by Sarah | May 25, 2016 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
After an excellent start to the year I’ve really fallen off the wagon. I was reading a little before bed every night, and haven’t in about two months. Doing my best to get back on the wagon, but it’s been a struggle. I still have every intention of hitting my 50 book goal this year. It’s just a long way off.
What I’ve Read
Anna Dressed In Blood
— I had this book on my TBR list forever and a day. Then I happened to see on Instagram that my fabulous editor reviewed it with high marks. So it’s all her fault that I finally picked it up.
And I LOVE her for it.
When I first started to read I didn’t expect to like it. It was written in 1st person POV–from the guy’s perspective. I usually can’t connect to these sort of books, but I kept going and was so shocked to find that I really enjoyed the book.
All the MC’s were great, and likable. The mix of magic, horror, and teen drama worked shockingly well together. I’ll definitely be trusting my editors book reviews from now on. This was awesome.
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets
As always, I enjoyed this one. It’s not my “favorite” of the books, but it’s always great to read them again. Like book 1 it’s a pretty fast read. It’s by book 3 that things start to get in deep. Still, I enjoyed my little jaunt into the girls bathroom. 🙂
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
It always makes me so-so-so happy to read this one!! Definitely right up there in my favorites! Buckbeak, Sirius, the Marauder’s Map, the time turner…what’s not to like?
Marked (Servants of Fate #1)
I got this from netgalley forever and ever ago. It sat and sat. I’d start, then stop, then start again. I loved it, but I had about 20 gajillion books on my kindle and it kept getting lost in the crossfire.
And then, it happened.
I hit that point in the book where you!!! I was up until 2AM sucking down the tasty deliciousness of Sarah Fine’s story, and immediately opened book 2 before I passed out. It’s lovely, marvelous, sexy as hell, and I just love the lore.
This series is a definite must read. So much fun.
What I’m Reading Now
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
In my out loud reading with the little, we are at about 1/4 of the way through. Unfortunately, though we’d been off to a great start, things stalled with my laryngitis. Hopefully once I get my voice back we’ll get rolling again. This one is a LONG one, and I’ve always found it the most depressing (so. much. angst.) But, we’re working on it and we’ll get through. 🙂
Claimed (Servants of Fate #2)
Also snatched from netgalley (I forgot to go back for 3, but I’m paying for that one without question). Anyhow, I did open this soon as I finished book 1. I love this lore and I can’t wait to see what Sarah Fine does with Galena and Dec. Also, I’m hoping I get a few glimpses into how Cacy and Eli are doing.
Red Rising
A little worried to read this one. It’s a Goodreads first reads win and I have heard a TON about it…that usually ends up with me feeling “eh” about the book. I just started and it’s another from the male POV, AND first person. Anna Dressed in Blood was a success with me…I’m hoping this is the same. We’ll see what happens as I read. I’m only a chapter and a half in. Fingers crossed it doesn’t head south on me. 🙂
The Glass Magician (The Paper Magician Trilogy #2)
I actually borrowed this from Amazon forever and a day ago. I’m almost halfway through…but then I did the great Kindle switch of 2016 where I upgraded to a Paperwhite and this one got lost in the shuffle. Talking to a good friend who just started book 1 reminded me of it…and I instantly went and had it sent to my new kindle. It’s up front and waiting for me. I ADORE this series and can’t wait to get back to Ceony and Emery!!
My goal is to get these in print. The covers are simple and beautiful in their simplicity. I have way too many print books (is there such a thing?)…but I feel that these must be added (take note, my birthday is in July 😉 )
What I’m Reading Next
The Wicked Will Rise
Loved Dorothy Must Die. Super excited to continue on in this series. Now that I have the whole thing (including the short stories) in hand, and in print, I’m anxious to get back to them. Love the dark twist on the world of Oz and Dorothy, et al. Hopefully if I get back into a regular reading schedule I’ll be reading this soon!
Dark Matter
A netgalley book I scooped up for something out of my usual comfort zone. It’s still sci-fi/fantasy…and it looks pretty interesting. I didn’t think I’d be approved for it, but I’m glad I took the chance anyway. I’m looking forward to reading a book I know nothing about, and haven’t heard much about intentionally. Going in blind always leads to an interesting end (whether it be good or bad 😉 )
And that’s where I’m at for now. More books coming in the near-future I’m sure. Here’s hoping I get through them all quick. 😀

by Sarah | Feb 10, 2016 | All About Me, All of Us, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect
January is the time for resolutions and goals and all that sort of thing. I’m not a big resolution girl, but every year in January I set goals on Goodreads. Once again, I went for 50 books this year, and I’ve already got a start on it. So, I’m a little late this month (thanks sickness), but here’s what I read in January (into the first of February), and what I’m currently reading, or plan on reading. (Yes, I read a lot of books at the same time. shush)
What I’ve Read
Harry Potter and The Socerer’s Stone – What? Again? Yup. I’m still in the middle of reading the entire series aloud w/ my baby girl…but I wanted to sit down and just read them through fast, rather than a chapter a night. She’s decided to do the same too. We’ve also been watching them (again)…we might have a problem. Then again, if a Harry Potter obsession is wrong, I do not want to be right. As always, I enjoyed the first book, even on my fourth read-through. It’s a bit juvenile (I always found the first 2 that way), but it’s clearly geared toward that age and not an adult…but I still love it. I like to get lost in the magical world all over again. It just makes me happy 🙂
You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) – OMG, I want Felicia Day to be my best friend. We could just sit around and be weird together all day long. If you’ve been around these parts for any length of time, you know that I don’t do NF books…like ever. If I do, I almost always hate them. Not this one, not by a long shot. I have never been a “Gamer Girl”, but I have been a nerd, a geek, and insanely awkward and lacking in social skills. Everything about this book was relatable, and funny. A NF book I was so happy I took a chance on. I’d always enjoyed The Guild, and thought she was fun and quirky on facebook, so I took a gamble to borrow this from the library. Very happy Felicia didn’t disappoint. So lovely. 🙂
Flunked – Well, it was a fractured fairy tale of sorts…a bit of a new world of classic Fairy Tales. It was fun, a quick read. Did it rock my world? Eh. Would I read book 2? Sure! Will I clear my TBR pile to do it? Probably not.
Illuminae – I have a bad habit of reading books that people I know RAVE about and not loving them. That was the case with this. It wasn’t horrible, I actually sort of enjoyed the storyline. I think a lot of my disappointment had to do with the format I read it in. Just about everyone says the hard cover is GORGEOUS and that’s what makes this book so astoundingly wonderful. I read it on Kindle (library borrow. I swore to stop spending so much on books this year). Apparently in Kindle it loses way too much. Beyond that, the format threw me off. It was all chat transcripts and military files, etc. I suppose in the “beautiful” layout of the hard cover print book it makes more sense. I might borrow it that way once I can just to see what all the fuss is about.
What I’m Reading
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets – In my fourth solo read of this one. Actually, almost done really, probably in the next day or two I’ll finish it up. I like this one, but it’s not my favorite. I like the next as the themes start to get a little darker and more intense. Still, it’s Harry Potter and I always enjoy the ride.
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix – In my out loud reading with the little, we are at about 1/4 of the way through. Unfortunately, though we’d been off to a great start, things stalled with my laryngitis. Hopefully once I get my voice back we’ll get rolling again. This one is a LONG one, and I’ve always found it the most depressing (so. much. angst.) But, we’re working on it and we’ll get through. 🙂
Marked – I got this ages and ages ago on netgalley and never read it. Now that I’ve taken a peak inside I have to wonder what’s taken me so long. The world building is stunning, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
Anna Dressed in Blood – A recommendation from my fabulous editor (who I always listen to). It’s been on my TBR for a while, but when I saw her review I snatched it up. Really enjoying it, but am afraid to read it at night so it’s going slooow. lol. I need to hurry up, though b/c it’s a library borrow and I need to return it!
The Last Place on Earth – This was a Goodreads First Reads win…and it’s actually an ARC, so I’m super excited to read it and hope I manage before the book releases at the end of the month. I’ve just started it and so far it’s okay…but I’m only 15 pages in so I don’t have so much in opinions yet. 🙂
What I’m Reading Next
Red Rising – Another Goodreads First Reads win…I’ve been wanting to read it forever, though. I hope it doesn’t go the way of the other hugely popular books that I end up feeling ambivalent about. I’m really excited for it. I actually won this before The Last Place on Earth, but as the other is an ARC, I’m wanting to get it done. Fingers crossed it’s as good as everyone says it is!!
Let’s Pretend This Never Happened – Another NF. I have it on hold at the library. I’ve been a fan/FB-friend of Jenny for ever and a day, but never read this. Even though I don’t normally like NF books (see above), I’ve always enjoyed Jenny’s posts. There is a huge line for this one, so I’m waiting patiently.
And that’s where I’m at for now. More books coming in the near-future I’m sure. Here’s hoping I get through them all quick. 😀

by Sarah | Aug 19, 2015 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
Well, since the last time I’ve posted on what I’m reading, I surpassed my Goodread’s goal of 50 books. On top of what I’ve been writing (which makes my head spin)…that’s quite a bit. I’ve had a few memorable reads, and a few not so much. Despite my earlier claims of what I was reading next, I only read one of the two books. I haven’t managed to read The Glass Magician yet, but I really need to ASAP. It’s bugging me. Unfortunately I have a handful out from the library, too.
Anyway, onto what I’ve been reading, what I’ve read, and what I will be reading next.
What I’ve Read
Texts from Jane Eyre – This hilarious book had me rolling and reading aloud or showing it to my husband, who has found it as funny as me (that never happens). I’ve been ordered to “buy a copy” for us to have (I borrowed it from the library). So in my next Amazon order this book will be coming home for good. The Harry Potter one was funny, but the Jane Eyre, Gilgamesh and Achilles really had me going. Totally awesome.
Jane – by April Lindner. In a totally ironic turn, I read this right before the Jane Eyre book above. It was sold as a modern retelling of Jane Eyre, though the characters all had slightly different names, etc. I found I enjoyed it myself because I read it more as a book with a nod to the original instead of a strict retelling. It wasn’t my favorite read of the year, but I liked it enough to be looking forward to her other “retelling” Catherine (for Wuthering Heights, of course). I’d been wanting to read both of these books based on the covers alone for a long time and was thrilled to find them both at my Half Price on my birthday…so of course I snatched them up. 🙂
We Were Liars – OMG, if this book wasn’t a whole big lot of What-the-f*@kery, I don’t know what is. It was a quick read and I found myself REALLY wanting to get through it to find out what exactly was going on, and to get it out of my lfie. Worst part is I guessed at least part of the giant twist pretty much two chapters in…but then when the big twist came and I was proved right and then some I could only just sit there going “WTF did I just read? WTF did I just spend 3 hours doing? WTF?” I will never get that time back and I’ve already sold the book back to Half Price Books because I mean…WHAT?
What I’m Reading
Unsweetined – I am not a non-fiction reader, but I’ve taken two out from the library so far, with a third on its way. Sometimes bios interest me, and I’ve been curious about Jodie Sweetin’s for a while. I’m a few chapters in, and I really like her voice. It’s easy and conversational. I think this one I might actually finish. I was a big Full house fan and always liked Stephanie…so some of the little details are fun to read. I think this one’ll be a quick read.
Strange Highways – This is sooooo not my typical book. I’m not even that far in, honestly. Only reason I picked it up was because it’s a book club read. My biggest problem right now is that it’s not exactly pre-bedtime reading material, and that’s pretty much when I read. Period. So it’s tough for me to really get into it because I tend toward nightmares and last thing I want to do is encourage them 😉
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – Oh my some days it seems like we will never finish this one! It’ll only get worse as we get on because they get longer and longer, but I’m still so happy to be reading this with Kennedy when we can. Our biggest problem now is going to be finding time to read. Between schoolwork and chores and an earlier bedtime, our joint reading time is getting narrower. I think I know the perfect time, but it’s a matter of getting ourselves on a school year schedule before we can make it a thing.
What I’m Reading Next
The Glass Magician – Oh my goodness I was supposed to have this read and the next book “borrowed” from Amazon already, but I’ve been reading more print than electronic lately. I really, really intend to read this very soon. I just need to sit down and do so. One of these days I’ll pick up my Kindle instead of a print book. I really do want to see what happens next in this series. I really loved the first book and I think I’m a little afraid the series won’t hold up (it’s happened so often). Fingers crossed I get to it soon.
I Don’t Know What You Know Me From – by Judy Greer. Another of the non-fictions and auto-biographies. I like Judy Greer. I think her book sounds fun. It’s a library borrow so I’ve got a time-frame in which I have to finish it. lol. Hopefully that motivates me to do just that.
34 Pieces of You – This one’s been on my TBR for a while. I figured no time like the present to borrow it from the library (LOVE my library’s new system that lets you request books from other branches, about time Hickville Library, about time). Based on the description it seems reminiscent of a book I read a couple years back, Thirteen Reasons Why…although I’m sure it’s totally different. I guess we’ll see. Another library book with a time frame on it. Here’s hoping.
And that’s where I’m at for now. More books coming in the near-future I’m sure. Here’s hoping I get through them all quick. 😀

by Sarah | Aug 18, 2015 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Top Ten Tuesday
I didn’t start out as a big Harry Potter fan.
What got me started was us scoring free tickets to a pre-screening of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the local theater. We took Denver, and both Erik & I walked out of the theater saying to each other, “We have got to read those books.”
Unfortunately at the time, only five books were out. I blazed through the first three, slowed down for the fourth and TRUDGED through book 5. Sure, some very important events happen during it, and things take a huge turn — but it was sooooo depressing and dark and dreary and did I mention depression? By the time I finished the sixth book had been released, but I’d nearly forgotten the events of previous books, and by the time Deathly Hallows came out people were being mentioned that I couldn’t remember to save my life.
By the time I was done I said “Well, they were good…but I don’t get the fanatic love.”
So a few years ago I decided to give it the old college try again. This time all seven books were in front of me and I read through them one right after another without break.
And a light bulb came on–I got it.
Unlike most die-hards, though, I love the movies equally (almost separately). Yes, they left a TON out, but I don’t begrudge them for it.
And so, when it came time to do a TTT for my favorite HP characters, well…it was tough.
1. Hermione Granger – A strong, smart, exceptionally capable young woman. A girl wise beyond her years, not just book smart. I have no problem with my girl looking up to her. “Book! And cleverness! There are more important things – friendship and bravery.”
2. Luna Lovegood – A ‘different’ character. She has faced teasing, but accepts herself as she is and isn’t ashamed to be who she is. She knows she’s different and doesn’t mind, she’s comfortable in her own skin. She always brings a smile to my face when she’s on the page or screen. “I think they think I’m a bit odd, you know. Some people call me ‘Loony’ Lovegood, actually.”
3. Professor Minerva McGonagall – Another strong woman (Rowling is good at those). Second in command at Hogwarts and becomes Headmaster in Dumbledore’s various absences. Underneath her stern, commanding, no-nonsense exterior lies a wit and humor shown a few times throughout the books/movies. “Hogwarts is threatened! Man the boundaries. Protect us!”
4. Hagrid – Big, lovable Hagrid. What list would be complete without him? He’s made me laugh and cry and is loyal to a fault. He believes good will win, though he knows bad can happen. He survived a stint in Azkaban, albeit brief, and was still as loveable after. He shows an inner strength through that I have to admire. Plus I’m a sucker for the “big teddy bear” type. “No good sittin’ worryin’ about it. What’s comin’ will come, and we’ll meet it when it does.”
5. Sirius Black – Everyone needs a father figure. In a time when Harry really needed one, Sirius was there as best he could be. He was always an owl or fireplace away, even at risk to his own safety. Sirius was dark and light wrapped into one in some ways. His years in Azkaban had chipped away at something inside him until he was angrier, I think. Still, around Harry he was always warm. “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”
6. Remus Lupin – Probably the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Hogwarts had. He actually taught the students valuable lessons that they would later use. Most of all, he helped Harry find answers to his past. He had a dark part of him he despised, never more than when he was alone without the friends he’d trusted with his secret years before. “Well, well…I’m impressed. That suggests that what you fear most of all is, fear. Very wise, Harry.”
7. Nymphadora Tonks – Yet another strong woman, who was very confident in herself and who she is. She battles for what is right, and for the man she loves (even against his own self-doubts). She’s also fun, and smart in her own right. And really, who doesn’t love her metamorphmagus abilities? “I was never a prefect myself. My Head of House said I lacked certain qualities.” … “Like the ability to behave myself.”
8. Molly Weasley – The ultimate mum. Strong head of household, clearly in love with her husband, disciplinarian, yet loving mother, and of course…ultimate defender of her children. She always amuses me in the way she quickly changes her personality on a dime. “Not my daughter, you BITCH.”
9. Ron Weasley – Harry’s best friend, with some real serious jealousy issues. You can’t blame him, it’s not easy being best friends with “the chosen one”. As Hermione wisely points out, he’s always had to compete with all the brothers ahead of him, it’s hard to do so with your best friend. Throughout the series he grows and changes, and in the end he learns the most important lesson of all, that friends mean everything. “We’re with you, whatever happens.”
10. Harry Potter – This really wasn’t an “of course”. Harry had a lot of flaws. HE wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and he makes some silly moves from time to time…but he is a child when it starts and time and some painful experiences help him learn and grow. In the end he is the central character and we’d have no story without him. “You won’t be killing anyone else tonight. You won’t be able to kill any of them ever again.”
I wasn’t going to include Harry or Ron in this list…but I figured I sort of really should…and also I’m probably going to do another list with MORE of my favorite HP characters, because really, 10 isn’t enough.
And those are my first set of favorite HP characters. Who are yours?
by Sarah | Jul 22, 2015 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
I’ve been on a real reading streak in 2016, with plans for more reading coming up. Of course, that’s when I find time in between family, friends and writing. I still haven’t quite figured out how I’ve read 40+ books this year, but there you have it.
So, here’s some of what I’ve been reading, and what I’m reading coming up.
What I’ve Read
Incarnation – it’s a different take on the story of Lucy Weston, the supposedly wanton creation of Dracula. Set in a steampunk victorian era London, the atmosphere is dark and dreary, perfect for a vampire tale.
I don’t usually read vampire books (anymore), but I got this based on the gorgeous cover and the word ‘steampunk’. I’m so glad I did. I loved the somber feel of it, the character of Lucy portrayed here and the story of how she came to be what she was, and the whys. There was a hint of romance, but it wasn’t your typical lovey-dovey-goo-eyed romance in any fashion and it didn’t end as expected that way, either.
Shadow & Bone – Again, the gorgeous covers swayed me, along with a few good reviews from people I knew. I honestly didn’t have much faith when I picked up the book that I would like it, but before I knew it I was swept up and read it in no time. I’m honestly afraid to pick up the next book because I fear it won’t be as good as enjoyable as the first.
I had moments where I wanted to throttle the main character, and others where I wanted to hug her. She was thrown into a world she didn’t understand and wasn’t able to handle it. I really do want to know what happens next. I plan on getting around to the second book soon. Really, I do 😉
The Paper Magician – I have been eyeing this book for ages and ages, never pulling the trigger on a purchase. So when I suddenly remembered that Amazon had it’s “Borrow one book a month” policy for Prime users I went in and snatched this up.
Ceony is a fun, strong, heroine. I like her, even though the love story at first seemed far too easy before it got really difficult and actually made sense. Once you’ve been where Ceony goes, you can’t help but know a person. By the end I was 100% behind the whole kit and kaboodle and immediately turned around and borrowed the next book in the series.
What I’m Reading
Wicked Lovely – I just picked it up, and I’m not far enough in to have an opinion quite yet. The world building is strong, but I can already see the dreaded triangle forming into place. It would be a shame if I don’t care for it because I have the entire series sitting on my shelf waiting for me. If I don’t like it that’ll be a whole lot heading back to the bookstore for sale. Although that’ll free up space on my shelf for other stuff. 😉
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – The little one and I are still going strong in this book. We’ve finally passed the halfway point and we’re coming into the home stretch. The Yule Ball is complete, and Harry’s about to discover the secret of the egg.
It’s no longer an every single night thing, but we’re still plugging away. Of course, being halfway through the fourth book means we’re halfway through the series. Really loving reading it with her, even though I know she’s skipping ahead and reading her favorite parts of later books 😉
What I’m Reading Next
The Glass Magician – I’m waiting until I know I can borrow the next book after it to start this one. I’m really curious what’s going to happen, because I know Ceony has more to her than we realized. I guessed as much in the first book. I’m also curious what will happen as her and Emery continue to get closer together.
Also, there appears to be a new big bad in this one and I’m really interested to see what they’re like, if they’re who I think they are and where it’ll head. So much curiosity. I can’t wait to start (will be super soon)
The Magicians – I’m supposed to be reading this RIGHT NOW for my book club. Clearly I’m behind as I just finished Junes book a week back (not any of the above). I’m curious about it for sure, but don’t have it in my hand yet. Just put in a request for it at the library so I’m probably going to be starting it really soon.
95% of times books don’t live up to their hype for me, so I’m hoping this one is in the 5%. I’d really like to enjoy a book assigned by book club for once.
And that’s where I’m at for now. More books coming in the near-future I’m sure. Here’s hoping I get through them all quick. 😀

by Sarah | Jul 1, 2015 | All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All of Us, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
In case you missed the flashing neon news flash, we went to Disney World last year. The trip included two days at Universal.
The absolute best part about that addition?
My youngest, Kennedy, had just discovered the Harry Potter movies and absolutely LOVED them. So around the time she made her wish it wasn’t just about Disney, it was about “seeing Harry Potter,” too.
Her excitement was palpable the whole few months leading up to the trip. She could hardly contain herself.
To help pass the time, I made a crazy suggestion.
Why not read the books?
And so the journey started.
We’ve had some spurts where we don’t read, but usually it’s Kennedy and me, snuggled together, getting lost in the world of Hogwarts.
It’s certainly not my usual rapid pace for reading.
It’s definitely different reading aloud.
But I wouldn’t give it up for anything.
Seeing the excitement in my baby girls eyes whenever I take out one of the books.
For Christmas she got my old Harry Potter complete set (as it was already worn and some spine breaking was all right), while I got a new set (isn’t it pretty?).
She pores over them when I’m not around (she thinks I don’t know), looking for her favorite parts.
Ron is her book boyfriend.
Hermione is her hero.
And there is nothing I love better than sharing my love of Harry Potter with her.
Everything is wrapped in the pure joy, excitement, and hope that there is a world of magic out there that she could take part in, even through the page of a book.