by Sarah | Apr 2, 2018 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All of Us, Redefining Perfect
Back in August, I announced that we were withdrawing Kennedy from traditional school, and enrolling her in online school.
We were all excited by the change, but we waited, and waited a little longer, until the activities of life settled down. In September, we officially withdrew her and started her in the online courses.
We were excited to start, but starting mid-semester was rough, and it took us several weeks to figure out how this online school stuff worked.
We got into a groove, but over time K admitted that the classes were harder. She missed the ability to just ask her teacher and get an immediate answer without having to wait for a reply. She missed her friends. She missed traditional school.
Not surprisingly this was mere weeks after we started.
I told her we hadn’t given the school a chance, and we would finish out the semester and see where we were.
For a little while we found our groove. Things moved at a good pace, Kennedy’s grades went up finally.
But then I got a new job, and Kennedy still wanted to return to the traditional brick & mortar school.
We talked about it at length. We decided to return her to traditional school.
Though she is unique, and a bit of a freebird, she is also a social butterfly. She missed her friends, and missed the ways of traditional schooling…and, I think, missed the “easier” classes.
And so, Kennedy is back in brick and mortar. She’s doing well, and really glad to be back with her friends. Plus, I don’t have to worry about leaving her at home while I’m at work.
Online schooling didn’t work for us, but I have a good friend it does work for. It was a rally good experiment, if sometimes frustrating. I’m glad we tried.
by Sarah | Sep 8, 2017 | All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, All of Us, Redefining Perfect
Each of our kids is unique. They always have been.
Denver was the “on point” kid every time. Every milestone, every clothing size, every single step was right on target. Right on projected ideals. He was always calm, always smart (though unwilling to put in the effort…got bored with school). He had dreams, and often got a single-minded view of them until he achieved them…i.e. He’s in Florida, working at Disney now.
Molly is unique in her own way. She was delayed in many aspects, speech, occupational, physical…but we knew she was brilliant in there. We could tell at two, with the way she could take the pieces from 10 different board puzzles laid out on the floor and put them away in 2 minutes flat. She would literally read the words in books at the age of three…silent, but sure. She’s grown up to continue the trend of intelligence, doing even better now that she’s had appropriate therapies for her SPD issues. Loves school and craves the structure of her every day.
Kennedy…she has always been a free spirit. Her imagination, though sometimes morbid, is brilliant and vivid. She sees life in such brilliant color, she is so sensitive, and caring, and crazy-talented in art. She loves to read, draw, color, and watch movies…but struggles in math. School, especially the cruel world of middle school, is rough on her sensitive heart. She hates sitting in a seat ALL Day long.
When the school year started this year, Molly went back with eager abandon. Kennedy trudged there begrudgingly.
Then, a few weeks ago Erik came to me with a thought. He said, “I’ve been thinking that maybe Kennedy would do better home schooled.”
Honestly, I sat and stared at him in shock. I had approached the idea of home schooling when the girls were younger, and Denver was entering middle school. He’d bald-faced refused with such vehemence that I have never broached the subject again.
Even more – several times over the summer I’d looked into one of the online public schools thinking it would be good for Kennedy. As one of her old friends had been withdrawn from school to attend one a couple of years ago, I’d been more and more curious. Her friend was doing so well under the different way of learning, and the conversations I’d had with his mom had made me intrigued.
Still, knowing Erik’s aversion I’d always closed the tab in my browser saying, “Erik will never go for it.”
Yet, here he was approaching me with the idea.
The past month we have researched, gone over the possibility with Kennedy herself. Kennedy was fully on board. Erik still had some reservations.
We asked Molly if she would feel bad if her sister did school at home and she didn’t, to which she said, “Don’t you DARE take ME out of school! I don’t want to leave!” After we reassured her this was for Kennedy, and that she’d remain in regular school, she was good with it.
We did some more research. Talked to my friend about her experience. Talked to the online school. Talked to each other at length. The fact that it is still a state-certified public school, with local teachers is a huge bonus. She’ll have some work each day to do at the computer. She’ll be able to get credit for doing activities outside of the virtual classroom. Her hours of PE are up to us & her how they are done. Different home activities will count. She’ll be able to take sign language for her foreign language. She’ll be able to do a full year of art without “special accomodations”. There are many clubs to join that are up her alley, and there is a local group of students that meet regularly for socializing and learning activities.
It’s a much more creative way to learn. It’s a much more Kennedy way to learn.
And the decision was made.
Monday we start this new adventure. It was unexpected, but is exciting.
So, off we goooooo!!!!!
by Sarah | Nov 20, 2013 | All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Books, Clever Girls, Giveaway, Giveaway, Reviews

We LOVE reading in this house.
I mean really, REALLY love it.
The day I told the girls I had brand new books for them to read was a party and a half. They were so excited, and when we cracked open the books from the “Travels with Gannon & Wyatt” series it was all over.
I mean, it’s ANIMALS!
The girls immediately dove in and scanned for pictures first, because the pictures of the live animals (the alligator was a big hit for our little alligator), and they couldn’t wait to see every one of them.
Once they’d settled down we sat down to read.
The stories are told in journal form, with separate entries by both Gannon & Wyatt, which make for short “chapters” perfect for my ADD readers.
I also love that each of the entries start with a great learning opportunity (or 2). They list the location – with a longitude and latitude. Temperatures and weather listings are there too. These gave me and the girls some great chances to talk about what these things are, and find a map (~cough~ or a computer ~cough~) to look them all up. Of course, there’s all the animals, which my kids LOVE. Oh, and at the end, there’s a few pages with spots for journal entries. The girls are dying to take a trip to the zoo to use them!
Kennedy got to read first and eagerly dove in, and by the time she was home, she was dragging Molly over to join her.
Hearing Kennedy say words like “Botswana” and “Kalahari Dessert” at her young age, is so much fun. She’s having fun, she’s reading, and she’s learning.
Kennedy has taken a shining to the Botswana book. It has all the animals she loves. Elephants, alligators, rhinos and cheetah’s.
We love sitting down and devouring chapters as fast as she can.
I have a feeling these books are going to be long lasting around here, so much to read and learn, and the older they get, the more they’ll understand!
As you can see below, the girls HIGHLY recommend the books and want you to win a set of your own. (Look below the picture for how to win)
Gannon & Wyatt have a Facebook Page and a Twitter account you should really follow to keep up on their latest adventures!!

Giveaway Time!!
Entry is easy…
1. Leave a comment telling me what you love about these books and why you want them for your kid!! (required entry)
2. For an extra entry, tweet the following exactly (copy & paste should do it). ~optional extra entry
Travels with @GannonandWyatt, a review & a #Giveaway. Great books w/ learning opportunities! #GannonWyatt @sadiecass
3. Pin this post using the giveaway picture & leave a comment with the link to the pin! ~optional extra entry
That’s it! The giveaway ends on 11/25 at 9AM. The winner will only have 24 hours to get back to me, as I must turn in your info by the 26th! There will be no second chances, as I have a deadline!
There is another giveaway over at my dear friend, Emily’s place if you want more chances to win, head on over there!
You should also know that Gannon & Wyatt are having a Kindle Fire Giveaway on their Facebook Page the month of November!! There’s still time to enter, so head on over!!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
by Sarah | Nov 13, 2013 | All About Denver, All About Learning, All of Us
We all remember those reading lists from school. I always enjoyed getting it – except the year The Iliad was on it.
This year the teen has a list. I wasn’t given the list, he just comes home and asks if we can pick up a book for him…because the school issues the books on their iPads. Denver doesn’t like reading on electronic devices. He wants paper and pages.
The last book was To Kill a Mockingbird. A great classic novel I read in school myself. I was happy to run up to Half Price books and pick him up a copy.
Then last night he came to me again and asked if I could pick him up another book at Half Price. He said it was from his reading list…and that it had replaced another.
I said, of course I would and what book did he need.
“A Painted House.”
I wracked my brain attempting to remember this great, classic novel.
Nothing. I asked him to repeat himself.
“A Painted House by John Graham or something like that.”
Erik and I both said, “John Grisham?” At Denver’s agreement I stared at him flabbergasted.
“The school is having you read a Grisham novel? Seriously?”
It was at this point that he informed me that the original story was Huckleberry Finn…”But a bunch of kids complained so they changed it.”
I’m sorry, but WHAT? What has this world come to that a school will change a reading list because kids are complaining? What happened to the set reading list and you either read or you failed (You should see my grade for the test on The Iliad…eesh)?
I’m beyond disgusted by this turn of events. I can’t imagine replacing a long-standing, time-tested classic novel like Huckleberry Finn. Certainly not because KIDS were complaining.
I have a feeling my kid will be reading Huckleberry Finn too…because I don’t want him robbed of that opportunity because a school backed down to children.
Why do we give our kids this much power? Aren’t we the ones that are supposed to be in charge?
by Sarah | Nov 4, 2013 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, All About Molly, Blogging Life, Indy Geek Girls
On almost any day of the week you can find the members of this family with their noses buried in a book.
Sure, the teen took a really, really long time to come around, but once he did he was unstoppable.
The girls read well above their comprehension level just to get words on the page.
So when I heard McDonald’s was replacing toys with books in their Happy Meals? I was pretty stoked. My girls will love getting books, and I love that McDonald’s is taking this step.
Included in our Happy Meals are these fun titles that involve teaching children about eating right when sometimes it’s not so easy to do:

But they aren’t stopping there, which is even better. Want to know why?
McDonald’s of Central Indiana is leading a “Give a Book, Get a Book” campaign.
All around Indy, from November 1st through the 14th, at Ronald McDonald Houses, local libraries, and Indy Reads there will be Book Donation sites set up.
In exchange for a donation of a new (or gently used) children’s book, you’ll get a “Be Our Guest” card good for a free Happy Meal!
And to top it all off, participating libraries will host a “Happy Meal Day” filled with kid’s activities and McDonald’s Happy Meal books!!
Since 2011 McDonald’s has been finding new ways to take action and fulfill their “Commitments to Offer Improved Nutrition Choices”. Each of the stories in these unique, limited edition books, is a fun and nutritional message that kids can understand.
Now onto the part I know you’ve been waiting for. My Giveaway! One lucky winner will get a week’s worth of Happy Meal Coupons, a $10 Amazon Gift Card, and a copy of a Happy Meal Book!
To make it easier, I whipped up a rafflecopter this time. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

by Sarah | Sep 30, 2013 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, Anger Issues, Special Needs
* <–This picture really says it all when it comes to my kids.
Denver is the aloof teenager.
Molly is the shy, slightly awkward middle’un.
And Kennedy…
Well, we love Kennedy.
She’s got the attitude.
The stubborn streak.
The temper.
Last year over the course of the school year we had many issues with Kennedy.
Her grades and smarts were impeccable. She moved into the advanced reader classes, and has continued on that course this year.
However, we had other issues.
Stealing again.
More lies.
There was regular emails between myself and her teacher to verify facts and get our ducks in a row.
Her temper was another issue again, frequent, but not overly so.
She went to ‘friendship classes’, and had sessions with the guidance counselor.
It was quite a year for little K.
This year we debated.
“Do we warn the teacher?”
We decided not to.
We gave her a pass, a clean slate to try to make this year better all on her own.
So far, it appears to be working…
but we’ll know for sure at Parent Teacher Conference.
~fingers crossed~