by Sarah | Jul 19, 2016 | All About Home, All of Us, Blogging Life, Giveaway, Random, Redefining Perfect, Sponsored
*This post is sponsored by Phoenix Trading Company. I was given an air fryer in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.*
In the world of home appliances, I have both too many, and too few. Recently I got a new kitchen appliance that has brought about some good.
See, we have had a bit of a problem in our marriage since day 1.
I LOVE fried food.
Erik hates it.
So some of my favorite meals, he only picks at. He doesn’t like the grease, slime, general heaviness of fried anything.
When I was approached to try out this Air Fryer, I jumped at the chance.
What better compromise could this nearly-14 years married couple make than air frying?
No greasy food, just pure taste. At least, that was the hope. Hubs wasn’t so sure once he heard about it, and saw the thing. But, I persisted.
I made the one meal I love to make often, and hubs has always liked the taste of, but not the frying.
Breaded lemon chicken (just call me Debra Barone).
I did everything the same as I always did, but instead of fighting dropping it in a pan, I set it in a basket, spritzed it with some olive oil spray and slid it into the cooker. Ten minutes later, they were done.
Bonus points I didn’t even think of?
- I didn’t have to worry about the chicken being cooked through in the middle. Normally in oil I either get the breading burned, and the inside isn’t cooked…or vice versa. In the air fryer every single piece was perfection, from the thickest to the thinnest.
- Oil burns be gone! See, I have a bad habit of getting burned by everything I cook in oil or in its own grease (hello bacon, my delicious nemesis). Holy cow is it nice to be able to not worry about that. My hands, arms, and even my face are free from grease splatter.
- If I was just cooking for one or two of us, I could have slipped our whole meal in one basket as their cooking time was the same. However, there were four of us, so I had to spread it out. Still, for a quick lunch, I’m all over this.
- It’s a smaller kitchen appliance that can either sit on your counter, or slip into a cabinet should you have a tiny kitchen with no counter space like me. 😉
- Did I mention the no oil thing? A little spritz of olive oil instead of sitting in pools of oil will help keep me out of that plus size clothing 😉
- My husband eats the food. Scarfed it down, actually.
So we had a delicious meal. Perfectly cooked chicken, potatoes and cauliflower. A meal that everyone ate up, and turned out to be easy as pie.
Oooh, pie. That’s something I should make next. Little mini pies in no time flat.
You in with me? I can help you with that super easy.
Because I’m sharing a giveaway for a Todd English 1500W 3.3 qt Touchscreen Air Fryer w/ Filter & Accessories !!!
Seriously, you want in. Soon as I get that pie recipe done, I’ll share it with you. I’m on it tonight.

About Phoenix Trading Company (PTC):
First, we’re not in Phoenix, Arizona. Never have been (we’re in Boston). Our name refers to the
mythical bird, the Phoenix, which is reborn to soar again. Our clothes and other products are
sort of like that. We buy large volumes of out-of-season, overstock and clearance designer
merchandise from national retailers and TV shopping channels, then pass the savings to
you—on average offering our goods at 60% below retail. And by the way, the pictures of shoes
and clothing you see on our site are the actual items that you’ll get in the mail. Nothing photo-
shopped here.
People seem to like us. We started in 2001 in 700 square feet subleased from a machine shop,
and have grown to be one of eBay’s top three women’s clothing sellers. We’re also an eBay top-
rated plus seller. Not that we’re bragging. It’s just true.
There is something we’re kind of proud of, though: A third of our workforce are people who are
housebound, either through physical disabilities or childcare responsibilities, and who would
otherwise not be able to have a job. And honestly, we couldn’t function without them.
So, that’s us in a nutshell. Phoenix Trading Company, bringing you style and savings at the click
of a mouse.
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by Sarah | Mar 30, 2014 | All About Family, All About Home, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Redefining Perfect, Sponsored

*Today’s post was sponsored by Fruitshoot. All opinions and lunch ideas are my own.
I have this special treat I love to do for my girls.
I don’t do it as often as I should, but then it’s not a treat, is it?
I like to make bento-style lunches for them.
I create sushi rolls out of sandwhiches, or just the meat and cheese. I add in vegetables and fruits, and the best part? They are so excited by the fun take on the food, that they happily eat all the healthy food I can pack into the meal…and even better? They eat more than they would if I just offered them a sandwich.
Today we’re heading out on an adventure for our first day of spring break. For my new job (more on that later), we’re heading out to a farm to check out the baby animals. The girls are so excited, but I’m going to surprise them with their favorite kind of lunches.

I’ve got all their favorites in there. Tomatoes, cheese, carrots, bologna, craisins, strawberry’s, yogurt covered raisins, and hard boiled eggs. I rolled the bologna and cheese into sushi-like rolls, and then made the [amazon_link id=”B00CDPNA70″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]kitten and panda faces[/amazon_link] out of them, too. I went with a “round” theme with the carrots to match the rest of the fruits, and mixed all the fruits, dried and fresh, together for them.
All of that is topped off with their (and my) newest favorite drink. Apple Fruitshooter’s!! They love the tasty drink, and that they can open them themselves (that whole independent streak they’ve got going) – and I love that handy little note at the top of the label “No Sugar Added”.
It’s a fun and easy way for us to all get what we want…and it’s a great way to get a drink into their lunches.
So how do you like to fun-up your kids lunches?
Like Fruitshoot on Facebook
*Today’s post was sponsored by Fruitshoot. All opinions and lunch ideas are my own.
by Sarah | Jan 30, 2014 | All of Us, Blogging Life, Random, SITS Girls, Sponsored
*This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the Home Run Inn Pizza
This past month has been a crazy chaotic sort of month.
Foot surgery, insane weather, school closings/delays left and right.
Dinnertime has suffered the biggest blow in the midst of all of this. Namely because I’ve been laid up. I did pre-make a bunch of dinners, but once those ran out, Erik was left holding the bag.
Oh, who am I kidding, even at full strength, there are days when getting food on the table is more of an accomplishment than status quo.
On the days when dinner is a rushed affair, last minute, our favorite go-to meal is freezer pizza. The girls scarf down cheese slices (and face it, anything I can get them to scarf down is awesome). The boys and I totally dig the meaty pizzas.
The past few days I’ve been working really hard on finishing & editing my next book, so dinner has been more of an afterthought. So tonight I made Erik stop on the way home at Kroger and pick up a couple of Home Run Inn pizzas.
I know, I know–you think “Ew. Cardboard.”
Ah, but if you think that you haven’t tried Home Run Inn Pizza.
The taste of this pizza is so delicious, I even eat more than I usually do. I’ve even compared the crust to puff pastry, it’s so flaky.
No cardboard here.
Best part? My kids eat more dinner (which, in this house, all the kids have weight issues and need to eat more)–and it’s not bad for them. In fact, Home Run Inn pizza is all natural. Real meats and cheeses – no preservatives! So I’m still managing to feed them healthy when time is tight.
So far we’ve only had the pepperoni and cheese, but I know Erik’s itching to try the sausage. I’m sure he’ll have plenty of chances to try.
After all, around these parts, quick dinners are needed more often than not. And as far as I’m concerned, Home Run Inn is the only frozen pizza out there anymore.

Seriously, doesn’t that look good? Which one do you want to try? Pepperoni, Sausage, or cheese?
*This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the Home Run Inn pizza

by Sarah | Nov 28, 2013 | All of Us, Blogging Life, Sponsored
Holiday cards are always a challenge for me. What to send, and remembering to send them…
This year, Minted is making at least part of the struggle so much easier. Their Holiday Gift Card selection is amazing! From the simplest of cards, to a selection of books that let you fill your friends and family on what your year was like, I can find everything I want.
I’ve spent the good part of the past 3 days searching through their options and have found some real winners.
The simplistic side of me loves this card, the Stringed Noel (also available in a vertical style).

The simplicity of the design, coupled with one of my great photos of the kids (or rather, the girls, since the teen refuses pictures now), makes me happy.
Then again the cheeky reluctant Hoosier in me loves the “Y’all” on the Southern Accent design.

I mean, come on. So many of my old Yankee Buffalo friends tease me about losing my New York Accent. I’m not southern, but a twang slips in and I’ve been known to “Y’all” a time or two in my life…
But the ritzy girl in me, and the writer that would love to capture a story of our year, along with several pictures of all the kids, including the elusive teen…well, I might have dreams about the Gilded Year in Review Minibook.

The pages are so easy to edit using their personalization tools, my fingers are just itching to get a hold of my order and start. It’s more pricey, but I don’t have a tone of people to send them to, so I can make my order smaller…and have a ton of fun…Of course, this Winter Foliage minibook is more my color palette…shoot, did I say was making this choice easier? Becuase I think it just got a lot harder…

What do you think I should pick?
And what would you pick? Why don’t you head on over to Minted’s Holiday Photo Cards page and tell me what YOU would pick!
*Disclosure: I was provided with a Gift Card for this review. All opinions and indecision are all my own.
by Sarah | Sep 25, 2013 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Clever Girls, Sponsored

I’m the proud parent of science geeks. I was one myself.
First was Denver, who wanted to be a scientist for NASA. For years that was his dream, but he’s since moved on…
To wanting to be a doctor. I gotta say, I’m okay with that.
Now Molly is loving science since she started in science last year, and Kennedy is right behind her this year. It’s a common theme in this house – science is a favorite. From photosynthesis, to outer-space, to biology, genetics and beyond…my kids eat it all up.
Part of the reason I myself enjoy science so much is because I really hate unknowns.
I like facts.
If my kids are sick – I want to know the hows and why’s. I want specifics and details. I want to know the life expectancies, the proper medicines, the risks and complications.
It was the same way when my grandfather got sick.
As painful as facts can be, they help me cope.
So when my kids come home with light in their eyes talking about what they learned in science today, I’m all over it.
From gross bugs, to meteors, I am happy to encourage their love of science.
Because as much as I love writing and fiction and living in a world of make-believe…
I like science just as much, and sometimes even more. It’s not going to lie to me, it might make me wait for answers, but it gives me answers.
You know, science doesn’t lie – it’s made of facts.
And it makes it that much easier to fight.
Watch and learn about Nature’s Tiny Miracle:
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Visit Planters Power of the Peanut
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
by Sarah | Aug 30, 2013 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Special Needs, Sponsored, Story of Me
When I was really young, I loved school for all of its aspects. I loved to learn, I enjoyed going every day, I even looked forward to the end of summer. My brother thought I was insane, but I didn’t care. I loved the new year, the new books, the new teachers and new students. The only subject I dreaded was PE, because I hated sports, etc.
As I got older and my social life took a huge nose dive, I still loved learning, but the individual teachers began to make a much larger impact on me. I began to appreciate them for what they did, and how they treated me, they were the beacon in the chaos of teenage drama. Teachers became the biggest imact on my school life.
One teacher that inspired my writing life (and subsequent career as an author), was an English teacher I had in high school.
Mrs. K.
I’m pretty sure the day I approached her with a question on our writing assignment she wasn’t sure what to make of it. The assignment was to write on our name, the origin of it, the meaning, etc. You know the assignment, I think we all get it. I asked if it had to be in third person and follow the usual strict guideline for a non-fiction assignment because I had “an idea.”
When she gave me that ok to take the chance, I’m sure she didn’t know how much it would impact my entire future writing life. I ended up turning the assignment, which had become a creative assignment written as a newspaper article by my great-granddaughter (who shared my name).
I got an A.
And never looked at “standards” the same way again. I approach everything from a sideways slant now. I ignore genres and write crazy stories and plots and don’t ever look back. All thanks to Mrs. K’s simple “yes” and encouragement.
These days I look at teachers differently. With my kids and their own unique personalities, I’m always looking for the one that’s going to have the most impact. How they’re going to turn around a difficulty or face a challenge. I’m mostly looking for one that, despite their insane schedule, take the time to know what my children are about. We’ve had some amazing years, and some rough ones, and I’m so happy for each step forward my kids take thank to a teachers impact.
Kennedy wants to be a teacher.
I couldn’t be prouder of this dream and I encourage it EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Teachers impact the lives of so many children, they make the difference between a love of learning and the desire to avoid school.
I know that the pool of teachers for schools to use is dwindling as people choose different careers and even fewer go to college. I see first hand that within the next 10 years 65% of America’s current teachers will retire – because every year in my kids school several teachers leave or retire.
I think Kennedy’s dream of being a teacher is the best dream there is. I want her to achieve it and hope she does.
On September 6th 8PM EST, TEACH will air on CBS. Brought to us by Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim, it explores education in America today and asks what it takes to be a good teacher today. I know I’ll be watching, and have my future teacher at my side.
What about you? Did you have a teacher that impacted your life? Share your story. Visit the TEACH website to learn about the four awesome teachers highlighted in the documentary and
*DISCLOSURE: This post was sponsored by Participant Media. However, the stories told are uniquely my own, and all opinions are most certainly 100% my own.