by Sarah | Sep 17, 2012 | All About Family, Random
[flickr id=”7665967864″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]We all have them.
Hidden away in drawers.
Stored in boxes.
Sometimes right out on display.
The toy.
The one toy.
Stuffed animal.
Toy car.
Pretend make up purse.
The toy they grew out of.
But we never grew out of seeing them with.
The one they clung to at night.
Carried everywhere.
Eventually loyalties changed, a new toy took over, a new animal, a doll or a train.
But the toy is still there.
The one that reminds you of your baby.
It’s ragged.
Coming apart in places.
Maybe you should toss it.
But you can’t.
It’s a piece of your baby.
The one that’s growing up too fast.
The one that now runs off by themselves rather than holds your hand.
The baby that rolls their eyes and pronounces they are NOT your baby.
But they’ll always be your baby.
So you keep that piece.
That ragged, worn out, tired piece.
And you never let it go.
by Sarah | Sep 4, 2012 | All of Us, Crap, Random
[flickr id=”5066636412″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]School is in session.
It’s gone from the girls.
To me.
Now to the boys.
I love the school year.
But this part? This part I hate.
Send Lysol.
Lots of it.
by Sarah | Aug 31, 2012 | Crap, Friday Fragments, Random
[flickr id=”7089103379″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]School’s back in, and we’re on the roller coaster ride of emotions that always accompanies the start of the school year.
- At first I thought the school year would be great for Molly. Then I spent a night in tears bawling over an email that showed me how little they understood my girl…and then the next day I was able to meet with the teacher and went back to feeling positive again. Who knows where this year will end up.
- Kennedy has also lucked out in the teacher department. She’s got one willing to understand and work on her temper issues and communicate them with me. Total bonus.
- For weeks I’ve been working on edits for my manuscript. This is just my personal ‘clean up’ round – it’s just the start. So much work to be done to get that book out into the world.
- In between edits I finished another novel. Now that one needs to be polished up and submitted ’round the world.
- Having a quiet house during the day is a beautiful thing. Things are cleaned, bills are paid, I am calmer.
- Erik’s birthday is next Friday. The old man turns 45. Quite a milestone for such a baby face.
- Been running again. Each run varies between going really well and me wanting to collapse and die. Here’s hoping I make it to the 5k and through it!
- I also have a big anniversary coming up. 10 years. Wowsa.
by Sarah | Aug 21, 2012 | Random
[flickr id=”7809451492″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]When my grandparents were dating, my grampa would bring gramma a gardenia at every date. She’d carefully set it in a bowl of water, wary of touching the petals so they wouldn’t brown, and keep it as long as possible.
We lost grampa over 15 years ago. Gramma – just 2 years ago.
This year on a whim, and a deep prayer, I bought a gardenia bush to plant next to my last ‘whim’ purchase of a Rose of Sharon (that now stands 4 feet tall and blooms like mad).
I bought it to honor my grandparents, and hoped they would help ensure it bloomed.
But the drought came early. Within a week, despite watering it every evening, then every other evening as water bans started to take effect…the leaves browned.
Death took hold.
Or so I thought.
The past two weeks it has begun to rain again. Not enough to totally erase the drought – but enough to turn lawns green again. My Rose of Sharon had never stopped blooming so I never thought to check on my flower bed.
Until the other day I happened to notice some green.
Just a little. Weeds, perhaps.
But no.
I got closer and saw the familiar waxy leaves, small but sprouting. Where dead, brown branches reached into the air – green tips started to appear.
I doubt it will fully heal before the winter comes – but it has survived.
Delicate on the surface.
Resilient. Strong.
Like my grandparents.
Like me.
My husband.
My kids.
My family.
A gardenia.
by Sarah | Aug 9, 2012 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, Cross Country, Friday Fragments, Random, The Teenager
[flickr id=”7665949676″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]I’ve been having a good week…month…year. Whatevs, it’s all good. Okay, so there’s been ups and downs, but as I said recently I feel like I’ve hit my prime.
But for whatever reason my mind can’t wrap around a cohesive lengthy post today so you get the ever-marvelous bullet list of awesome.
- School starts in less than a week. Three kids. Gone all day. Makes me salivate at the thought of all that might get accomplished.
- Erik is doing a lot better. We’ve had a change in diagnosis & treatment plan, and things are looking up. Hopefully soon we’ll dive more into it – when he’s ready.
- In case you missed it – I’m being published. I so cannot wait until February to cross that sucker off my 45X45 list.
- The teen is entering high school. Honestly, not sure if this goes on a list of awesome b/c it sort of freaks me out – but it is happening. He’s in JV Cross Country practices now.
- We’re going to the State Fair on Monday. I’m actually pretty excited for this. Been a long time since I’ve done this.
- Erik & I have started walking together every night. It gives us added exercise & some time for just the two of us.
- I still have this 5k coming up but with the heat I have lapsed on training. Starting again real soon because time is running out (pardon the unintentional pun)
- Did I mention school starts soon? No? Well, it DOES.
- Oh, make sure you come by here tomorrow…I’m having a fun, flirty, sexy giveaway you do NOT want to miss.
by Sarah | Jul 21, 2012 | Random
[flickr id=”6408237417″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]As this post goes live I will be enjoying the last few hours of quiet stillness in my house. On Thursday afternoon I was granted about 48 hours of an empty house.
I likely used 95% of that time to clean, maybe 3% to sleep. The other 2% likely on showers and zoning out on the computer or watching TV. When my house is empty I clean like mad – and by Thursday I’d already gutted my kitchen, tossed out 7 bags of trash and rearranged all the cabinets – and I’m only 50% done with that room.
I wanted more time – but I’ll live with 48 hours.
Now if only I could get a vacation from the quiet time…because once everyone gets home I’m going to be just about dead tired.