Weekly Winners & Project 365
All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi. All SOOC.
This week I started work on a project I’ve been wanting to do since I was probably 8. I started constructing a Victorian Era outfit from the skin out (literally, I made a duct tape dress form & everything). So most of my pictures are around that event.
Then, at the bottom, the final three are part of my new Project 365 project. It’s all Mishi’s fault. She twittered and posted about it, and when I said I’d been thinking of it, but was worried of forgetting/messing up she ‘twisted my arm’. Okay, it didn’t take much convincing, but it’s still her fault. I can’t guarantee that I will POST a picture every day, but I will TAKE at least a picture every day and try to post that often. I’m anxious to see where this takes me…my poor camera has been a bit neglected lately. And I was really pleased with what I was doing with it over the summer last year…so I’m excited!!
And now my Project 365 Pictures!!
January 1, 2010: New Year Wishes finish off the candle
Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. ~ Hal Borland
January 2, 2010: My own decorative touches.
Sewing mends the soul. ~Author Unknown
January 3, 2010: A change of pace
Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again. ~Dorothy Day
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of Lotus, the Sarcastic Mom. Visit her blog to see more great photos this week!!
Weekly Winners 11/1-11/7/09
All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi. All SOOC.
The rarely seen self-portrait:
(taken in window, and taken because I knew it would be softer/muted/fuzzy)
That’s it for this week! Check out more amazing winners over at Lotus’!!
And if you’re curious, the reason that gorgeous cheesecake picture has the title it does is because it was the worlds most beautiful cheesecake but because I had make it in a larger pan than I was used to I’d undercooked it…so it was gorgeous, but ultimately inedible.
Weekly Winners – Nashville (that’s IN, not TN)
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus. Go to her site to see more winners!
I’m trying to play catch up in my hundreds of pictures (finally) that I’ve taken in the past few months and not edited at all. This is batch 1. Taken in Nashville, Indiana. We had some family visiting from out of town and the entire family headed down to Nashville for some shopping and walking. I hauled along my camera and got some shots. I really want to head back down with another photog and just take a photo walk (and drive through BC during full color). Anyway, without further ado – the shots all taken with my Canon Rebel XTi.
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More coming next week…or during the week. Whenever I manage to get them out!! I’m trying to catch up, but there’s a LOT!
I took this picture yesterday and it was just too perfect not to post. I’m simply calling it “Blue”.
Weekly Winners 8/9/09 – Random
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus
All photos were taken with my Canon Rebel XTi. No editing on any of them except for size.
This week was filled with visits with family, sewing for Christmas presents, storms, and a “snake bite”. Pictures in order:
1. 3 cousins all w/in 2 years of each other. It was “Serious” business, donch know?
2. The girls climbed up onto Papa’s lap of their own free will for a story – first time it’s ever happened!
3-6. Sewing projects. My fav shots of the week.
7-8. Bad storms on Tuesday. These pics are two fronts colliding to bring the second wave of massive storms.
9. My “snake bite”. Was playing with the dog and got my arm caught in the choke collar. It hurts like hell, and Archie and the girls decided it looked like a snake bite!
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