by Sarah | Jul 20, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Crafty Me, Oola, Redefining Perfect, Yarnspiration
I may have mentioned once or twice before that I have some crafting ADHD. In the past year, my yarn-bending has come out full force (along with my pendant making, but that’s another post).
To keep tabs on myself because I’ve had several projects that are YEARS old now (seriously, like 7 years).

Honestly, this months yarn check-in is much the same as last one…I’ve been working on it for YEARS.
But, it was meant to be worked on over time.
Just perhaps not quite this much time.
It’s called the Bee-Keeper Quilt.
You make a bunch of teeny-tiny (not really, but really) hex-puffs – or poofs as I like to call them.
Each hexagon is knitted, and stuffed, individually as you go along.
You make lots of them.
Like hundreds.
For a twin size I think you need something like 400.
I’m aiming for a queen sized quilt.
It’s like 1,000 of those –>>
I’m at about 150, I think?
After YEARS of off and on knitting.
I may finish this before we get our retirement home.
Or in time to be buried with it.
At this rate, it could be…
by Sarah | Mar 23, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Crafty Me, Oola, Redefining Perfect, Yarnspiration
I may have mentioned once or twice before that I have some crafting ADHD. In the past year, my yarn-bending has come out full force (along with my pendant making, but that’s another post).
To keep tabs on myself because I’ve had several projects that are YEARS old now (seriously, like 7 years).

We all have those projects.
You know the ones….
They take forever.
You love them.
You hate them.
You wish they’d be done already.
Well, shit, you completely messed up and have to start all the way over again…
This one cardigan is mine.
It’s an exceedingly complex circle sweater that I’m knitting.
To make matters more special, it’s got tons of teeny, tiny cable stitches throughout the whole thing…and the whole thing is pretty much reversible so…
It’s insanely difficult. It was even more so when I first started it as a noob knitter.
I started this sucker YEARS ago. Like 2013.
I worked the entire sleeve and started on the body only to realize I was making the WRONG SIZE.
I’m pretty sure I cried as I started again two years ago…from scratch. I worked the new sleeve directly from the old sleeve, literally using the same yarn as I pulled it free of the sleeve to stitch the new one. I did that two years ago.
I worked on it steadily for a few months until I’d hit the exact same point I’d been at when I’d REstarted it months before.
Then dropped it. Went onto other projects. Easier projects. Crochet projects. Anything but this.
Relegated to a drawer it sat there for a long time.
Then a couple of months ago, I sold everything. Okay, not EVERYTHING, but about 95% of my yarn, even if they had projects attached to them. In bulk.
All gone.
That left me with precisely 3 projects to work on. 2 knitting, 1 crochet.
So, this sweater has been getting attention.
A lot of it.
Which has led to this.
I’m not quite halfway done with it. Probably 40%…but it’s made a huge leap forward. I’ve got about 180 rows until I can start doing the insanely long rows of the back. I’m kind of surprised at how fast it’s been going now that I’ve really dedicated to just a couple of projects.
It’s still not as fast as many yarn weavers…but I’m still very pleased at how it’s coming along. There’s been a few gaffs along the way, but they lend to the character of the outfit. Who knows, I may finish this before my kids graduate high school at this point. I wasn’t sure that would ever happen. It has already been six years, after all. 😉
by Sarah | Feb 2, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Crafty Me, Oola, Redefining Perfect, Yarnspiration
I may have mentioned once or twice before that I have some crafting ADHD. In the past year, my yarn-bending has come out full force (along with my pendant making, but that’s another post).
To keep tabs on myself because I’ve had several projects that are YEARS old now (seriously, like 7 years).
My big project this year, was also my big challenge for the year. I’d never taken on a project like this, and I wanted to go for it. I dove in, ordered the yarn and got myself started on the Hooked on Squares Crochet-Along.
Over the course of about six months I worked on 35 granny squares, bound them together and added on the suggested border.
It was very challenging. I had to redo a few squares because the sizing wasn’t working out to match the other squares.
I had to watch videos to understand stitches.
But I finished it, and I’m super proud.
But here’s the thing…it matches nothing in my house. I bought the colors to sort of go with the suggested colors…and because I thought they were pretty. I’d planned it all along as a challenge for myself, but now, I have to sell it. Well, I don’t HAVE to, but I am.
So, since I’m selling…I’m going to show off some pretty pictures here for you of the construction and finished process.