by Sarah | Jul 23, 2015 | All About Family, All of Us, Disney, Make-A-Wish, Redefining Perfect
I’ve been to Disney a few times in my life.
The first time I was 5, and really don’t remember much beyond what the pictures show.
The second I was 10. Then 18.
The last time I went I was in my twenties, about 23, I believe. On that last trip I only had a one day park hopper and never went to the Magic Kingdom (I know, sacrilege). I had my reasons, of course. I had to do Hollywood Studios because our free ticket came from a cast member in the Beauty & the Beast show–and we had to go see him. And we did chose to do Epcot for the second half of our day.
So when Erik & I were able to go with our kids, we made sure our first day in the Disney portion was at the Magic Kingdom. We got off to a late start after breakfast at the amazing Ginger Bread house at Give Kids the World.
After we crossed the lake and made it through the gates we knew without a doubt we were in Disney…
Because the first thing we happened upon was this:

Soon as I saw it, I turned to Erik and said “You know you’re in Disney when the first thing you see is dancing in the streets.” I’ve been to Disney quite a few times, but this is the most memorable, best entrance to the magical world you’re heading through for sure.
It doesn’t get any better, you think…but then it does…
by Sarah | Jul 22, 2015 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
I’ve been on a real reading streak in 2016, with plans for more reading coming up. Of course, that’s when I find time in between family, friends and writing. I still haven’t quite figured out how I’ve read 40+ books this year, but there you have it.
So, here’s some of what I’ve been reading, and what I’m reading coming up.
What I’ve Read
Incarnation – it’s a different take on the story of Lucy Weston, the supposedly wanton creation of Dracula. Set in a steampunk victorian era London, the atmosphere is dark and dreary, perfect for a vampire tale.
I don’t usually read vampire books (anymore), but I got this based on the gorgeous cover and the word ‘steampunk’. I’m so glad I did. I loved the somber feel of it, the character of Lucy portrayed here and the story of how she came to be what she was, and the whys. There was a hint of romance, but it wasn’t your typical lovey-dovey-goo-eyed romance in any fashion and it didn’t end as expected that way, either.
Shadow & Bone – Again, the gorgeous covers swayed me, along with a few good reviews from people I knew. I honestly didn’t have much faith when I picked up the book that I would like it, but before I knew it I was swept up and read it in no time. I’m honestly afraid to pick up the next book because I fear it won’t be as good as enjoyable as the first.
I had moments where I wanted to throttle the main character, and others where I wanted to hug her. She was thrown into a world she didn’t understand and wasn’t able to handle it. I really do want to know what happens next. I plan on getting around to the second book soon. Really, I do 😉
The Paper Magician – I have been eyeing this book for ages and ages, never pulling the trigger on a purchase. So when I suddenly remembered that Amazon had it’s “Borrow one book a month” policy for Prime users I went in and snatched this up.
Ceony is a fun, strong, heroine. I like her, even though the love story at first seemed far too easy before it got really difficult and actually made sense. Once you’ve been where Ceony goes, you can’t help but know a person. By the end I was 100% behind the whole kit and kaboodle and immediately turned around and borrowed the next book in the series.
What I’m Reading
Wicked Lovely – I just picked it up, and I’m not far enough in to have an opinion quite yet. The world building is strong, but I can already see the dreaded triangle forming into place. It would be a shame if I don’t care for it because I have the entire series sitting on my shelf waiting for me. If I don’t like it that’ll be a whole lot heading back to the bookstore for sale. Although that’ll free up space on my shelf for other stuff. 😉
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – The little one and I are still going strong in this book. We’ve finally passed the halfway point and we’re coming into the home stretch. The Yule Ball is complete, and Harry’s about to discover the secret of the egg.
It’s no longer an every single night thing, but we’re still plugging away. Of course, being halfway through the fourth book means we’re halfway through the series. Really loving reading it with her, even though I know she’s skipping ahead and reading her favorite parts of later books 😉
What I’m Reading Next
The Glass Magician – I’m waiting until I know I can borrow the next book after it to start this one. I’m really curious what’s going to happen, because I know Ceony has more to her than we realized. I guessed as much in the first book. I’m also curious what will happen as her and Emery continue to get closer together.
Also, there appears to be a new big bad in this one and I’m really interested to see what they’re like, if they’re who I think they are and where it’ll head. So much curiosity. I can’t wait to start (will be super soon)
The Magicians – I’m supposed to be reading this RIGHT NOW for my book club. Clearly I’m behind as I just finished Junes book a week back (not any of the above). I’m curious about it for sure, but don’t have it in my hand yet. Just put in a request for it at the library so I’m probably going to be starting it really soon.
95% of times books don’t live up to their hype for me, so I’m hoping this one is in the 5%. I’d really like to enjoy a book assigned by book club for once.
And that’s where I’m at for now. More books coming in the near-future I’m sure. Here’s hoping I get through them all quick. 😀

by Sarah | Jul 21, 2015 | All About Me, All of Us, Redefining Perfect, Story of Me
In case you’ve been living under a rock–or are new here–here’s a news flash for ya:
I’m from Buffalo.
Buffalo, the 716, is my home town and though I’ve now lived more years in Indiana than I did in Buffalo, I still miss my hometown.
Some things I miss more than others.
This list is all about a few of those things.
1. Anderson’s famous Beef on Weck – You haven’t lived until you’ve had one of Anderson’s famous Beef on Weck’s. That’s Kimmelweck, by the way. It’s essentially a Kaiser roll with coarse salt and caraway seeds. I don’t even need toppings, but many people add horseradish.
2. Sponge Candy – More specifically Fowler’s sponge candy. Anyone from Buffalo knows what it is. Everyone that isn’t gets a blank stare. Let’s just say it’s crunchy, melt in your mouth candy goodness wrapped in chocolate (milk chocolate is my preference, but orange chocolate works well, and I’ll “force down” dark chocolate if it’s all that’s around. I can’t begin to tell you how magnificent this is.
3. Sahlen’s hot dogs – There is no other. I, in general, despise hot dogs. Sahlen’s I will eat until the cows come home. The spices, the skin, the way they cook up on the grill. Nothing compares. Nothing. Still trying to wrangle a way to get them to Indiana without the willingness of Wegman’s (bestest grocery store ever) to move this far west.
4. Family – Like I said, I grew up there. I miss the days of family gathering. Grandma, grandpa, aunts and cousins. Even now it’s not what it was. Grandma & Grandpa are gone, my aunt is living in their old house, my cousin in the next city…but I still miss being that close to my family.
5. Anderson’s & its Frozen Custard – Yes, Anderson’s gets two mentions on the list, they are that good. Not only do I love their beef on weck, but Anderson’s itself (the original on Sheridan Ave) holds such dear memories for me. This picture is from the days when i lived there before they built on an indoor seating area…back when it was walk up only. It gives me a sense of nostalgia. Oh, and the soft frozen custard? Unmatchable. I’ve tried. It’s totally unmatchable.
6. Duff’s – The only place for wings far as I’m concerned.
7. Canada – Again, it was right there. We once had a cottage on Lake Erie, back when crossing the border was as easy as saying hi to a border guard. I miss the cottage, and I really miss the chocolate. Because Canadian candy is DA BOM. Seriously, Smarties (the Canadian version of M&M’s) are so much better…and every other candy. Trust me, there’s a difference.
8. My old House – That’s it. The neighborhood, the house itself, that tree in front was a wee baby when we moved in. Sure, memories are often rosy, but we were really happy there and after we left there we were here, our family separated (bro stayed to finish his senior year in Buffalo), and things were never ever the same.
9. Niagara Falls – It was right there. In some ways that made it less special, in others more. I mean, it’s the Falls.
10. Vinegar on Fries – The land where it’s so expected that you put vinegar on your fries, that vinegar is on the tables like ketchup. My favorite place to indulge is at Ted’s (where they, coincidentally, serve Sahlen’s hot dogs).
Okay, so clearly I have a dear, close tie to the foods of my home, since they clearly dominated this list. lol. still, I miss so much. ~sigh~
Of course, if asked if I’d want to live there again I generally say no. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss it with my whole heart.
by Sarah | Jul 20, 2015 | All About Me, All of Us, Bucket List, Redefining Perfect
Since it was just my birthday this weekend, I thought now would be a great time to revisit my 45X45 list. The last time I checked it was over two years ago! Yikes. I don’t even remember what’s on half of it. I have a feeling I might be changing a few things up. I have about 6 years left to clear the list, so let’s see where I am.
A color legend is probably important.
RED is done.
ORANGE is working on it.
BLUE is new (replacing something else).
45 X 45
Take a real vacation. (Not to Buffalo, not w/ the kids) (Done 4/23/12)
Take my kids to Disney World. (Done, thanks to Make-A-Wish 10/28/14)
See my name in print (get published, e-zine, paper-zine). (Done 6/24/12 – Sirens Call June 2012 Issue)
Have a novel published. (Done 2/8/13 – Changing Tracks & 17 more times [so far] by 7/18/15)
- Get my Dominion Falls books series in front of a producer.
- Completely tidy my house [w/reference to KonMari]. (Started w/ my clothes. Lots left to do)
- Take a photography class (or 2 or 3)
- Perform on stage again
- See Colorado
- Camp – really camp in the Rockies
- See Yellowstone
- Go skydiving. [Yes, I feel slightly insane here]
Go to a blogger’s conference. (done 4/23/12)
- Go to a writer’s conference
- Get on a regular exercise regime & stay on it for more than 3 months.
Hand craft (knit, sew) 1 item for ME for a change. (DONE 4/1/12)
- Make a complete Victorian era dress from skin out. (underthings complete, corset 50% complete)
Get some crazy color in my hair (purple, blue, pink highlites/streaks) Done 2/11/12
- Read the Harry Potter series aloud to my girls. (1/2-way through by 7/18/15)
- Sing Karaoke
- Relearn French. (Actually working on this at the moment)
- Pay my house off (long shot – but I can dream)
- Get a car that is less than 2 years old
Run a 5k. Done 9/22/12
Do something daring (paragliding, zipline, etc.) Done 7/14/12
- See the butterflies at the Indy Zoo (Done 3/19/13)
- Be a reenactor at Conner Prairie
- Go on a road trip with a girlfriend
- Go on a hot air balloon ride
See Cirque du Soleil (Done 6/27/2012)
- Ride a horse – not a trail horse. A real ride on a horse.
- Volunteer at Kennedy’s CF clinic
- Stop drinking pop
- Visit Disneyland [Been to WDW many times, would like to see the other]
Get a tattoo (Done 7/16/11)
- Go on a Cruise [preferably Alaskan, but I’m not picky]
Go on a wine tasting (Done 10/16/10)
- Have a photo at the State Fair (preferably getting a ribbon for it)
- Take my husband to swim with whale sharks
- Fly first class
- Read at least 50 of the 100 Greatest Novels (I am saying the book can be from either of the 2 lists there. In total I have read 8/50 at this point)
Have a real spa day (Done, thanks to Hubs, 7/2014)
- Visit a real haunted location
- Sell a photo
- Visit Salem, MA
Well, I’ve made a few changes, obviously. Some are still long-shots, but if I don’t dream big it’ll never happen. I really need to not forget about this again. 45 is coming up faster than I care to think about.
What about you? What’s on your list?
by Sarah | Jul 19, 2015 | All About Indiana, All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Photography, Redefining Perfect, Snapshot Sunday
We had a heck of a storm system blow through Indiana. While my house suffered with some flooding in our crawl space, I was able to get out and snap a few good pictures of the aftermath.
A walk in the park and some cleanup around the house found me a few good shots that I’m happy with.
Enough shots that this is going to spread out over a couple of weeks, I think.
Storm drain.

She survived the storm a little worse for wear.

Emptying the crawl.

A Troubled Bridge Over Troubled Water.

Emerging Beauty.


And that’s it for this week! More to come next week…considering I get my camera back out 😀
by Sarah | Jul 18, 2015 | All About Me, All of Us, Redefining Perfect
Today is the day.
I’m another year older.
Maybe a little wiser.
Maybe not.
One year from 40.
This past year was pretty amazing.
So many books published.
So many books read.
I knocked some things off the bucket list.
My family got closer.
There were some ugly struggles, but overall the majority was pretty amazing.
I’m predicting excellent things for this year too.
Big things.
Small things.
I know I’ll learn knew things.
I’ll learn to let go, and hold tighter.
I’ll hopefully learn more patience.
This next year is the last of my thirties.
And I plan to make it a damn good one.