by Sarah | Nov 16, 2007 | Autism, Speech
Yesterday I promised updates of another Molly accomplishment, and here it is…
Wednesday I took the girls into the bedroom where DH was watching a movie. They were playing on the bed, climbing all over him and me…just have a grand old time.
While playing, I often play ‘word games’ with the girls, trying to get them to repeat the sounds. K is always game, copying to the best of her abilities. So somehow that night we ended up saying “Up, Down.” I think K had said ‘happy’, and it sounded similar to up/down, so I went with it. Anyway, I start saying “Up, Down. Up, Down.” K is copying it…and suddenly I take note of Molly.
She’s standing up, and sitting down. Standing up, sitting down. She KNOWS what Up/Down means!!! Thinking it was a fluke, we moved on…and then started again…and she started doing it again! Up, down, up down…Then she started jumping to get us to say it faster!!!
We always suspected (pretty much knew) there was more knowledge in her head than she could express…to see it evidenced in action is HUGE!!! Big day!! We’re very happy 😀
by Sarah | Nov 4, 2007 | Autism
As I said yesterday, it’s leaps and bounds in this house. Molly had a bunch of new words this weekend…I’ll try to list them all.
1. Oh Shoot
2. Pretty
3. Sure
4. Dunno
5. Choo Choo
I’m sure there were more, but my brain has left me.
I’m not sure if it’s being in preschool, or she’s just having a ‘good period’…but I am just amazed by this little girl!! Overnight she’s become a totally new person!
by Sarah | Nov 3, 2007 | Autism
Last night, for the second time in a week, Molly copied words!! Not to mention the fact that she’s starting to converse a little, and become more aware of potty-time (or at least willing to admit it)
Last week it was Daddy, and she copied him when he said “Happy”. The rest of the night she kept saying it. She hasn’t said it since (common for her), but it was still a copied word!
During the week I saw her go behind the couch, and you could obviously see her straining a bit. I said, “Are you going potty?” She didn’t answer, so I repeated, “Molly? Are you going poopy?” She looked up at me, obviously done and said, “Yeah!! YUCK!” *lol* Again…it wasn’t repeated, at least not yet, but it was a joy.
Last night we were “talking”. She was doing GREAT reading a book and matching objects in it (amazing the heck otu of me)…and I could tell one of the girls filled their diaper. I asked M if it was her and she shook her head vehemently no. I said, “Molly? Are you SURE?” She looked up at me with a big grin and sounded like a true New Yorker, “Shooo-ah!” I laughed, said it again, “SURE?” She gigglied, “Shoo-ah!” It was so cute!!
by Sarah | Nov 2, 2007 | Autism
Well, after today I’ve decided I can no longer attend playdates *sigh* Why? Well…let’s see.
Last month I went to a playdate (finally…I rarely get to with our schedule, etc.)…Molly spent almost the entire 2 hours at my side.
Today, same playdate, same situation, except I wasn’t there (appointment at the chiro’s…check Side Dishes for that info). She PLAYED! With OTHER CHILDREN! (well, one…but still)
*headdesk* I want to go and be able to talk to the Mommy’s and…and…*sigh*
by Sarah | Oct 22, 2007 | Autism
Every once in a while Molly comes out of her little world and stuns us. Tonight was one of those nights. She had a VERY long day, but still managed to amaze us, and her teachers.
She got up about 7:30 AM today (early for her, usual is about 9:30), and we fed them and took them for K’s feeding study (see below). Afterward we had to take Molly directly to preschool, without a nap. I thought I’d pick her up and they’d say she was a horribly unhappy child. I got told the OPPOSITE!! They said she was talking up a storm…even a couple of full sentences like “read a book” and “shut the door”!!!
Amazed, I took her and K and DC to DC’s parent-teacher conference where she was somewhat reserved. Got her home, laid her down for approx. 1.5 hours, and then got them up to get ready for Molly’s parent-teacher conference.
I don’t know when the aliens came and took my baby and replaced her…but whoever the child I had tonight was…OH MY GOD! She talked…and talked…and talked. And about 25% of it was intelligible!!! Real sentences. Real jabber sentences (involving pointing at me to get her point across)…jabber mixed with real words…”Look! Car!! *jabber jabber jabber* Look! Is wet!”
She stayed like that through her parent teacher conference all the way until we came home…amazing her teachers/threapists…and daddy!!! And ME!! Sometimes she is so amazing, it makes my heart swell!!!
by Sarah | Oct 18, 2007 | Autism
It doesn’t happen often. Most of the time, Molly’s meltdowns consist of her internalizing and curling up on your lap until she feels safe again. Sometimes, though…her meltdowns are ugly and angry and violent. Today was one of those days. She was up and about during her sisters PT session today, which I usually try to avoid for the jealousy issue/mixing therapies. When one child is in therapy, I want the focus on them. But, we were all running a bit behind today, so Molly wasn’t ready to climb back into bed.
Sooo, she was up and about. Then she slowly started going into a meltdown. I sort of saw it coming…but thought we could nip it in the bud by letting her back in the living room to play with her sister. Instead she really started going. Screaming, fighting. So I picked her up to carry her back, get her changed, and put her in bed.
Halfway there, she bit me. Hard. On the boob. She managed to break the skin, but not draw blood. I’m going to have a pretty bruise tonight…and not one I can thank my husband for 😛