The Return of the Black Hair-Ridden Beast

sadieOr, as we like to call her, Sadie.

As an unexpected treat, we get our favorite visitor coming back this week.

Sadie, lovely Sadie, gets to become our unexpected house guest again for a few weeks.

We’ll all be happy to have her back.

For while our house has less hair breeding with the dust-bunnies to make giant beasts of fur and dust….and maybe a little less dog-gas.

It has felt a little empty without her here.


Did Anyone Get the License Number?

_MG_6667I’ve been hit by a truck…did anyone get the license number?

Okay, not really, but it sure feels like it.

Last month, [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks[/amazon_link] released.

Last week [amazon_link id=”1938397495″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]HerStory[/amazon_link] with my short story An Uncivil War within it released.

I got new contracts in the past couple of months.

I’ve started new stories.

I have spent the past month writing dozens of blog posts – for other blogs. The writing side of my blog has taken off with dozens of guest authors and book releases and the writing meme’s I participate in.

In some ways I feel like I’ve been surgically attached to my computer.

Therefore not living.

Therefore having little to write about.

Yet so much to write about.

Like my Straight A Student.

My advanced reader.

My blossoming introvert.

But when I sit down to write it, I find myself just enjoying a moment of peace.

Soon the whirlwind will ease up for a little while.  Edits for Masked Hearts are done. It doesn’t release until at least mid-April (I think). I’m almost done with the blog tour for Changing Tracks, and won’t be spending hours writing posts for others.

I’ve missed this blog and feel guilty every day I don’t post. Hopefully soon I’ll be bustling with posts again…and will pre-write as many as I can for the next book-tour rush so I don’t neglect this one so much.

And now that the weather shows signs of turning – I might just be more apt to go outside for a while. You know, remember how to have a life again.


I Feel Pretty…Old

valentineIt should be noted that my husband is nine years older than me.

He’s pushing toward 50, while I’m still creeping toward 40.

He’s always had the baby face (unseen in this photo since he has a beard) – always looked at least my age, if not younger than me.  It’s been a joking point of contention.

But the fact that the mail comes…

With frequent offers for ME to join AARP, “Your membership card is enclosed!”…

And Erik has never received one.

Not one.

Well, it’s just not funny.

Just makes me feel pretty…old.


And Breathe….

KKAfter a week of panic, we finally got word back.

For now, oral antibiotics are the treatment.

For now.

The infection they found is one they usually leave untreated.

But because of her low functions and low weight, they are treating it anyway.

For now we can breathe.

Until April when we have our next appointment.

I am still waiting for the shoe to drop.

But I can breathe knowing that if it does, it won’t be until April.


Waiting Sucks

sickMonday morning Kennedy had her tests scheduled.

By luck (or misfortune? or happy accident?) they decided only to perform the bronchoscopy.  Of course, that meant she still had to undergo anesthesia and have a tube stuck down her nose – but it was one test, not two.

Overall the test went well.  They were able to get a good sample to test.

For the bronchoscopy purposes and getting the sample, it was required that they inject fluid into the lungs…of a CF patient.  This, of course, “could cause a low-grade fever.”

Low-grade my ass.  She spiked up to 103.6*.

In the end, it came down with Tylenol, snuggle time, and a good round of her [amazon_link id=”B005LAIHW2″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]favorite[/amazon_link] [amazon_link id=”B007MDB6L0″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]movies[/amazon_link].

Now she’s back to normal, at school, playing/fighting with her sister…and none the wiser.

Meanwhile Erik & I wait.

And wait.

And wait some more.

The test results could mean a hospital stay, a PICC line, a g-tube – any or all of the above.

Kennedy is blissfully unaware of the repercussions.

But Erik & I wait.

Waiting sucks.


Tuesday Twenty for…Molly

modelI started with 20 for me last week…I thought Tuesdays would turn into a good day of the week to continue them. Considering I’ve spent the past few days (& will continue for another few days) to obsess over Kennedy and her tests…I’d take a moment and a day to focus on Molly.

So without further ado…20 things about Molly.

  1. She is obsessed with her unicorn, Sparkle.  The unicorn is placed under my ‘protection’ every day when she leaves for school.
  2. While she is undeniably brilliant, and we’ve known for years, she does not test well.
  3. When she was 11 months old she had a unique talent. You could lay out 10 puzzles in front of her, hand her one piece and she’d place it in under 15 seconds.
  4. Instead of loud freakouts – her meltdowns are silent and internal.
  5. She dreams of being a model.
  6. She hates red meat.
  7. And pork.
  8. And chicken.
  9. In case you couldn’t tell, she’s a super-picky eater, practically vegetarian.
  10. She likes to believe she’s capable of great manipulation – unfortunately for her, it’s not true.
  11. She likes to be in control of every situation.
  12. Which also means she hates things like being held upside down in play.
  13. And also that she is very bossy.
  14. For four years we wondered if we would ever know her. From the time we lost her (a week of intense GERD pain made her retreat into herself), until the age of four/five, we wondered if we would ever get to know her.
  15. Once her personality came out, it came out in spades.
  16. As long as you don’t ask her direct questions, she is sweet and talkative.
  17. If left to her own devices she could read for hours on end.
  18. Her favorite books are the “Bad Kitty” books.
  19. Her favorite movie is Madagascar 3 (sooooo many times we’ve watched it).
  20. She’s a Momma’s girl….which is a switch from when she was a baby…I imagine it’ll switch again before long.

More Twenty lists next Tuesday.