by Sarah | Jul 9, 2009 | All About Kennedy, All About Molly
Tuesday I got the call. The last specialist on the list. Specialist #8 for Angel (that’s not including her therapists…this is just doctor specialists we’re talking about). Specialist #2 (I believe) for Riley. We asked the pediatrician to make a referral to the Developmental Pediatrician. The orthopaedist suggested it for Angel way back in January given her case history. After researching exactly what a DevPed does, we also asked for Riley as well – because of her autism and reaction to school last time (advice really).
As horrible as it sounds, it was very validating to hear what the nurse had to say about the doctor’s response to the girls’ cases.
1. After reviewing the case files the doctor feels that their cases are complex and wants to see each of the girls on a one-on-one basis – meaning no double appointment with their sister. She wants to get to know them each individually for at least the first appointment.
2. She wants them in ASAP. We’ve been scheduled for the first appointments available (November) but placed on the wait list so that we get the first available appointment. This is by the doctor’s request, not ours!
So it’s all said and done with…except the appointments themselves. Archie will go with Riley. I will go with Angel.
Hints of hope are creeping in again, but I’m trying to keep them squelched. One step at a time and right now I have a long way to go until November…
by Sarah | Jun 26, 2009 | All About Kennedy

Six months ago I spoke of a chance
A chance that I was afraid to take.
Afraid of another disappointment,
Afraid to come up empty again.
It took me six months, but I took the leap at one more chance for answers. When we met with the pediatrician last week I asked her to make the appointment. One last specialist, one last chance.
If this one doesn’t have the answers, I’ll have nothing left to grasp for. The only other option is one we must discuss thoroughly because following that path could destroy the strong foundation we have created for her care.
In a few months we’ll go and see and hold our breath and pray for answers. Pray that this doctor has the key to our Angel’s past and future.
by Sarah | Jun 9, 2009 | All About Kennedy, All About Molly
Up until now bribery has had no effect in our massive attempst to potty train. They are not interested. Well, they ARE interested in the prize. Riley asks me at least once a week about the tinkerbell hats.
But they aren’t interested in what it takes to GET those hats.
Today I threw in the towel.
I know they’re old enough.
I know that THEY know EXACTLY what they’re doing – they are just being stubborn.
I refuse to put diapers on them. I’m done.
I’m going to be doing a LOT more laundry during this battle of wills.
I’m hoping that treating them like big girls will make them act as such.
Either that or I’ll end up in the funny farm.
Excuse me while I go have an aneurysm.
by Sarah | Apr 28, 2009 | All About Kennedy, All About Molly
I’ve been missing the Weekly Winners posts. I love my laptop, but I can’t edit pictures on it and rarely get on the desktop so…well, I’m lazy. But, I’ve got some pictures for you from the girls birthday and then from last weekend when we all hung out outside enjoying the gorgeous weather! I’m missing it desperately today with the drizzly yuck…
[nggallery id=10]
by Sarah | Apr 24, 2009 | All About Kennedy, All About Molly, SID
With SID you have two camps – the sensory AVOIDERS…and the sensory SEEKERS.
I have two SID girls – one Avoider (Riley) and one Seeker (Angel).
Up until a year ago I was certain that having the Avoider was the “Worst” of the two. Social situations, eating, playtime were all such challenges. Planes flying overhead were a nightmare for weeks, trucks driving by.Â
Coping mechanisms were learned and slowly with time it became less of an issue.
Then we had our Seeker. I thought it was tough to handle when part of her seeking techniques were ramming her head into everything. Screaming at the top of her lungs. Throwing everything. Breaking everything.
But as much as we’ve been able to curb (some) of these events – in the past year we’ve had the occasion to experience the worst of the SID habits.
Smearing poop.
Poop on the walls, the beds, the clothes…IN HER MOUTH. It makes me wonder for her intelligence (sometimes when I’m most stressed) – and my sanity. It is one thing that I can seriously get truly and horrifically upset and disgusted for….
And it’s one thing that I haven’t the foggiest idea how to stop. The taste obviously doesn’t put her off. The smell. The feel. None of it.Â
I’ve found out through research and searching that this isn’t uncommon – but is ALWAYS stressful for the parents. I also see posts of some children doing it even after potty training, and beyond.Â
So for now I sit and research coping mechanisms again…although this time, I search for coping mechanisms for myself and my husband. I don’t think either of us look good bald.
by Sarah | Apr 21, 2009 | All About Kennedy
My mini-me…my screamer…my cause for many panic attacks…
Today you turn three! Three years old…How can that be? You were born so tiny, so early, and after a surprise (!!!) pregnancy that I was only aware of for 3 months before you joined us.

Your giant brown eyes so filled with joy and love…I can’t get enough of them.Â
You challenge us on a daily basis. You make us smile in the next turn of your head.Â
Despite the struggles and challenges you’ve brought us – with everything from just normal motion of your muscles to talking to breathing – you’ve blossomed into a bright little girl.
The cock of your head when you answer a question, or the way that you reply just by saying “okay” to everything. Frustrating – and adorable…and I wouldn’t take back one day of the past three years.
Happy Birthday, my Angel!