Birds of a Feather

[flickr id=”7415474854″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]Yesterday we got to buck routine and head into the Indianapolis Zoo for a special treat.  We went to see the Flights of Fancy exhibit with a few bloggy friends & their kids.

For those in the know in Indy…the new Flights of Fancy exhibit replaced the old petting zoo.

I’m here to tell you that it’s miles above the old petting zoo.  Miles and miles.

First off, the area is sort of its own little oasis set onto about an acre of land on zoo property.  With a concession stand, tables (w/ umbrellas), a little playground, restrooms and – for the mothers – a Nursing Mom’s Nest (which has private feeding areas, changing stations & a chalkboard/books for the siblings).

While we waited for everyone to arrive, Jackie & I felt comfortable sitting at one of the tables while our children played about in the area. No matter whether they were staring into the aviaries, watching the flamingos, or scrambling through the tree-house play area they were never out of our sight line.

[flickr id=”7417292054″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”right”]The Flights of Fancy exhibit hosts three aviaries.  First is the Budgies.  With one of the tickets (you can purchase at the ticket window right inside the exhibit) you get a seed stick to feed the birds.  A tip we were given – go early in the day. When the birds little bellies aren’t full – they are all over the seeds then.  And they didn’t disappoint.  Hopping onto hands and heads.  I got buzzed more than a few times in there!  The budgies are adorable, colorful, and hungry little guys first thing.

[flickr id=”7417285584″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”] They also have an “Out of Africa” aviary.  There’s no feeding here, but lots of birds much closer than in any standard exhibit.  After that you get to the Lorikeets.  These guys feed on nectar – which you can also get for the cost of a ticket – I was fortunate enough to have someone hand me their leftovers so the kiddos could divulge the feeding of these exceedingly bright birds.

Over all, this area is totally my new favorite place in the zoo.  We could have spent all day there – but the kids demanded time in the splash park.  A demand we were also happy to acquiesce to.

[flickr id=”7417302996″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”right”] While the kids had their fun cooling off on the splash pad, the mom’s all made time to talk.  I got to know Jackie better – finding out we have led similar lives.  I got to know Katrina and Veronica too, and expanding your circle of friends is never a bad thing.

Lately the zoo has become our meeting place with other bloggers & I love it for that.  It’s a great central location that is kid-friendly and  relaxing even on the busiest days.  I also learned about some other zoo events I knew nothing about – that I plan to take full advantage of.

Bonus for me?  The girls & I got there early, right at opening.  Because of that for the first time we got to see the Tiger Forest for what it was meant to be – Tigers in your face.

I’m probably going back next week. Who wants to come with me?

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*Disclaimer: The zoo provided us w/ free seed sticks for our kids and free tickets to the 4-D adventure movie. My zoo membership & my opinions are all my own. 

The End is Near – Or School is Out – or Something

[flickr id=”6987996541″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]One week.

That week includes a three day weekend.

And the kids are out for summer.

10 weeks.

I’m both filled with dread and…

Um…joy? Fear?

Well whatever it is, I’m filled with it.

We have plans, quite a few of them. It will pass quickly.

It will probably pass even faster because I will most likely be employed again by the end of the month. Part time. VERY close to home (like walking distance) and w/ hours that will let me meet the kids at the bus and kiss them at night before bed. Also, once school starts again I’ll still have a few days a week home w/ no kids.

No kids.

All the school day long.

How many days until school starts again?

In The Eyes Of The Young

[flickr id=”7196830566″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]Mother’s Day happens when the kids are still in school.  So, through similar sheets of papers from the school I got to see what I look like in the eyes of my little ones.

Molly says so many things that are accurate (thankfully she was not asked my age ~ahem~).

1. My favorite drink is “Casey’s drink” (I get many fountain pops from Casey’s)
2. My favorite TV show is Big Bang. (Why yes, yes it is)
3. For fun I play on the computer. (Who? Me?)
4. Around the house I “wash jeans and chlothes” (I’m afraid she is very very correct on this one. All. The. Time.)
5. My favorite thing is…..the computer. (It is in the top…of “things”.)
6. The best thing is “she is good to do exercise” (not lately b/c I’m injured, but I’m surprised the girls put this in there)
7. No, the best thing is “she hugs me,” or “she kisses me good night”, no, the absolute best thing is “she loves me.” (No, baby…the best thing is that you KNOW that and love me back in your own special way)
8. If she was a mom she would “go on comter, and wash dishes, and cook dinner. I’d be a super nice mom like you!”
9. Last, but not least, she says what makes me special is I’m “pretty”.

All so very sweet and special…seeing what she sees.  (For the record she did fill out one of these for Erik too…let’s just say there was a lot of mention of “Family Guy” on it ~giggle~  She’s a perceptive little beast).

[flickr id=”7196832638″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”right”]  Kennedy had a couple of similar, but different questions.  Unfortunately she was asked my age…

1. My age appeared twice. Once I was listed as “93” the other time “30”. Truthfully, I’m somewhere between…MUCH closer to 30.
2. I like to “mac cake”, and my favorite food it “lettuce”. (A sign I’ve been dieting, perhaps? I like to make cake, but eat lettuce…)
3. To relax I “lay on the bed”, “watch TV” (2 different times)
4. I like to shop “at Casey’s” (I think I go there too much…O.o)
5. What she loves most is that I “love flowers”
6. If she could buy me anything it would be “a pet dog.” (awww)
7. What I do while she’s at school? Why, I “go running”.
8. I’m really good at “working on the computer”
9. My mom is as pretty as  “a flower”, sweet as “a butterfly”, smart as “a heart” (??), most of all, special as “a rose”
10. And my favorite…and the most accurate statement is that what makes me so special is that “I love her” (Yes, Kennedy…the fact that you love me, and your sister loves me, is what makes me so special)


I have to say that I loved reading these…seeing how their minds work, and how they see me. one of the best gifts ever.


I Want Daddy!

[flickr id=”7082668411″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]This morning the littlest angel could not be pleased.

Food – rebuffed.

Clothes – put on only after being directly ordered.

Hair – brushed through crocodile tears streaming down the angelic cheeks.

Finally we pushed, what was wrong with our Kennedy?  Did she not feel good?  Could she be tired?

“No.” Kennedy sniffed. “I don’t want Daddy to leave.”

Leave?  What of this leaving? Where is Daddy going?”

“I don’t want Daddy to go to work.” ~insert dramatic sobbing and flopping onto my lap.

The girl – she has found her love of Daddy.  After a few years where she sometimes acted as if Daddy was crap and Mommy was all that…we have had a turn.  Everything is for Daddy, ‘like’ Daddy…and can she sit with Daddy to watch TV. Or snuggle. Or…

Either way, she will have to learn – Daddy has to go to work, and she has to go to school.

Meanwhile I just sit to the side and smile.  I knew this day would come, now I get to watch Daddy enjoy the affections for a while.

Spinning In Circles

[flickr id=”5888961016″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]We have had birthday parties, track meets, doctor appointments and chaos the past few days. While I try to get my head on straight (and work on the blog redesign ~cough~) I’m going to have a little fun with some random subjects of note.

* Thank you for all of your well-wishes for Erik.  The doctor appointment went really well.  While he does have to go back next year for another endoscopy, the doctor isn’t overly concerned with the findings.  As far as Erik’s continuing symptoms we are on a “Try a little of this…then try a little of that” program.  We’re hoping to find something that works and eases his symptoms.

* Yesterday I finished the (final) self-edits on my novel ~insert cheering and mad boogie dancing on my part~. That means I will begin work on the site redesign pretty hard-core in the next couple of weeks. I plan on a new round of submissions and I want this site to shine by then.  The first changes I make will be mostly cosmetic changes.  After that I’ll be working on more functional changes, but they’ll happen once the feel of the site has been updated.

* Teaching a teenager accountability and empathy is HARD ~insert whining here~.

* My Kennedy has proven finally that she comes from the husbands blood line  She may look just like me…but lately she has been obsessed with cleaning.  That is SO not me.

* We had the girls family birthday party yesterday. They got so many cute clothes…I’m so jealous!  My SIL and MIL got them a ton of new little outfits – and then both my Mom and SIL on my side got them clothes too. We have full closets and the girls cannot WAIT for the warm weather to come back so they can start wearing the skirts upon skirts that they got.

* Hubby bought an elliptical.  I hate the elliptical…but having it sit in my little house, I actually use it because I feel crappy if it just takes up all that room for nothing.  Between that and my continuing love/hate relationship w/ Jillian Michaels & her exercise DVD’s I may just start feeling good about myself again. Maybe.

* I swear, I will be talking about the Bloggy Boot Camp experience soon, after all it is a 45X45 item…but between my straight focus on my novel the past week & the fact that I’m still trying to process everything that went on that day, it’s been relegated to a “Very soon” post.  Hopefully before the end of the week.

* I have a new job application sitting in my kitchen.  It’s a job I’m certain I’ll be able to get (I’m super friendly w/ the managers at this place).  It’s just a matter of “Can I” and “Should I”.  This time I have to very carefully weigh all of the factors and not forget one like I did last year when I tried to work.  I have some new factors to consider this time around, ones that may seal the deal.

*Speaking of jobs, I also have a chance at another possible opportunity.  It’s something that I have to write up a proposal for and see where it goes.  It would be helping out someone local and that really excites me. I just need to sit down and write…especially since that’s part of what I’ll be doing for her…writing. LOL.

* Did I mention that raising teenagers is HARD??  ~headdesk~

6 Years of Monkey-hood

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A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer ~Author Unknown

Our silly monkey.  The one that hid herself until near the end of the pregnancy, and then became so impatient once we knew you made your escape a month early.  You screamed your way into the world and our hearts.

You look every challenge in the eye and scream or laugh it away. You’ve overcome every obstacle the world has put in your path in your own unique way.

You are at turns beautiful and funny and smart – and then weird, quirky, and goofy.  A Kewpie doll voice, a smile that melts the angriest heart into a puddle of goo.

We have been blessed to know you, to see you grow.  So tied to your big sister – but so much your own person.

Happy Birthday to my littlest angel.

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