by Sarah | Jul 30, 2011 | All About Kennedy, All About Molly, Autism, WTF?
[flickr id=”5885702740″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]She poked her in the eye.
I know you’ve all heard the story in snippets on twitter, but oy.
Yesterday morning a LOUD scream echoed out from the girls room. The one that said “True pain” not “drama queen” like Angel’s usual screams.
When I ran in she said that Riley had poked her in the eye. I thought, at first, it was a typical brief poking, no real damage and she’d be fine. Calmed down the situation and it seemed okay…but then it wasn’t.
Angel kept crying in pain every thirty minutes or so, moving up to ear splitting screams. So I took her to the pediatrician.
A large scratch (like a cm wide, 1/2 cm thick) right over her pupil.
It was intentional.
The poking, if not the depth of the result.
Angel spent the night in bed w/ me, Archie slept on the couch. I got to hear the heart melting words “Mama can I snuggle with you?” in my Angel’s darling cute little voice.
Today things are better…Angel isn’t shrieking in pain every 20-30 minutes…the ointment they gave her appears to be helping…and she’s rocking the eye patch. The girls are getting along again, even though Angel is telling her sister not to hurt her on a more frequent basis.
I don’t know where we go from here, but I know we need help. Riley needs help. I’m certain she needs more than the school can provide, but the school is where we’ll start, while I schedule an appointment w/ the developmental pediatrician and wait until we can get in (likely to be a few months).
by Sarah | Jul 28, 2011 | All About Molly, Autism, Special Needs, WTF?
[flickr id=”5984317283″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]
Since halfway through Kindergarten Riley has been an avid reader. Fervent. Excited. Searching. Learning. Teaching.
She taught her sister to read.
She devoured so many books.
Books are one of her distinct and clear joys.
So last night it was a shock.
A horror.
Hearing a noise from the girls room, I went into their room.
Riley was lying in bed calm as can be…
Ripping apart her books.
Five of them.
All the pages strewn across the floor.
When we asked her why she said that she was happy.
She was happy.
So she ripped up her books.
Then it was pure horror when she realized she was not going to be able to read them ever again.
To top that off she’s beating up her sister again.
There are scratches all over my Angel’s back, shoulders and HEAD.
We are concerned.
Because she ripped books.
But its a flag.
And we are concerned.
by Sarah | Jul 20, 2011 | All of Us, Crap, Random
[flickr id=”5959711952″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]My BFF Jess and her brood have left the building. On Tuesday they started the long drive home to Virginia, and my house was quiet. I didn’t post while they were here much, and I’ve spent the past two days recovering from their presence. It was a marvelous time and we’re hoping to make it an annual thing. Sooo….while my brain is recovering you get random plot points of my life.
* For the past I don’t know how many years my birthday has sucked. This year was a new experience and joy.
* I got my tattoo!! Full story coming later. In short – I was terrified of the pain. I didn’t hardly flinch. Planning 2, 3, & 4.
* I have a renewed appreciation for Cocksucker TV (as Jess called it…i.e. DEADWOOD). I will always love this show and will always hate HBO for cancelling it. But watching it with my BFF (okay, we only got through half) was so much fun. I knew I’d get her addicted – and I did.
* Her oldest boy (we’ll call him Jack for privacy purposes) and mine were like two peas in a pod. Instant re-friendship and camaraderie.
* There is another #IndyGeekGirls meeting this week. I still haven’t RSVP’d. I guess I should decide if I’m going or not. Since it’s Friday and today is Wednesday. Yup, I’m slow.
* Oh, just remember that my tattoo means I can cross another item off of my 45X45 list. YAY!!
* P.S. In case you didn’t know…that birthday was number 35. Some days I don’t feel anywhere near it…other days I feel sooo much older.
* My wonderful hubby Archie was a marvelous champ this weekend. Crowds and changes in routine can really affect him physically and mentally with anxiety and other issues. This weekend? He was marvelous. He was great with the kids, and he and Jess got along just fine (I was worried, last time he met a good online friend things did not go well). Love him – thank you honey!!!
* My parents got me a gift card to Hobby Lobby. I don’t know how I will manage to choose what to use it on. That store is dangerous.
* Our neighbor across the street passed away. This is the second time this has happened since we’ve lived here (same house, different circumstances). Unfortunately this time it was someone we knew a little better – at least Brandon did. While the gentleman was a bit on the cranky side – he had a soft spot for Brandon and was always really nice. He even helped him stay in a Union tent at our towns Civil War Heritage days and fixed it so he could fire off a cannon. Just a month ago. Brandon is understandably upset.
* I’m ready for school to start. Looking forward to a few hours of quiet a day to get things done. Just a month to go until it’s back to school for the kids – ALL of them!!
* It is HOT. Insanely hot. A/C running ALL the time kind of hot. This does not make me happy. Too hot to do anything but stay inside…and the kids have been on each others nerves for weeks already. Riley & Angel are at each others throats.
And I will stop now…more posts coming ASAP…
by Sarah | Jul 5, 2011 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Home, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, Random
[flickr id=”5502918424″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”] Brandon left on Sunday.
Boy Scout camp for a full week.
Riley & Angel left this afternoon.
Gone to their grandparents for 2 days.
Archie leaves in the morning.
Off to work. Then to Family Night at Scout camp. Then work the next day.
The house is empty, save for me.
I sit in silence.
I will most likely be cleaning – something I always do when left alone.
During the in-between I will sit and soak up the silence.
Stuck between content and disturbed.
Normally chaos and noise fill this house.
The silence is disconcerting.
But rare enough that I will take some time to enjoy it.
I have a stack of books to read. Trying to meet my 50 books read in 2011 goal (15 read, several partially read).
I have 6 rooms that all need cleaning – one that needs a splash of paint on the trim.
I will complete what I can.
And enjoy some time off.
by Sarah | Jun 23, 2011 | All About Molly, Crap, Random
(Arachnophobes beware)
The other day Riley rushed up to me with big eyes.
Holding her hands a foot apart she informed me…
“There’s a spider THIS BIG in the bathroom!!”
“THAT big?” I asked, grinning.
She nodded seriously, still holding her hands that far apart, “THIS BIG!”
In truth it was about 5 inches from long leg point to long leg point, a big spider…but I just thought it was so cute that she thought it was THIS BIG.
The spider was not harmed, I left her alone where she was (hey, she kills bugs, which we have too many of). Whens he came down from her ceiling perch to disrupt my shower she still was not killed. I gingerly picked her up by one leg and carried her outside to release her into the wild. She has since returned and taken up residence in the corner of the kitchen. She is welcome, and unless absolutely necessary will not be harmed…
and she’s still THIS BIG.
by Sarah | Jun 16, 2011 | All About Family, All About Home, All of Us, Community, Random
Last week I got a last second request to go to my brothers house to babysit my two youngest nephews. I left my riot-act at home and hightailed it over to his place. His house is about 2.5 times bigger than ours. Open, spacious, uncluttered.
By the time I got there one nephew was in bed. Two hours later the other went down.
The house was quiet.
It was a Friday night, 9PM.
I stepped out onto their front porch to relax in some of the beautiful night air…
And silence.
No kids running around screaming.
No neighbors calling hello.
Going to each others houses.
Sharing a drink.
A laugh.
I thought about my neighborhood and how at about that time all the neighbors would be out doing all of those things. The kids would be playing, racing bikes, running and screaming.
And once again I remembered.
How lucky I am.
Our house is too small.
Definitely over-cluttered.
But our neighborhood.
It’s special.
And there’s no place else I would rather be.