments to Offer Improved Nutrition Choices”. Each of the stories in these unique, limited edition books, is a fun and nutritional message that kids can understand.
Now onto the part I know you’ve been waiting for. My Giveaway! One lucky winner will get a week’s worth of Happy Meal Coupons, a $10 Amazon Gift Card, and a copy of a Happy Meal Book!
To make it easier, I whipped up a rafflecopter this time. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

by Sarah | Oct 28, 2013 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us
I’m a long time self-admitted geek of the Star Trek variety. I fell in love with Star Trek: TNG when I found it during its 4th season, and have never looked back.
Erik is both a sci-fi Aliens, Predator, Star Trek sort of Geek…and a horror Geek…and a few other Geeks I don’t understand.
Denver found Star Trek with the re-invention of Star Trek. He’s moved on to go back in time (thank you, Netflix) and watch EVERY episode of EVERY incarnation, swiped Erik’s movies to watch EVERY movie. The documentaries and anniversary specials, too. Since then he’s moved onto Battlestar Galactica, tried Dr. Who, and so on…
In the past eight or so months there’s a new sort of Geekling coming up in this house.
The girls are obsessed with all things Avengers.
Not just Avengers, though.
They are making comics left and right – the one in this post was one of their first. One page, simple, with the battle of their beloved Avengers.
The obsession has grown so that their coloring books are painted on the front and back covers with comics. They swipe my printer paper and draw panels to fill in their stories. From super hero tales to stories about their cats…they are comic booking it up.
I, admittedly, am slightly clueless about comics. My Geek flag didn’t fly that far, even when I began my X-men addiction. I only have a few of those comics.
So we’ll venture into another realm of geekery.
Now…excuse me while I try to find some art classes for them…and seek out the perfect first comic for them both.
And considering their propensity to tear up anything they own, it will have to be one that it doesn’t matter if it ends up damaged.
by Sarah | Sep 30, 2013 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, Anger Issues, Special Needs
* <–This picture really says it all when it comes to my kids.
Denver is the aloof teenager.
Molly is the shy, slightly awkward middle’un.
And Kennedy…
Well, we love Kennedy.
She’s got the attitude.
The stubborn streak.
The temper.
Last year over the course of the school year we had many issues with Kennedy.
Her grades and smarts were impeccable. She moved into the advanced reader classes, and has continued on that course this year.
However, we had other issues.
Stealing again.
More lies.
There was regular emails between myself and her teacher to verify facts and get our ducks in a row.
Her temper was another issue again, frequent, but not overly so.
She went to ‘friendship classes’, and had sessions with the guidance counselor.
It was quite a year for little K.
This year we debated.
“Do we warn the teacher?”
We decided not to.
We gave her a pass, a clean slate to try to make this year better all on her own.
So far, it appears to be working…
but we’ll know for sure at Parent Teacher Conference.
~fingers crossed~
by Sarah | Sep 25, 2013 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Clever Girls, Sponsored

I’m the proud parent of science geeks. I was one myself.
First was Denver, who wanted to be a scientist for NASA. For years that was his dream, but he’s since moved on…
To wanting to be a doctor. I gotta say, I’m okay with that.
Now Molly is loving science since she started in science last year, and Kennedy is right behind her this year. It’s a common theme in this house – science is a favorite. From photosynthesis, to outer-space, to biology, genetics and beyond…my kids eat it all up.
Part of the reason I myself enjoy science so much is because I really hate unknowns.
I like facts.
If my kids are sick – I want to know the hows and why’s. I want specifics and details. I want to know the life expectancies, the proper medicines, the risks and complications.
It was the same way when my grandfather got sick.
As painful as facts can be, they help me cope.
So when my kids come home with light in their eyes talking about what they learned in science today, I’m all over it.
From gross bugs, to meteors, I am happy to encourage their love of science.
Because as much as I love writing and fiction and living in a world of make-believe…
I like science just as much, and sometimes even more. It’s not going to lie to me, it might make me wait for answers, but it gives me answers.
You know, science doesn’t lie – it’s made of facts.
And it makes it that much easier to fight.
Watch and learn about Nature’s Tiny Miracle:
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Visit Planters Power of the Peanut
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
by Sarah | Aug 30, 2013 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Special Needs, Sponsored, Story of Me
When I was really young, I loved school for all of its aspects. I loved to learn, I enjoyed going every day, I even looked forward to the end of summer. My brother thought I was insane, but I didn’t care. I loved the new year, the new books, the new teachers and new students. The only subject I dreaded was PE, because I hated sports, etc.
As I got older and my social life took a huge nose dive, I still loved learning, but the individual teachers began to make a much larger impact on me. I began to appreciate them for what they did, and how they treated me, they were the beacon in the chaos of teenage drama. Teachers became the biggest imact on my school life.
One teacher that inspired my writing life (and subsequent career as an author), was an English teacher I had in high school.
Mrs. K.
I’m pretty sure the day I approached her with a question on our writing assignment she wasn’t sure what to make of it. The assignment was to write on our name, the origin of it, the meaning, etc. You know the assignment, I think we all get it. I asked if it had to be in third person and follow the usual strict guideline for a non-fiction assignment because I had “an idea.”
When she gave me that ok to take the chance, I’m sure she didn’t know how much it would impact my entire future writing life. I ended up turning the assignment, which had become a creative assignment written as a newspaper article by my great-granddaughter (who shared my name).
I got an A.
And never looked at “standards” the same way again. I approach everything from a sideways slant now. I ignore genres and write crazy stories and plots and don’t ever look back. All thanks to Mrs. K’s simple “yes” and encouragement.
These days I look at teachers differently. With my kids and their own unique personalities, I’m always looking for the one that’s going to have the most impact. How they’re going to turn around a difficulty or face a challenge. I’m mostly looking for one that, despite their insane schedule, take the time to know what my children are about. We’ve had some amazing years, and some rough ones, and I’m so happy for each step forward my kids take thank to a teachers impact.
Kennedy wants to be a teacher.
I couldn’t be prouder of this dream and I encourage it EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Teachers impact the lives of so many children, they make the difference between a love of learning and the desire to avoid school.
I know that the pool of teachers for schools to use is dwindling as people choose different careers and even fewer go to college. I see first hand that within the next 10 years 65% of America’s current teachers will retire – because every year in my kids school several teachers leave or retire.
I think Kennedy’s dream of being a teacher is the best dream there is. I want her to achieve it and hope she does.
On September 6th 8PM EST, TEACH will air on CBS. Brought to us by Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim, it explores education in America today and asks what it takes to be a good teacher today. I know I’ll be watching, and have my future teacher at my side.
What about you? Did you have a teacher that impacted your life? Share your story. Visit the TEACH website to learn about the four awesome teachers highlighted in the documentary and
*DISCLOSURE: This post was sponsored by Participant Media. However, the stories told are uniquely my own, and all opinions are most certainly 100% my own.
by Sarah | Aug 15, 2013 | All About Denver, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Molly, All of Us
Yesterday I put the kids on the bus.
Denver is now a Sophomore. A Sophomore.
Molly is now in Third.
Kennedy in Second.
Shortly after I put them on the bus, in the midst of de-lousing my house (a favorite activity when I have quiet) I discovered some pictures from when Denver was little – as far back as minutes after he was born.
Now he’s learning to drive (I weep).
Molly has big dreams of being a model and a superhero (Because they live in NYC, you know).
Kennedy is determined to be a teacher (and an author, bless her heart).
They are big, independent, strong and beautiful little girls.
Denver is almost a man.
They’re slipping away.
And I’m so conflicted about it, I never know when to be proud, or cry.