Seeing Clearly – For Free

I have a family of 5.

I know, duh, right?

To compound the family of 5, all 3 kids have special needs and my husband’s company – while providing a decent sense of job security has really crappy insurance.

I mean, seriously crappy.

So when I get a chance to score a deal on anything health related, I’m there.

Now considering we have a family full of dysfunctional eyes and the ability to get new glasses only once every TWO years, finding out about the chance to get free glasses at Firmoo?  Well, you bet your sweet fanny I jumped on that sucker.

I’ve been needing glasses for over a year since the husband hated my last pair.  Not because my glasses got messed up (I’m a contacts girl, so glasses last a while) & not because my prescription changed (It hasn’t changed in 10 years).

Firmoo is awesome about offering the first pair free to first time customers – you only pay shipping – and bloggers don’t have to pay shipping if they do a review.  See their options at their site.

So I picked out a pair, sent in my info and within a week I had a new pair of glasses!  That easy.  I didn’t have any issues with my glasses (after I adjusted to the style – so different from my usual style, I decided to be daring), but I know if I did the customer service would have been great.

Firmoo has a great option on most of their frames to “try on” the frames on the website.  My biggest suggestion is make sure that you use your own picture to make sure you get them fit to your face, not the models – because it’s a guarantee that they don’t have a face just like yours and those glasses aren’t going to look the same on you as they did on the site.

So head on over and get your free pair now.

Seriously, I love never having to leave my chair to order a pair of glasses.


I received a free pair of glasses in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own. You can’t buy me with a sweet pair o’ lenses.  I only respond to chocolate, eye candy, and lovely yarns.


They Just Get in the Way

[flickr id=”5993418909″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]Last year Molly and Kennedy were playing and there was an incident.  A finger (or was it a dinosaur?) went astray and Kennedy got poked in the eye.  Her left cornea was scratched and after almost a week of pretty hefty pain she was better.  The scratch was off to the side and not a major concern.

This morning while goofing off on the bus a plastic folder went astray.

Once again the big beautiful brown eye (the left one) got in the way.

This time the scratch is right over the pupil.  It’s still not very large, but the location is a concern. They don’t want it to scar.

Kennedy is miserable.

Molly?  Feels horribly guilty.

Guilty to the point of thinking she was going to be on the news for what she’d done.

I reassured her that the news doesn’t cover stories like this.

To which I got:

“So when our house burns down they’ll come?”

Um…our house won’t burn down.

~knocking on every piece of wood I can find~


If Only That Would Work

[flickr id=”8012255308″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”] Molly:  Kennedy’s not eating breakfast

Kennedy *with that cheesy grin*: I’m eating in my mind.


Oh, if only that would work. Dieting would be so much easier and i’d be so much thinner.

Tunnel Vision

[flickr id=”5066025517″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]I tend to cycle.

One minute I’m wrapped up in one thing – and that one thing is all that matters.

Time passes in the periphery.

When life is busy my brain is chaos.  Everything runs through it, meanwhile staying focused on one thing.

Right now that one thing is Kennedy.  Between her weight issues, now compounded by a positive strep culture (& the antibiotics that come with), and her upcoming SSI appeal hearing…I’m a little consumed.

Of course in the mean time I still have Denver & his weight (also a concern, but not as severe), and his school and Scouts (& whether or not he’ll remain in Scouts), and Cross country.  And Molly and her school stuff, and her increasing ‘moments’.

The husband has had some developments and turns in his recent struggles.  We are doing amazingly better, but new stuff is popping up to deal with in that department. We’re taking it all one step at a time and might even be ready to talk about it soon.

October is also filling up with blogging activities (oh, I am going to be joyously busy).  Of course the holidays are coming close on Octobers heels.

Let’s not even get into all I need to do for my writing.  I’m up to my eyeballs in stuff right now that isn’t getting done, and stuff that is.

Needless to say I feel like my head is going to explode when I don’t force myself into tunnel vision.  So for now I focus on Kennedy because it’s easier and appear to be the most drastic. It’s easier to focus on stuffing her face and meeting with the lawyer because it’s right in front of me and simpler than some of the other stuff.

So for now I focus on her…maybe the other stuff will be resolved by the time I’m done with that.

It could be…right?



[flickr id=”5026755818″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]I used to be a night owl.

I could stay up all night and function like a human the next day.

Of course, this was before children 2 & 3 (but as recent as 8 years ago).

I would stay up until 3AM and be up at 6AM to get ready for work & school & out the door. I’ve never been a morning person, but I would function and be almost perky by 9.

After the kids, I started losing ground.  It’s now to the point where if I’m not in bed by 11PM most nights (9 or 10 sometimes), I can’t function in the morning.  I’m still not a morning person but boy do I need sleep.

Last night I went through my usual routine. Shut everything down, went to bed at 11.

Tossed and turned for an hour and a half before I gave up.

Came out to the couch and turned on the TV. Waited until I couldn’t keep my eyes open (2AMish) and turned it off.

Rolled over and WHAM.

Wide awake again.

Short of it, I didn’t fall asleep until 4:30AM and woke up with my alarm at 5:30AM.

I’m so tired I stopped writing this post 2 hours ago and promptly forgot about it thinking I’d already posted.


It sucks.


Damn Bugs…

[flickr id=”8012249274″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]Every spring it’s the ants.  Ants all over the damn house.  Big ants. Little ants.  Everywhere.

This year we have a new problem. Apparently it’s rampant around Indiana right now.

Fruit flies.

I have no fruit out.

But they are EVERYWHERE.

I clean the drains regularly.

I set out traps.

I rip my hair out.

I hate damn bugs.