Weekly Winners – Cars Edition


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

Our town has a monthly ‘cruise in’ down on the square.  Hubby and I walked down there this week and I got some pictures of the cars that had shown up.

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You can find more pictures over at my flickr account.

That’s all for this week. Head on over to Lotus‘ digs to see more!!

Weekly Winners – Good, Bad & Ugly Edition


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

Been a hectic week with not a lot of pictures taken. Still, there’s been a little good. A little bad…and an ugly (or not?) fashion show of sorts.


Hot Pink & Black Nails
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S’mores Cupcakes
Sealing the filling in.
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Finished S’more
[flickr id=”5993975750″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”center”]  

Graham cracker cupcake, Chocolate Ganache Filling, Marshmallow Frosting
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PBJ Sushi
It’s our new favorite lunch around here.
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Riley poked Angel in the eye.

But she found happiness (once the meds started working)
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And sisters always make-up
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Make your own determination.
[flickr id=”5993976386″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”center”]  

You can find more pictures over at my flickr account.

That’s all for this week. Head on over to Lotus‘ digs to see more!!

Weekly Winners – Water & Flowers Edition


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

My Rose of Sharon has been blooming, and I’ve been buying flowers at the farmers market and my husband bought me flowers for my birthday. So I got some still lifes…and then some pictures of fun life of summer.

Rose of Sharon
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Still Lifes
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Summer Life
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You can find more pictures over at my flickr account.

That’s all for this week. Head on over to Lotus‘ digs to see more!!

Weekly Winners – Ink and Life Edition


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

This week my best friend is in town from Virginia to visit.  She and her two kids have been hanging out and filling my house with laughter, good cheer, and deep conversation.  Despite 3 more people in the house, life has been good, calm and quiet.

And it’s my birthday tomorrow.  In honor of my 35th year, I got a tattoo! I’ve wanted one since I was 18 and finally took the leap yesterday.

Old Friends
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This is the life
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*Computers and Dr. Pepper. What else do we need?
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These next pictures were taken by my BFF Jess because they were of me and my new tattoo. (The color of the ink is actually purple…the lighting in the place was wacky…better pictures coming soon)

Tweeting while Tatting
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You can find more pictures over at my flickr account.

That’s all for this week. Head on over to Lotus‘ digs to see more!!

Weekly Winners – Baby You’re a Firework Edition


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

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Weekly Winners – Miscellaneous Edition


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

Finally dusted off my camera this week. On top of the Photo Shoot I did with my kids, I took a few other pictures.  So this is a random collection w/ no real theme this week.

The fountain of beauty is the heart, and every generous thought illustrates the walls of your chamber. ~Francis Quarles
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Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. ~William Wordsworth
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Our minds are finite, and yet even in these circumstances of finitude we are surrounded by possibilities that are infinite, and our purpose in life is to grasp as much as we can out of that infinitude. ~Alfred North Whitehead
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Praising what is lost makes the remembrance dear. ~William Shakespeare
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Water is life’s matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water. ~Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
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That is the road we all have to take – the Bridge of Sighs into eternity. ~Soren Kierkegaard
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He is a wise man who invented beer. ~Plato
(alternately titled Redneck Still Life)
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Too low they build who build below the skies. ~Edward Young
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