Why I Make My Cleaning Supplies

[flickr id=”6348904912″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]On my fridge I have a list.  It has 9 cleaning products on it and how I make them.  I plan on adding more as I find them.

I’d like to say I do this for a noble cause.

Because it’s better for the earth. Safer for my kids. They clean better.

All of those reasons ARE true.

But the main reason I started was money.

These suckers are a lot cheaper in the long run.

The last item I’ve added to my revenue was laundry detergent.

My husband was skeptical all along. On some days he still is.  In the end? I keep doing it because they work. Because I’m not spending scads of dollars every week buying MORE cleaning supplies that are harsh on my nose and eyes and hands.

Now if only I could find a great toilet cleaner I’d be a very happy woman.


In a couple of days I’ll go into more detail about a few of them. Mainly the laundry detergent (the saver of my HE washer) and my all purpose cleaners.


When It’s Cold and Dark

[flickr id=”6271416484″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]When it is cold and dark outside.

You seek the warmth.

When things seem the darkest.

You look for the light.

Some days the struggle blinds you to the light.

Right now I am stressed.

The new job cuts into my week. I have things to learn and my mind is racing while I’m there with making sure I get things done right. There wasn’t a learning curve so much as sink or swim. I had basic training and was out there. It’s how I like to learn, but it can be overwhelming.

I’m getting over a cold while Angel is getting one (always a panic button issue).

We are still without an official permanent sitter for the kids with my new job. While we’re managing to wiggle through now w/ hubby taking a late lunch daily to watch the kids until Brandon comes home, my in-laws are watching on Fridays until they go down South and my Dad has offered to watch after that for ‘a while’…we need something permanent and set.  If Middle School didn’t run a full hour later than elementary (or it was the other way around) we’d be fine. No such luck, though.

We had meetings with Riley’s school several times the past few weeks.  Things were not good. We were not happy.  Steps have been taken to make things better, but I’m still not completely happy. We’ll see how the next months go along.

Christmas is coming and we are not ready for it. Finances are tight. The new job has started, but we’ve yet to see the fruit of my labor there. We feel like we’re gasping for air, and floundering.

I am always the one that sees the silver lining, but I feel like I haven’t had time lately. For once I’ve been the negative Nellie, tense and short tempered.  I know it’s still adjusting to the new job. To the shift in my schedule and my families.

I just want to feel like me again.

In a Flash…

Since I failed to take out my camera this week, I won’t be doing a Weekly Winners or Scavenger Hunt Sunday post this week. Instead I went into the October Prompts from the NaBloPoMo site to find a prompt to inspire me today. I found this one:

If your life flashed before your eyes, what are 5 moments you know would be included?

My immediate response was the births of my three kids and my wedding, taking me up to four moments in the matter of a heartbeat. What else would there be?  What one moment stuck out to me in the realm of the birth of my children and the marriage to my wonderhubs?

Would it be the last dance I shared with my Grampa? The one at my brother’s wedding?  Would it be the last heart to heart talk I had with my grandma on her front porch the year before she passed away?  What about our family trips to Disney World?  Our weekends at the campground?  The summer that it rained every day the entire summer? Of course I could remember the days spent at the hunting lodge with my dad, uncle and cousins.

Or would it be a place that we all gathered? Where so many of my family could be found?

A 4th of July celebration at our cottage in Ontario. Where all of the family (both sides) had gathered to join the bonfire. Watch the fireworks.

I think that is the last memory that would flash for me.

Every one of the moments would be deep, profound and special. Surrounded by family. Love. Excitement and wonder.


My Crappy Gift

[flickr id=”6070441022″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]The other day it was my Mom’s birthday. I took 2/3 of the kids over for cake & ice cream (1/3 was in trouble).  While there it was the usual sort of gaiety and confusion that occurs when so many grandchildren are in one place.

The night was winding to a close when I commented about next year being a big birthday for my mom.  She looked at me in confusion and asked what I meant.

“Well, you’ll be turning sixty.”


“Mom. You were born in ’52. Next year is 2012. You’ll be sixty.”

“Oh. I thought this was my 58th birthday. I’m 59?”

I laughed and said, “Yeah. Happy birthday I just stole a year from you.”


Quite possibly the crappiest gift I’ve ever given.

Friday Fragments

[flickr id=”6305868642″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]In the great realm of NaBloPoMo sometimes you need to break things up with a bit here and there.  So I am going to take part in Friday Fragments. I’m really good at random bullet point list posts – and this is no exception.

****Today I got raving mad. Furious. I was literally shaking in my anger.  Once again it was about Riley’s school. Archie is trying to remain calm and logical in the stead of my anger. I’m not handling it.

****The job at the library is great. I’m really enjoying it. We’re still trying to working on the kid-care details. We have hope, but nothing solid yet.

****Just did a spot check of lungs on the kids.  So many bugs going around.

****I’ve had no luck fitting photography into my schedule this week. It sucks. Hoping tomorrow I get around to it.

****I have however, found time for my writing. Latest novel almost done. Plus, I started a WIP collaborating w/ my good friend using weekly challenges from Indie Ink. It’s so much fun to participate.

****Speaking of Indie Ink. they have a new weekly photo challenge. SO excited to take part in it’s initial launch week this week!

That’s good for now. Busy watching Green Lantern now. TTFN

No Words Necessary

SOOC. Sunrise.
[flickr id=”6305868642″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”center”]