by Sarah | Nov 23, 2011 | Crap, Random
I’m almost too late for my post for today, so this is quick and silly.
Confessions of things I’m certainly guilty of after almost 13 years of a Mom.
1) I always thought Steve from Blues Clues was hot…even before he left and shaved his head.
2) I hate Mary Poppins with a deep passion. Ever since Brandon was obsessed with it and I was forced to watch it over and over for weeks on end…and came to realize she is a pompous, self-righteous, snobby bitch.
3) I actually enjoy iCarly and Victorious. They make me giggle. Big Time Rush – not so much.
4) I used to use the TV to babysit Brandon. He would come into my room at 5AM on the weekends, I’d flip on the cartoons and go back to sleep. What can I say…the kid NEVER slept!!
5) I hate Spongebob almost as much as Mary Poppins. ‘Nuff said.
6) I haven’t taken any of my kids to a movie since Riley was an infant. I don’t trust them to sit through one. So all movies wait for video.
7) One of my favorite all-time movies is Lion King.
8) I miss the earliest days of Blues Clues before Dora and Diego and Max and Ruby tainted the waters.
9) I am actually physically disgusted by the Diego episode with the Iguana and the strawberries. You know the one…
I almost totally messed up my NaBlo again…so you get a repeat of last year cheater post again…my embarrassing confecssions 😀
by Sarah | Nov 21, 2011 | All About Home, All of Us, Crap, Photography, Random
[flickr id=”6367106575″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”center”]
Where no other can tread.
The one dog allowed in this house – because we know she will be leaving us.
This time she’s here for two weeks.
My dad better make darn sure he comes when the kids are at school.
Riley will be a WRECK when she leaves.
For now, she’s a welcome part of the family.
& we know that we’re loved back.
I mean – for a dog…farts are a sign of love, right?
I’m saying it is…& if the stench in this house is any indication, this dog is NUTS about us!
by Sarah | Nov 20, 2011 | All About Me, Crap, Random, WTF?
[flickr id=”6202967832″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]I’m not liking myself much right now.
I’m attributing it to stress of the past month and of the upcoming holidays.
But I’m ugly. Inside.
Short tempered.
I don’t like it and I want it to stop.
I’m hoping that now that I am returning to my normal routine I will get back my usual state of mind and heart. Now that I don’t have the added stress of fitting things around work that I will actually feel like I’m accomplishing something.
I don’t want to be miserable. I don’t want to be putting myself in time out like I did tonight.
The holidays are coming and I need to be happy. After all I have cookies to bake and treats to make and Christmas morning photos to take.
by Sarah | Nov 18, 2011 | All About Home, All of Us, Holidays, Random
Each year it’s the same
From storage, boxes emerge
Marked with black sharpie
One by one we find
Carefully wrapped memories
Hanging by thin threads
Sometimes the year blurs
Sometimes it’s plain to be seen
Each time the heart tugs
Family gathered
Love, laughter, peace, understanding
Problems disappear
Memories held close
Pulled from storage once a year
Shimmering brightly
This is a repost from last year. With every passing day I get closer to pulling the tree out of the garage. Only the presence of my parents dog has kept me from doing it yet. Not that she would mess with it – it’s just that there’s enough chaos without the tree & Christmas decorations being dragged out. I’ve been planning for my annual Christmas cookie/candy kitchen takeover. Hoping it goes smooth this year!! Our holidays will be tight financially – but filled with joy as always.
by Sarah | Nov 17, 2011 | All About Home, DIY Cleaning Products, Random
[flickr id=”6356588635″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]A year ago we had a major problem. Our HE washer STUNK.
It was horrible. The smell was transferring to our clothes. We were at a loss. We tried the brand name “HE cleaner” tablets. They helped a little, but it was bad. So very bad.
We muddled through. Unable to do anything about buying a new one, we kept up with regular cleaning tablets, leaving the door open and extra cleaning cycles.
All along I’ve wanted a dry detergent I could make at home. I was buying detergent and cutting it with borax, but we were still buying it too often and spending too much. I would have loved to make laundry detergent sooner, but all the recipes were for liquid. And really, let’s face it – I’m lazy.
Then I found pinterest. I was goaded into it. I got hoked fast. Along the way I stumbled on a pin for a homemade DRY detergent. I thought it was too good to be true!
So I whipped it up, tried it.
That was four months ago and I have never gone back*. My husband (with his hyper sensitive nose) loves the citrus-y smell of the detergent, and the wash when it comes out. It’s cheap to make and one batch lasts about six weeks in a household full of 5 people.
The best part?
My washer doesn’t smell.
I haven’t had to pay to buy the cleaning tablets. I haven’t had to leave it open all the time (although I still do just because it’s better for it – but I never feel guilty for closing it). My wash is amazingly soft and smells delectable. There is no moldy lingering odor. If I take out the dryer bar (yes, I still use that…it’s my one indulgence) for my husband’s jean cycle and forget to put it back in…the clothes are still wonderfully soft – even towels!
In the end I totally credit this laundry soap with saving my HE washer, and our noses.
So what is in it? I know you’re dying to know….
1 bar Fels Naptha ($1 at WalMart)
1 cup Borax ($2.50/box at WalMart…& I use it for SO many of my cleaning products. packs a punch for a cheap price)
1 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda ($3 at WalMart. Washing Soda, not baking soda. I’ve made 4 batches & still have over half of a box left…again, well worth the price)
Grate the Fels Naptha** and mix everything together.
It takes ONE TABLESPOON per load. That’s it!
*I say never. We recently ran out & I’ve been sick so we dipped into the brand name detergent we still had around. Within 2 washes the stench was back in my washer. It was then that I knew w/o a doubt that my homemade detergent was better & made it as soon as I could.
**Side note on the Fels Naptha. The gratings in my picture are huge. My teenager washed the grater and the small side was dirty. I was in a rush to get towels washed so I used the big side. Use the small grater. You get a much better mix. I will have to shake mine out with every wash to make sure I spread out the Fels Naptha.
***Original Site I got recipe from (credit goes where it’s due. Just saying 🙂 )***
by Sarah | Nov 16, 2011 | All About Me, Crap, Random, WTF?
[flickr id=”6030468849″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]A few weeks ago I posted about the debate we were going through. Should I work? Or not?
We weighed all the options. Debated what we would gain, what we would lose. There were negatives, for sure. There were fears about me actually getting back to work – and the possibility of hospital visits happening with the kids.
We thought of everything. We were certain of that.
So when I saw the position at the library I leaped at it. I WANTED it. I took it without thinking about hours. There was panic about being able to find childcare to cover my hours. There’s been a lot of me missing just being home for and with my family.
In the end, though…I’ve loved the job. There are SLOW days for sure…and days so busy my mind is just spinning with everything that needs to be done. While I’ve missed home, missed my family – I liked being out in public again. Having a reason to get dressed and put on makeup. Contributing to my family’s budget (not that I’ve seen a paycheck yet).
So yesterday as I was filling out paperwork for our all important magical insurance (that covers all things CF – especially the things that our stupid regular insurance does not – like $2500 meds) the realization hit me.
We didn’t think of everything.
I was forced into the realization that less than 2 full weeks into my job – I have to quit.
In the end my ‘extra’ income will hurt us far more than it will help us.
I spent yesterday a wreck. I had minor panic attacks all day.
My wonderful Archie when I was sobbing about how I liked the thought of contributing to the house, and that I felt good to be helping him with the “breadwinner” stress…told me that I contributed to the house by BEING here and making neat and calm and comfortable for his OCD-rattled brain after work. He soothed my stresses about our current financial status and how this was supposed to help.
In my panic and sadness over leaving a job I love he was my rock.
So thank you, Archie.
Even if I know you only love me for regularly clean sheets and floors (over the sporadic cleaning since I started work) 😉