State Fair Giveaway – Win While Helping Feed (CLOSED)

I love the Fair.

But I never go.

Most of the time it’s a heat thing…or a money thing…or a distance thing. Seriously, we live in the outermost suburb & it’s a haul to get anywhere in Indy.

Two years ago Erik & I made the trek, but we went to see Jeff Dunham (who was amazing), and left.  We got no fair food, and didn’t do much wandering.

This year we hope to change that by going twice (at least).  There are so many amazing things to see and do – and we won’t go broke if I can control my urge to buy deep fried everything and anything.

One of the main reasons I want to go this year is because it’s the year of the Cow.  I used to have a slight obsession and still have a box of cow decorations in my garage (for real).

Okay, the box of cow stuff is real, but my reasons for wanting to go are not.  Why I really want to go is to help feed hungry families.

There are days when money is tight here and we wonder how we are going to feed the family for a full week – but when we face ourselves in reality there is always food in the cabinets and the fridge.  We are not in so deep that our kids don’t think they will have to wait for school to start to get a square meal.

But there are thousands of families that are that bad off.  Children and families going hungry.

The Indiana Family of Farmers is working with Feeding Indiana’s Hungry (FIsH) to provide food to the hungry here in Indiana.  For each person that finished the “Recipe Trail”, IFOF donates 1 pound of food to FIsH.  Last year they managed to donate 2,000 pounds!  This year, IFOF really increased its goal.  They want to get 3,000 visitors to follow the simple recipe trail, pick up the cards and stop by the IFOF booth.  You’ll not come out of it with nothing – you get a prize for finishing the trail and entered in both a daily giveaway and a grand prize of a Frigidaire® Chest Freezer.

It takes no time, and you can just sing in as you walk around the fair.  Here’s an easy map for you to follow: Recipe Trail Map. All you have to do is make a stop at 8 points through the fair, and bring the recipe cards to the IFOF booth at the DuPont Pavilion.

To make it easier for you to help feed hungry families, you can win 2 tickets to the State Fair. Not just tickets to the fair, but a set of Dairy Coupons (2 milkshakes, 2 grilled cheese, & 2 kids meals).  All thanks to Indiana Family of Farmers!  Awesome, I know!

Entering is super easy (and for kicks I’ll give you multiple chance’s to win…but your first entry is super simple).

Easy entry:

Just leave a comment below telling me your favorite part of the fair. Is it the concerts? The animals? The FRIED stuff? Or maybe a demo-derby?

Extra entries:

  • Tweet about the contest (leave a comment w/ your twitter name)
  • Facebook about the contest (leave a comment)
  • Google+ the contest (leave a comment)
  • Go to any of my friends blogs below and enter their contests (leave a comment for each one you enter)

That’s it!  The contest will end at 11:59 PM on the 25th. The winner will have 24 hours to respond or I will pick another winner.


Other State Fair Giveaways:


Disclaimer: I am an IFOF Ambassador and therefore this is a sponsored post. I’ll get the same Fair tickets and Dairy coupons as the winner does.  However, while I do blog for cheese, milkshakes and fair tickets – I don’t sell my opinions. All thoughts and opinions expressed in the post are my own.

The Best Day Ever

[flickr id=”5074952547″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]The past twenty four hours  have been a whirlwind. A crazy whirlwind of amazing awesomeness that I can hardly begin to describe.

Seeing as this is blog specifically for that, I’m going to try. All of the awesomeness will see its own post (or two) this week, so for now I’m going to bullet point the awesomeness and then start prepping posts for the rest of the week to fill you up.

* First my husband and I went to Vintage Indiana (Thank you, Indiana Family of Farmers).  We sampled, we walked, we ate and we bought.  We discovered a winery we didn’t know about and brought home a few bottles of deliciousness.

* After that I met my friend and neighbor and went to an Indiana Fever Game. They put us up in the Legends suite and it was amazing. Good food, good drinks, good friends, good game (side note: we won!)

* The ever beautiful Casey had a phone that I could replace mine with after the loss I suffered last week. My Thunderbolt is gone, but I welcome in the Droid Bionic w/ open arms. We came this close to agreeing to a date to see Barry Manilow together…but alas she will be at Blogher. Such a shame…we could have been part-time Fanilow’s together.

* Did I mention the Fever game? Yeah, that meant I got to hang out with the awesomeness that is the Indy Geek Girls. The blogging community in Indy is Da-Bom’…and I loves me ladies.

* After all of that fun I came home and checked my email – to find an offer on my novel!!! I literally fell off the couch when I read the email. Yes, literally. Just ask Erik or Denver – they were there.

* Once I finally got to sleep – I woke up to find another requested full for my novel. I’d entered a pitch contest on a whim and a tiny prayer – & that publisher wants to see it too!

* Today I found out what was causing Erik’s phone to be painfully slow and it appears to be fixed.  The man is very happy.

So today I’ve been sending out emails, fulls and updates to those that have my work. I’ve contacted a lawyer to look at the contract I received to help me make this difficult decision (I may not like the contract, or get the answers I want to my questions).  Even though I’ve waited a very long time for an offer – I won’t just jump on it.  There are a lot of points to weigh and I plan on weighing each of them carefully and with as clear a head as I can.

So as the week goes on, you’ll learn more about much of the events of the past 24 hours. right now I’m still a bit giddy so you get the info dump!  More soon, I promise!