by Sarah | May 15, 2013 | All About Home, All About Me, All of Us, Crap, Random
I make no secret of my husband’s obsession.
I have a few of my own, so I don’t deny him his.
Unfortunately, his eats up space like you wouldn’t believe.
<—This is (one of) my bookshelves two years ago.
That is approximates 500 (or more?) movies.
Blu ray, standard, TV series, movie series, duplicates and an occasional triplicate.
You think it doesn’t look bad?
Those suckers are 2 rows deep.
At one time they’d been alphabetized, but every time hubby took out a movie, alphabetizing went right out the window. New movies were bought and we had nowhere left to put them. We had movies he forgot about because they were hidden in the back.
Our books were pretty much the same.
Out of control.
Fed up, and desperate, I took myself into the depths of Amazon. I knew what I wanted. I was a matter of finding it and balancing the cost vs. the reward.
I finally decided the cost was worth it for the final reward.
i.e. Being organized.
Still, in 2012 I used caution. I only bought about half of what we needed. Just in case–a) they didn’t work or b) we hated them.
Well, it’s now 2 years later. In 2012 I bought more, plus blank pages.
What did I use? The Bellagio Italia in Brown (Pro-tip, buying them 3 at a time is cheaper in the long run than by 1, 2 or 6….). Last year I bought 9, this year I bought 9 more, plus 6 packs of the refill pages.
What else did we do? Well, we thinned out some duplicate movies (but not all, I can’t tell you how many versions of Star Wars we have…okay, I can. It’s 5). We thinned out books (namely I thinned out books because I rarely re-read anything). We took them to Half-Price (w/ regret as we got next to nothing…selling to Amazon would have gotten us more $).
Movies are organized into just a few categories.
My Movies
[amazon_link id=”B002C6A6N6″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]The Dr. Quinn Series[/amazon_link] (also mine)
Standalone Movies
Movie Series
Standalone Movie Bonus Discs
Series Movie Bonus
TV Series
[amazon_link id=”B002M2T1UO” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]The Shield[/amazon_link]
Some special movies/series still aren’t put away. The James Bonds b/c they aren’t ours. The new blu-rays of the [amazon_link id=”B002I9Z8GW” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Star Trek[/amazon_link] [amazon_link id=”B001TH16DI” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Movies[/amazon_link], b/c we just got them and haven’t decided if we want to take them out of their pretty cases yet.
For the first time in…well, ever…I’m becoming extremely picky about organization. Right now I’m die-hard about the movies, but it’s seeping into the rest of the house.
The husband couldn’t be happier 😉
by Sarah | May 14, 2013 | All About Family, All About Molly, All of Us, Autism, Special Needs
Sometimes it’s a thought in the back of our heads.
Most days we try not to imagine that it might happen that way.
Our vision of ‘perfect’ for our kids was always, as most parents is, that they grow up and out, have their own lives, their own loves.
For the most part, we haven’t redefined that vision, that dream.
Some days, though…we worry about this one.
What if her quirks hold her back?
Her misunderstanding of emotion leaves her alone?
Most of the time we ignore the fears. We focus on her growth, her excellent development socially, listen to her dreams of being a model.
Until the day one of our myriad of doctors says, “That one may never leave the nest.”
It puts a rock solid lump in your belly to hear it from a professional.
I guess it’s a good thing my trust for doctors is in the toilet.
Because I refuse to believe it.
At least for today.
And for the future.
Until proven otherwise.
by Sarah | May 13, 2013 | All About Family, All of Us
Three generations of women.
A Mom now called Mimi.
A daughter now called Mom.
The tides change.
We grow.
Families change.
One day the tides will turn.
I will be the Mimi and they will be the Mom (as I hope for both of them).
But forever, this moment will resound with me.
The last time I became a mom.
The last time my mom joined me in a hospital room to welcome her newest grandchild.
The moment I became complete. Our family became complete.
Until they grow and it’s time for our family to grow again.
by Sarah | May 9, 2013 | All About Denver, All About Family, The Teenager
I think we all remember being grounded at least once in our lives.
Or many times.
I never minded – I’d be ordered to my room and have to stay there…
But I had my books. Nothing better than being made to sit in my room and read.
It might have been more punishment to make me go out an socialize.
Crippling social fear can do that to a person.
These days I’m the parent.
The one doing the grounding.
I’ve got it easier than my parents (only in this instance…in many ways my parents had it easier…).
Because I can send down the worst punishment of all with one keystroke.
Change the internet access password.
It’s the end of the earth as he knows it.
No online games.
No chatting with the girlfriend.
No netflix.
Punishment dealt.
I do love a good password protected router.
by Sarah | May 8, 2013 | All About Family, All About Indiana, All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Indy Geek Girls, Random, The Reluctant Hoosier
I make no secret of my geek status.
I wear it proudly.
What makes me even more proud is when my kids show their geek.
Begging for movies that only proud geeks would watch instead of yet another re-watching of an animated story.
So when I got wind of the Indiana State Museum’s Star Wars®: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit? I knew we had to go.
And thanks to this awesome job I have…I got to go to a special preview of the Millennium Falcon ride with the great group of local bloggers I’ve been privileged to be a part of.
It. Was. Awesome!!
The 4-D effect of the ride, sitting in he cockpit and feeling the ship jump into lightspeed and rock and bump, the shock of space objects crossing close by. was amazing.
On top of that, we had storm troopers and sand people to help take the experience to the next level.
In just a few weeks this incredible exhibit is going to open for real, and I cannot wait to take my kids! It’s just one of those rare activities that is great for both adults and kids. There are definitely not enough of those around, we tend to try to soak them all up.
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by Sarah | May 5, 2013 | All About Indiana, All of Us, Blogging Life, Indy Geek Girls, Photography, Scavenger Hunt Sunday, The Reluctant Hoosier
It has been far too long since I participated in SHS. I’ve missed it, and I’ve missed using my camera. I’m feeling a little rusty, but overall, I’m glad to be back and loving the photos I captured in the chaos of my week. I have so many more to share in coming days, but I limited myself for SHS. No quotes this week because it’s 2AM and I should be sleeping.
All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.
1. Background
Trying to be goofy, being photo-bombed by the camera-hog-wanna-be-model
[flickr id=”8709765508″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
She refused to pose WITH the stormtrooper, but let me get her hovering in the background
[flickr id=”8709762954″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
2. Spotted/Dots
Gorgeous dress on display at the museum.
[flickr id=”8709761528″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
A spotted hedgehog in the wall art at the children’s hospital
[flickr id=”8708644079″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
3. Weather
Sun vs….
[flickr id=”8709765036″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
[flickr id=”8709764260″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
4. Motion
[flickr id=”8708639981″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
[flickr id=”8708644617″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
5. Sweet
A rare sight, a picture of my fam (ignore the teen sticking his tongue out…the one great pic of them all and he pulls that ~sigh~)
[flickr id=”8708641117″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
‘Nuff Said
[flickr id=”8708641521″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]

You can find more pictures over at my flickr account.
Scavenger Hunt Sunday is run by the beautiful Ashley. Head on over to see more Hunters.