by Sarah | Jun 18, 2013 | All About Me, Crap, Random
Have you ever had one of those days?
Better yet, one of those weeks?
Everything is going along fine and then…
You’re hit with a MAC truck.
Life flips on its head.
You lose track of days. (Seriously – WHAT is the date? I’m so confused)
Everything goes wrong.
Things break.
You get sick.
Your kids decide to mutiny.
You have?
Gee, I wouldn’t know what that’s like.
</end sarcasm>
I don’t know what day it is.
I thought today was June 11th.
Last week I thought it was June 3rd.
I’m sure I’ll figure it out.
Before summer is over.
by Sarah | Jun 13, 2013 | All About Denver, All About Family, All About Kennedy, Cystic Fibrosis, Special Needs
It starts early.
Actually, the night before in a way.
As the teen is put on a fast, and we all go to bed early.
Because we have to leave at 7AM to get to the hospital at 8AM.
So the teen can drink that sickeningly sweet glucose concoction.You know the one, the same one we drank when pregnant.
And then we wait.
For two hours.
For more blood to be drawn.
Then the girl gets her blood drawn – which holy hell it’s like she’s being murdered.
Then it’s onto x-rays.
And functions.
And then we meet…
The social worker who hasn’t got much to say, but comes in every year. Makes sure we aren’t being killed by medicine costs. That we have all the ‘help’ we need.
The nutritionist that always tells us the kids are too skinny and to fatten them up. She gives us orders for calorie/fat boosting nutritional supplements.
The nurse that takes cultures and histories and makes sure all is clear.
The research associate that clues us in to new research projects we can partake in if we chose.
We break for lunch, and return and wait.
As our hospital is a teaching hospital we then see the Fellow. Who talks to us, examines both kids and heads out.
Then the doctor. Who examines both kids, goes over x-rays and future plans.
This year we had a change from the patter as the teen is being prepared for his own care. His exam was held in his own room where she went over the (still surprising to me) aspects of CF and how it could affect him and his future. The things no teenager wants to talk about in front of their parent…I mean EW.
It’s a full day.
It ends with us grumpy.
Ready to get the heck out of there.
And grateful for another year.
It’s called a “birthday visit”.
A celebration of an anniversary i’d rather forget.
Kennedy’s is June 11th.
Denver’s is April 29th.
We meet them in the middle.
But in both cases, I’d rather forget that day.
The day we “knew” for sure.
Not celebrate it with a painful, long, exhausting day.
Although if we have to ‘celebrate’ such a ‘birthday’.
What better way than in misery?
by Sarah | Jun 11, 2013 | All About Indiana, All About Me, Blogging Life, Indiana State Museum, Indy Geek Girls, The Geek
I’ve had a lot of awesome geeky nights – which I won’t get into here – but a couple weeks ago I got stalked by a Wookiee.
I don’t know why that wasn’t on my bucket list.
Except I never thought it would happen.
I was fortunate enough to go to the midnight opening party for the Star Wars®: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit at the Indiana State Museum.
That meant being in the belly of the beast with fellow geeks, and a lot of them.
While there I got to have fun testing out some of the science stations. While building a moisture farm on Tatooine it began. While minding my own business, filming a video of what I was failing at, something touched my head. A drape of long fur covered my eyes.
Yes, I actually shrieked. But when I looked up and saw Tarrful above me, I laughed and got a bit giddy. Three more times the Wookiee found me and scared me, until I managed to get a hug with him (and then another with Chewbacca, because, of course).
While I can’t guarantee you’ll get stalked by a Wookie (or Darth Vader as my friend Heather was) – the exhibit itself is something to behold. There are three science stations where you can learn to build a droid (or learn that you suck at building droids like I did ~ahem~). You can build a mag-lev vehicle (out of legos!!). You can build a spaceport or a moisture farm on tatooine (unless you ignore directions like I did). You can even ride a hovercraft!
In between all the fan-friendly science games are real props and models from the movies. Among my favorites? Being able to look through the eyes of Vader:

Because seriously, how cool is that?
The exhibit is only $10 for museum members – or an additional $10 on top of your museum admission. The tickets are timed, and they let in 64 people every 15 minutes. You can stay as long as you like once in the exhibit, take all the pictures you want (I may have taken over 500-many of which I’m still editing) – just no flash.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you that for another $5 you can go into the cockpit of the Milennium Falcon and take a ride through space (which is also awesome).
There is so much to see, that I’ve spent almost 3 hours combined in 2 visits and could spend another full day there without feeling like I’d seen everything. Scattered throughout the next few weeks I’ll be giving you more posts that go more in depth o the offered fun at the exhibit, from the displays to the science fun. I have to do it a little at a time – there is so much to offer!
For now I’ll leave you with a few pictures from the amazing exhibits…and the promise of many more pictures to come:

by Sarah | May 27, 2013 | All of Us
To those who gave their all.
We thank you.

by Sarah | May 21, 2013 | All About Indiana, All About Me, Blogging Life, Indiana State Museum, Indy Geek Girls, The Reluctant Hoosier

I just spent my day at the Indiana State Museum with these guys.
People…I’m SOOO geeking out right now. You’ll get another post very soon about the exhibit itself…but really…
This geek is so very happy.
by Sarah | May 20, 2013 | All About Erik, All About Indiana, All About Me, Blogging Life, Sponsored, The Reluctant Hoosier, Vintage Indiana

GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED. Winner has been notified
Erik’s a dry, I’m a sweet.
With our wines, of course.
Last year we were thrilled to be able to go to Vintage Indiana for the first time.
We were unprepared for the level of the festival.
There was so much to see and do, and so much variety with the local Indiana wines, we hardly knew where to start.
It’s a day full of music, food, and 30 Indiana Wineries!!
Fun fact: Did you know that this great state of Indiana has 69 wineries?? And a 70th is set to open this month?
Last year we were a little unprepared for the event. We didn’t bring a blanket to sit on, or have any idea what to expect. This year we’re going in full-barrel (get it? barrel? I slay me)…and preparing to take a longer day and enjoy ourselves and the line-up of awesome artists.
What artists? Well…take a look at this concert line-up:
12-2pm – Cari Ray
2:30-4:30 – Jennie DeVoe
5:00-6:45 – Josh Gracin – yes, THE Josh Gracin, former American Idol and US Marine!!
There is so much to do and see at Vintage Indiana, that you won’t be bored…not to mention that with over 300 wines to sample, you’ll have plenty to keep your taste buds happy. (Not a drinker? No problem, the Designated Driver tickets cost less and there’s food and music).
Kids? No problem. This is a child-friendly event, complete with a kid’s play area.
So how do you get there? Where do you find the tickets?
Here’s the details:
Vintage Indiana
Date: June 1, 2013 11AM-7PM
Location: Military Park, downtown Indianapolis
- $22 in advance at your Marsh Supermarket or online at the Vintage Indiana Website
- $25 at the Gate
- $10 for a Designated Driver Ticket (you will receive a special wrist band, and no samples-but unlimited soft drinks and water)
- $5 for kids age 6-20 – children under 5 are FREE
OR, you can win a pair of tickets right here!!
That’s right, I get to give one of my lucky readers a pair of tickets for the festival!
All you have to do to win this giveaway is leave a comment telling me if you’re a sweet or a dry.
I’ll pick a winner on Friday, May 24th at Noon. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or I’ll pick another winner.
*This post is a sponsored post. In return for writing it, I received two tickets for the festival. All opinions, and my love for Indiana wines and this festival are all my own.
Thanks to the Vintage Indiana sponsors for making this event possible!
Indiana Wines @indianawinebabe @indianawines
Indiana’s Family of Farmers @familyoffarmers
Marsh Supermarkets @MarshGrocery
Clark Appliance @ClarkAppliance
WFMS/WJJK @WFMS @ClassicHits1045
Indiana’s Turkey Farmers (no twitter handle)
Indiana’s Dairy Farmers @INDairy