Weekly Winners – Help a girl out please!

Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

This week is something different.  I’m calling on you to help me out!  I am getting ready to submit some photographs to a local competition.  I’m supposed to narrow it down to six pictures maximum. These are some of my favorites from the past year – as you can see, narrowing it down to 6 is darn near impossible for me.  I’m asking you to help by voting for your two favorites in each of 3 categories!  Thanks!!

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Pick your two favorite!
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Pick your two favorite!
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Pick your two favorite!
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Weekly Winners – 1/18/09

For the week of 1/12-1/18/09
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

We have weekly winners, and losers (tied to 2 crimes)

The winners are, of course, food.  Only a couple of shots this week – I got lazy in dinners this week (won’t happen again, – I’m becoming addicted to foodie blogs)

The English via an American:

Evidence that homemade is better than storebought –
English via an American is YUM:

Carrot Soup – Holy COW was this amazing –
w/ homemade butter rolls:

And now.  There were a rash of crimes yesterday at Casa dePerfect.  Toes were maliciously attacked by seemingly innocuous items around the house.

Suspect #1

The firetruck/ambulance.  Up until yesterday a favorite toy often fought over by the girls.  Why then would it viciously attack.  Jumping out of Angel’s arms and landing on her big toe – causing much bleeding?

Results of the crime:

The suspect is still undergoing interrogation for it’s crime.  Judge Mommy says it should be put away for life.  Judge Daddy says such a punishment is too harsh.  Results?  Well, it’s still up in the air.

The next vicious attacker went after the matriarch of the family.  Innocently, and understandably, performing the task of laundry as she does every Saturday.  She put the laundry soap in, then back on its shelf.  She took the fabric softener and did the same.  When she returned the fabric softener to its (six-foot high) shelf though, out of nowhere the suspect attacked.

Suspect #2

Apparently Mr. Pyrex decided to determine which was truly unbreakable – himself or Mommy Perfects toe.  For it leapt from the daring height of six feet, landing squarely and harshly on Mommy’s toe.  At first seeming nothing more than major pain, it developed three hours later into a brutally nasty bruising.

The results:

The suspect is still undergoing psychiatric evaluation to determine if it was a suicide attempt – or an attack.  Either way, Momma de Perfect will not get her baking done today, or her cleaning, or finish up at the grocers because today I cannot move it.

No pictures of the actual injuries to Angel’s toe because she refused to hold still for evidence photos.  She claimed pain and kept jerking her toe away.  Given how my toe feels, I tend to believe her.

Weekly Winners – 1/11/09

For the week of 1/05-1/11/09
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

This week was all about three things, food, potty, and a candle I kept burning for Jess  while she was in surgery. And as a little extra bit a brief trip to an antique shop – and did a little embroidery from a drawing of mine.


Soup with Love

Focaccia Panini

Bacon-Mac w/ Cheesy Garlic Bread

In Training

Playing Peekaboo

Tiny Town


In Stitches

Relief in Wax:


And that’s it for this week.  IT’s a lot, I know…but I couldn’t narrow it down!!

Weekly Winners – 1/4/09

For the week of 12/28/08-1/4/09
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

Last Chance to Shine

Scrumptious Delight

Toddler Snacks

Modern Art by 1st Grader
My now almost 11yo made this in 1st grade. It’s still my favorite. I need to get it framed.

Weekly Winners – Christmas Edition

Enter to win $75 Gift Card to Ridemakerz!!


For the week of 12/21-12/27/08
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus

I’m going to be a wee bit egotistical and ask you to pay attention to the girls’ skirts (& pettiskirts) – they were handmade by me and delivered by Santa!

Getting ‘into’ the spirit


Box of Wonders

Puddle of Skirt

Little Drummer Boy
(This is my nephew – unnamed and unseen w/o permission)1228drummer

Action Shot

Opening Carefully


Weekly Winners 12/7/08

For the week of 11/30-12/06/08
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the wonderfully Sarcastic Mom, Lotus


Remnant of Summer

Silent Witness

Jack was Here

Laced with Chocolate

Creamy Sweet

Marbled Decadence

Reminders of the Past

Mountains of Flavor

Two Days Progress

 (It should be noted that I forgot to put the fudge in the last picture. I also have 2 8X8’s of fudge, one w/ peanut butter!!