A Family Complete

For a few years now I’ve wanted a dog. I just thought our family was one-shy of completion.

A month ago we made an attempt to adopt an adorable little girl. The shelter was rude, horrible, and left us with a bad taste in our mouths and worries we wouldn’t find another.

Then last week I dared peek again at a different shelter. I found an beautiful mixed breed mutt that seemed perfect. We filled out an application and went in to meet the lovely lady at the adoption center. However, when we walked in, I saw this face:

RipleyI knew right then.

She was the one. It helped that when we looked at the list of available dogs–Erik wanted to meet her, not the pup I had my eye on.

Within 24 hours we brought her home.

We’ve renamed her “Ripley” (as in Ellen Ripley of the Alien movie franchise, Erik’s favorite movie).

She’s smart.


And a total mama’s girl.

I’m in heaven.

The kids are too.

And despite her sad history, I think Ripley is fitting in perfect into our little family.

We feel complete.

Like a hole has been filled.

I think you’ll be seeing a lot more of Ripley around these blog parts. 😀

As a side note, I also would have been happy w/ a cat, but my allergies would never allow it. ~sigh~

Also, I’m now going to look into volunteering at this shelter. They were so amazing.