by Sarah | Mar 19, 2015 | Book Spotlight, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing
“A king who always cares for the elephants like his own sons is always victorious & will enjoy the friendship of the celestial world after death.” Kautiliya, scholar of Buddhism in India.
Whether it is a colorful figurine, a carved miniature, or a real live titan of an animal, the elephant is revered by many in the Indian culture. Said to be a gentle giant (the largest land mammal on earth), the elephant possesses attributes that humans strive to cultivate in themselves: intelligence, sensitivity, empathy, and self-awareness.
Indian mythology states that the gods (devas) and the demons (asuras) churned the oceans in a search for the elixir of life—nectar (amrit)—in hopes of becoming immortal. Through the churning of the ocean, the nine jewels (navratnas) surfaced, one of which was the elephant.
Reverence for the elephant has also been born from stories of the elephant being chosen as the carriage for Indra (the god of all gods) and visions of white elephants foretelling the birth of Gautam Buddha, in his mother’s dreams before his birth.
The Asian elephant, the species that resides in India, has seen its numbers dwindle drastically in the past 15 years. At the turn of the century, nearly 200,000 animals roamed wild; now only 35,000 to 40,000 remain. Elephants are herbivores and eat up to 300 pounds of food a day. Preservation of habitat and eliminating ivory trade are vital aspects to keeping the elephant from extinction.
Elephant mothers are the ultimate example of a nurturing parent: carrying their babies for a gestation period of 22 months, giving birth to 200-pound baby, nursing for two years, then caring for and protecting the young elephant for the next sixteen years.
With so many endearing qualities and a history of cultural significance, the elephant is well deserving of its place of honor in the hearts of many Indians.
Excerpt from The Accidental Wife:
Inside it, she found some clothes just like the oversized ones hanging in the closet. They were of no interest to her. What caught her eye was a beautiful silk sari, tie-dyed in a rainbow of colors with decorated elephants marching along the borders and tiny shiny mirrors that caught the light and sparkled like diamonds. She flung it around her neck like a shawl and felt deeply comforted by the strong fragrance of sandalwood.
Underneath was a finely inlaid wooden box, inside which on a bed of tissue, lay several glass bangles in red, green and orange tied together with a string. Slipping them over her hands, she wondered if they were a gift from Rihaan. Instinct told her they were, thus filling her with a warm glow.
Trembling with excitement she dug deeper, and at the very bottom, found a large album. She flipped the pages over, only to find random black and white shots, of people and children on the streets. Nothing else. No blissful wedding pictures, in particular no family portraits, as if she’d severed all ties before coming here.
Feeling utterly wretched and frustrated, she tore the bangles from her hands and sank sobbing to the floor.
Inconvenient Relations is FREE on AMAZON!!
Grab your copy NOW!
The Accidental Wife
Simi K. Rao
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 270 Pages
March 4th 2015

Some accidents are meant to happen…
Dr. Rihaan Mehta is a brilliant young neurosurgeon who has no inclination for love or marriage. According to him wives and girlfriends are annoying accessories that one can do without. But when his mother dangles the sword over his head in classic Bollywood style, he succumbs, and sets out in search of a bride who would fit his ‘requirements’. But can Rihaan deal with what he gets instead?
Simi K. Rao was born and grew up in both northern and southern India before relocating to the U.S., where she has lived for several years. Inconvenient Relations is her first published novel.
The inspiration for this book, and her other projects, comes from her own experience with cross-cultural traditions, lifestyles and familial relationships, as well as stories and anecdotes collected from friends, family and acquaintances.
Rao enjoys exploring the dynamics of contemporary American culture blended with Indian customs and heritage to reflect the challenges and opportunities many Indian-American women face in real life.
Much of Rao’s down time is devoted to creative pursuits, including writing fiction, poetry and photography. She is an avid traveler and has visited many locations around the world.
A practicing physician, Rao lives in Denver with her family.
by Sarah | Nov 10, 2014 | Book Spotlight, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing
- I wear a shirt when I write that has Shakespeare’s face on it and says “This shit writes itself.”
- I am a middle child. I have a sister that is two years older and a sister that is two years younger.
- My favorite movie of all time is Casablanca.
- When I was 21, I did an internship working at Walt Disney World. Best seven months EVER!
- I met my husband in the parking lot of a Jimmy Buffett concert. He was working. I was drinking.
- My favorite beer is Blue Moon.
- I love the Red Sox.
- Every time I publish a new book, I drink champagne and watch Anchorman and Talladega Nights. It’s a tradition now.
- When I was moving out to California from Connecticut after graduating law school, the hubs and I drove route 66 all the way from Chicago to the Santa Monica Pier. It was such an amazing experience, and I think there may be a book in it.
- My pen name is a play on my real name. My full name is Tracy Leigh Kellam. I don’t think I need to spell out where T.K. Leigh came from. 😉
- I have a yellow jeep wrangler that I love. Her name is Savvy J.
- In my opinion, there is no such thing as too much coffee. Or peanut butter.
- I am a sushi addict.
- I am deathly afraid of snakes. I can’t even watch a movie with them in it or I’ll flip out.
- My favorite New Kid on the Block was Donnie. I’m glad I picked one that aged well.
- I am a huge proponent of “Adopt, don’t shop.” We have a dog and 3 kittens, all of whom we have found on the streets and saved.
- One of my favorite TV shows is Arrested Development.
- My favorite book of all time is The Great Gatsby. What can I say. I’m a sucker for a story with no HEA.
- I currently have 8 works in progress.
- You will all be seeing Cam and Jolene again. 😉

Title: Heart of Marley
Author: T.K. Leigh
Release Date: November 3, 2014
Genre: New Adult/Romantic Suspense
To the moon and back…
From the stars to the ocean…
That was Marley and Cameron Bowen’s secret code.
Twins born just five minutes apart, they have the perfect life… Until tragedy strikes just weeks after their eighth birthday and their father is killed by a drunk driver. Having trouble coping with the loss of her soul mate, their mother tries to find comfort in drugs and alcohol… And an abusive man with a penchant for underage girls.
No longer able to stand listening to his sister’s screams and cries every night for nearly three years, Cam takes matters into his own hands and they’re finally able to escape the nightmare.
They’re finally able to start over…
But the nightmare still haunts Marley. The years go on and she is forced to put on a smile, making everyone think that she is the perfect, well-adjusted teenager that she is supposed to be… Until she is faced with a painful reminder of her past during her senior year of high school and she’s no longer able to keep on the mask that she has been compelled to wear.
Recommended for ages eighteen and over due to strong language, sexual situations, and graphic violence.

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Book Trailer
I had gotten used to things over the years. Marley’s emotions always took you on a wild roller coaster ride, the ebb and flow often unexpected and sometimes tumultuous. But during those moments that things flattened out, and the ups and downs of her life were on an even keel, even if for just an instant, those were the times that I treasured. I wouldn’t trade those rare memories for anything in the world. Those were the times that I saw the real Marley…the girl that forced me to play Barbie’s with her, the girl that convinced me the mud pie she made for me was really chocolate. The way her eyes brimmed with enthusiasm and mischief at the same time, you couldn’t help but believe her, knowing that she would squeal with excitement and delight when you pretended to take a bite of her ‘chocolate’ pie.
“Remember the tree house?” she asked, bringing me back from my own memories. I could hear the lump in her throat.
“How could I forget? You hounded Dad for months to build you one.”
“Remember going out there after he died, but before Mama lost the house?”
I nodded, finding Marley’s hand and grabbing it. “Yeah, I do.”
I felt her body tremble beside me as big, fat rain drops began to fall. “I think it would have been the best tree house on the block.”
“The way Dad doted on you, it would have been a tree mansion by the time he was done with it.”
Losing my father was hard enough when I was just eight, but having to be faced with the constant reminders of his life made it even more difficult. The worst was looking out our back window at a tree that he had begun to build a house in for Marley and me. The night that Mama had explained to us that Dad had gone to heaven and wouldn’t be coming back, I remember glancing out there and seeing Marley sitting on the lone wood plank that he had set up as the foundation of the tree house. Nearly every night that we lived in that house, we would go out there and simply lay down and look at the stars.
“This reminds me of that,” I said softly. “Of those nights in the tree house.”
The sound of thunder boomed around us and we remained on that roof, not caring that we were both drenched from the late summer downpour cloaking the town.
“Me, too,” Marley said. “I think that’s why I like coming out here so much. It reminds me of ‘before’. It makes me feel closer to Dad. I always swore I could hear him talking to me in that tree house and, some nights when I’m out here, I can still hear him.”
“What does he say?”
She turned to face me and almost broke into tears. “That he’s proud of you. That he can’t believe how much of him he sees in you. That he’s happy you don’t let anyone or anything influence your decisions. That he’s thankful you’ve never abandoned me.
About the Author

T.K. Leigh, otherwise known as Tracy Leigh Kellam, is the USA Today Best Selling author of the Beautiful Mess series. Originally from New England, she now resides in sunny Southern California with her husband, dog and three cats, all of which she has rescued (including the husband). She always had a knack for writing, but mostly in the legal field. It wasn’t until recently that she decided to try her hand at creative writing and is now addicted to creating different characters and new and unique story lines in the Contemporary Romantic Suspense genre. When she’s not planted in front of her computer, writing away, she can be found running and training for her next marathon (of which she has run over fifteen fulls and far too many halfs to recall). Unlike Olivia, the main character in her Beautiful Mess series, she has yet to qualify for the Boston Marathon.
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by Sarah | Oct 7, 2014 | Book Spotlight, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing

- No one can teach you your voice.
I started writing when I was six (books about talking horses if you must know). One thing about six year olds you notice is that they do things (pick their nose, play in the sand, color on walls) because they find them interesting enough to capture their short attention spans. I made picture books because I liked reading picture books. No one was teaching me how to do that.
To put your mind at ease, I’ll let you know that God’s Play is not a picture book about talking horses. It does have one thing in common: no one taught me how to write those characters. I didn’t take a class on how to write Toby’s POV. There’s no Ph.D. in storytelling because humans have been telling stories to each other probably as long as our brains have been capable of doing so. After inventing the alphabet, humans literally started writing fiction.
My point is, if you can read and write, you can tell a story.
But a good story? Yeah, that’s the question I know you’ve asked yourself because I ask myself that same question all the time, too. Is it good? That’s a bit subjective, but part of good storytelling comes from practice. You’ve just got to go for it and tell yourself as many stories as possible. Silly stories. Sad stories. Salubrious stories. Anything, really, to get an idea of what you—yes, you—want to say.
- But you can certainly learn everything else.
Horses to God’s Play happened because I went to school. That’s the simple part that would’ve been staggeringly difficult if I was born in a different time or even a different place. A good, basic education in writing coherently is something valuable, and I really did learn most of what I needed to write when I was young (start humming The Killers here). I learned how to grammar and (kind of) spell. I read a lot, so I learned some little tricks they don’t teach in 7th grade English. (I had a very good 7th grade English teacher, so I learned plenty there, too.) The greatest leap in my writing style came fairly recently, though, after taking style, rhetoric, and editing classes. Thinking like an editor helped me organize what I was writing and kept me on track during early drafts.
Then, there’s this mysterious business of publishing. The Age of the Internet is upon us, and that makes finding just about anything you want to know possible. There are a lot of writers online, and if you’re reading this, you might be a writer, too. There’s nothing particularly anomalous about how God’s Play got published. I wasn’t taping rejection letters to my wall (most agents and publishers only accept emails anyway), and I didn’t come anywhere close to making this list. I did keep an excel spread sheet of everyone I’d ever sent a query to with some basic contact info and what I’d sent them; this simple system carried over for full requests as well. This is the ‘one page outline’ of organization strategies, both of which were essential to getting God’s Play written and published.
That’s right: the internet, a typing program, a non-embarrassing email address, one front and back page of notebook paper, and an excel spreadsheet. That’s what you minimally need to write and submit a book.
- Check your ego.
I did leave one thing out of my ingredients list: other people! That’s because the other people involved in getting a book to publication can be anywhere from one to legions (if you count people funding Kickstarter projects). The standard Starter Pack usually includes some combination of beta readers, critique partners, agent, editor(s), cover artist, and marketer(s)/publicist(s). These people were vital in getting this book published, and I’m appreciative of everything they’ve done for me.
But there were times when I did not want to hear (or mostly read) what they were saying.
I love God’s Play—the story, the characters, it is mine. Mine, I tell you! But parts of it also belong to the people who helped me write this book, and this never would’ve happened if I didn’t have these people in my corner. So I sacked up and made revisions; deadlines weren’t phantoms haunting me from my Ethernet cables. Ego wants to make you feel good all the time. It’s your own little cheerleader, but there are times when this book needed tough love, so ego got benched.
- Schedules and rituals can be your friend and your enemy.
A lot of authors have writing rituals. A favorite coffee shop, a special desk, a magical jig, a lucky desk troll—you get the idea. I’m pretty ritual free, and that’s been a bit of a curse for me, especially during that nebulous time called ‘the weekend.’ I can just stay in bed all day! This is when I do go to aforementioned favorite coffee shop and do my magical jig (they haven’t kicked me out…yet).
That said, I’ve often felt hamstringed by rituals. They’re for, like, adults and serious people. A story needs room to breathe. God’s Play started out under a different title; the story was supposed to be novella length. It was a radically different book, and about 40,000 words in, I knew it was going to be a different story than I’d originally thought. So there was rewriting and outlining…and then the story sat. For months. (That’s like writing negative words and losing NaNo.) Then, one a snowy weekend, I sat down and finished the book (35,000 words) in three days. Later drafts made it a bit longer, but that’s how the initial rough draft got completed. It was insane, but it worked for this novel—for me. So don’t get hung up on your 1,653 words a day—just write. Or don’t.
- You better be having a blast.
I had a great time writing God’s Play. Seriously, divide 35,000 by 3. If you’re writing ~12,000 words a day, you’re hooked on something (writing and pomegranate green tea). I came back to God’s Play because I believed in this story—there was something about it that was intuitive, living in my subconscious. The ending was there, I just needed to take that leap and slot as much of the plot into place in the first draft as possible. That was fun.
And thank god because editing can be tedious. I loved this story, but you better believe there were times I questioned whether I wanted to publish this book. That nifty excel spreadsheet started to feel like a wall of shame at some point, and I wondered how many revisions I’d need to do before this thing was ready or if it would ever truly be publishable. There’s a lot of self-doubt involved, and it’s only the memory of that hot-n-heavy passion I had with this story that kept me working. I couldn’t betray this book, so I kept working.
And this part? This part is amazing. I found new energy for writing since I looked at the book cover for God’s Play. So keep on keeping on, and enjoy the book excerpt!
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Sixteen-year old Toby was trained by a family of hunters to kill shape-shifters — but he has a unique weapon in his arsenal. With a touch of his hand, Toby can lift the magical protection shape-shifters use to disguise themselves as human. It’s an unusual skill for a hunter, and he prefers to kill monsters the old-fashioned way: with a blade.
Because of his special skill, Toby suspects he may be a monster himself. His suspicions deepen when William, a jackal-headed shape-shifter, saves him from an ambush where Toby’s the only survivor. And Toby doubts William helped him for purely altruistic reasons. With his list of allies running thin, Toby must reconcile his hatred of shifters and the damning truth that one saved his life. It’ll take both of them to track down the monster who ordered the ambush.
And Toby needs his unlikely alley because he has a vicious enemy — the infamous Circe, who has a vendetta to settle against the hunters. Toby has to unravel the mystery of his dual nature. And he has to do it on the run — before Circe finds him and twists him to her own ends.
About The Author:
H.D. Lynn is like Harry Potter in one way: she’s currently renting an apartment with a bedroom under her building’s stairs. Other than this, she explores fantasy worlds through storytelling like anyone else. She loves books with a mix of humor, adventure, and horror, and especially enjoys the urban fantasy genre. GOD’S PLAY is her first published novel.
When not writing, she enjoys hiking, climbing, and running. She’s a voracious reader, and has found listening to audiobooks while backpacking to be a perfect mix of two of her favorite things. She currently lives in Connecticut, but finds herself on the road often.
by Sarah | Aug 17, 2014 | Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing

First, I want to thank Sarah’s StoryLines for inviting me here today and for helping to introduce my new release. More about that later. Right now I want to talk about…
Things to Include on a Character List…
I have to admit I’d never used a character list until my amazing agent, Dawn Dowdle with Blue Ridge Literary Agency, required one for each manuscript. Now, I don’t know how I’d survive without one!
Character lists are designed to help you remember what you’ve said and done in the first half of your book, or the first three books in a series, so that your characters continue to have the same color eyes, hair, and not age ten years in six months. Here are a few things I like to keep track of on mine:
- The driver’s license info—name (include full name and nickname if applicable), age, height, weight (maybe not in so many words), hair color, eye color, wears glasses or contacts
- Character roles in the story—is she Uncle Alvin’s twin brother’s stepsister? Is he the CEO of Floyd’s Storage Inc.? Or was it CFO? How long have they been there? And if you mentioned what they were doing before they got their current job, trust me, you’ll want to note it on your character list.
- Transportation—what kind of car does your character drive? Note the year, the color, and any other information you learn about it and mention the first time it appears…like what size engine it has or how many people it seats. That could be helpful later on when you try to transport six people in a car that only holds two.
- Dress—does your character wear Armani suits and ties or jeans and sexy, tight T-shirts? Cowboy boots? If your hero wears a baseball cap, it probably has a sports team emblem. What’s his team? Does your heroine prefer two inch heels? Or four inch? What colors do they look best in? Everyone dresses a little different.
- Guns—my genre is romantic suspense, so my characters carry guns. Each character has a preference, and the gun I put in his hand in the first book of the series better carry through to the last. On a related issue, that gunshot wound my character suffered in the last book…it needs to be on the same arm, leg, or shoulder in the next book. That’s one I didn’t write down, and now I have to go back and search for the answer.
The character list has saved my bacon, and my time, over and over again. I’m always coming up with new things to add to the list. Many times I learn things the hard way!
What about you? What’s on your character list?
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Assassin Alex Morgan will do anything to save an innocent life – especially if it means rescuing a child from a hell like the one she endured.
But going undercover as husband and wife, with none other than the disarmingly sexy Detective Nate Sanders, may be a little more togetherness than she can handle. She’s used to working alone, and no man is going to change that – not even a man who makes her heart pound and her defenses crumble with just a touch
Nate has dodged more than a few bullets over the years, but fighting his attraction for Alex may be the bullet that does him in. Still, Nate’s determined to help her find the missing kid. There’s no doubt in his mind that they’re walking straight into danger, but Nate’s willing to face anything if it means protecting Alex. She might have been on her own once, but Nate has one more mission: to stay by her side – forever.
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Author Info
DIXIE LEE BROWN lives and writes in Central Oregon, inspired by what she believes is the most gorgeous scenery anywhere. She resides with two dogs and a cat, who make sure she never takes herself too seriously. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, movies, and trips to the beach.
Author Links
Rafflecopter Giveaway (Print copy of another installment in Dixie Lee Brown’s Trust No One series, IF YOU ONLY KNEW—where you get to meet Alex and Nate for the first time!)
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by Sarah | Aug 6, 2014 | Book Spotlight, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing

Thank you so much for hosting me today! It gives me the chance to talk about my favorite subject – men! Specifically, the bad boy in my newest romance novel, Take the Key and Lock Her Up.
If you’ve read the earlier books in my Deadly Games series, then you know my heroes are sexy, big, strong alpha males. Many of them have law-enforcement occupations. They’re honorable, have integrity, strong moral codes, and old-fashioned good manners. They respect women for their brains. But they appreciate their other assets as well and are attentive, devoted lovers (as any fantasy hero should be!). These are the kind of men I’ve always chosen to write about.
Until now.
The hero of my newest book, Devlin “Devil” Buchanan, doesn’t have a law enforcement occupation. He uses good manners when it helps him achieve his goals. He’s an attentive lover, charming in fact, but only for one night. He never lets anyone get close to him. He loves his family, would do anything to protect them, but none of them really know him. None of them suspect that he’s hiding a deep, dark secret. What’s the secret?
Devlin Buchanan is an assassin.
That’s right. He kills people. For money. So how can he be a hero? The answer to that question lies in the reasons that he kills, and the identity of the people he is hired to terminate. If you read this story, you’ll discover–just like police detective, Emily O’Malley does–that Devlin is a complicated man with a complicated, tragic past that informs every decision he has ever made. And once you learn more about him you’ll begin to understand exactly why he does what he does. And hopefully, if I’ve done my job right, you’ll realize Devlin truly is honorable and adheres to a strict moral code. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll come to love him as much as the heroine does.
Devlin is the most difficult character I’ve ever written. But he is also the most rewarding, because redeeming an assassin took an enormous amount of work, and soul-searching, and a lot of “what if” thinking. There are compelling reasons for what Devlin does. And once you know those reasons you might find yourself agreeing with them.
Devlin and Emily couldn’t be more different, a criminal and a cop, but through the incredibly difficult challenges they endure together, they find a middle ground. Both of them grow and change in this story and discover a new truth, a new understanding, that neither of them would have ever found on their own. Both characters are flawed, but as Emily says at one point in the story, they may not be perfect, but they’re perfect for each other.
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Lena Diaz returns with another sexy, thrilling Deadly Games novel and the darkest question of all: What do you do when your freedom could cost you your life?
Detective Emily O’Malley just stumbled upon a killer’s lair—and the remains of a woman he kept locked away for years. But this killer isn’t done yet. More women are missing, and all clues point to Devlin Buchanan—the man who seems to know just a little too much. Emily’s instincts are rarely wrong, and now they’re telling her this sexy, mysterious man is hiding something big …
As a trained assassin for EXIT Inc—a top-secret mercenary group posing as an international tour company—Devlin “Devil” Buchanan isn’t afraid to take justice into his own hands. But when the hot new detective on his trail gets too close to the organization and a contract is placed on her life, Devlin does the only thing he can: he turns rogue agent and kidnaps her to save her life.
With EXIT Inc closing in and passions running hot between them, Emily and Devlin must work together to find the missing women and clear both their names before time runs out … and the key to freedom is thrown away.
Author Info
Originally from Kentucky, romantic suspense author Lena Diaz also lived in California and Louisiana before settling in Northeast Florida with her husband, two children, and a Shetland Sheepdog named Sparky. A Romance Writers of America Golden Heart® finalist, she’s won the prestigious Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense and has been a finalist for the National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award. She loves to watch action movies, garden, and hike in the beautiful Tennessee Smoky Mountains.
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by Sarah | Jul 29, 2014 | Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing
~ Tips From a Texan Bombshell, Part Two ~
Reese’s Cowboy Kiss Tour and $100 Giveaway with
Prism Book Tours
“Helping” Him Notice by Kimberly Krey
“Help! One day he seems interested, the next he acts like I don’t even exist.”
Relationships can be rather tricky at times. Men are often clueless as to the time and attention we women need. In novel Reese’s Cowboy Kiss, Reese realizes the truth of this when Blake, the man watching over her in witness protection, spends hours late into the night out on the land. And though the two have had a connection, he continues to leave her to either eat alone, or go against his wishes and invite the ranch hands to join her for dinner. Upon doing just that, Reese takes a moment to enjoy their company, not minding when Blake walks in to find her cozied up to Stockton, one of the flirtatious ranch hands. Here’s what happens next:
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Reese giggled. “Yeah,” she said, resting a hand on Stockton’s arm. “It’s crazy, alright.” She knew it was straight out childish to go flirting with Stockton to get Blake’s attention, but the thought was secondary to the ideas rummaging through her mind. Blake had been neglectful the last few days, and Reese felt it was high time he knew she had other options. Ones right close by that weren’t so bad to look at either.
“Time for you guys to take the party downstairs,” Blake said. “I’m going to hit the sack as soon as I’m finished here.”
“Come downstairs with us,” Tom said, coming to a stand.
The look Blake gave her in that moment presented a dare. The heat of his angry glare assuring her she’d meet opposition if she accepted.
“Alright,” she blurted.
Blake’s back straightened. His shoulders raised. “Reese?”
The guys stopped in their tracks. Reese responded as she continued to walk. “Yeah?”
“I wanted to talk to you for a minute,” he said.
Reese didn’t bother looking back at him. She had wanted to talk to him too. Before he’d spent the entire night away. Again. “I’m sure I won’t be too long,” Reese finally said. “We can talk when I come back.” And with that, she headed down the stairs, three chuckling ranch hands at her heels.
1. Reese took matters into her own hands. She didn’t like eating alone each night, and so she did something about it.
2. Reese chose, in that moment, not to nag or pout about Blake’s absence. Instead of telling him again and again that she’d like him to come in sooner and join her for dinner, she reminded him that she had other options.
3. She allowed the others to flirt with her, and offered a little back in return. This can definitely backfire, ladies. Sometimes women can do this to the point they convince their guy that they’re losing interest. While simultaneously leading the other to believe they are into them. So tread carefully with this one.
4. In the following chapter, Reese gives Blake a chance to make amends. Never be so punishing that you hinder a man from making things right. A good man will respond in action, not just words, and when he does, show your appreciation.
Thanks for joining us for this episode of Tips from a Texan Bombshell. I wish you great success with the hard-to-read man in your life; may you acquire the results you’re looking for! Find Reese’s Cowboy Kiss on Amazon and be sure to enter the giveaway!
Reese’s Cowboy Kiss is available now on kindle for just $3.99. Paperback is available too.

A themed book tour through Prism Book Tours.

Reese’s Cowboy Kiss
(Sweet Montana Bride #1)
by Kimberly Krey
Adult Romance
Paperback, 307 Pages
May 13th 2014 by Candle House Publishing

Texan pageant winner, Reese Taylor, has a former classmate who wants her dead. Now she must leave her friends and family to enter a protection program on Emerson Ranch. A group of good-looking cowboys awaits her, but Reese has her eye on Blake Emerson, the one man too busy with the ranch to give her a chance.
Blake Emerson has no time to go lookin’ for love. He’s got a ranch to run, positions to fill, and an ache in his heart from love gone wrong. So when he agrees to harbor a witness to help on the ranch, Blake assumes his first two problems are solved. But he never dreamed his new guest would be a woman. One he was destined to lose his heart to.
With sparks burning hot and danger around the bend, one question lingers in his mind: Has he only added to his list of troubles, or has Blake just found the woman of his dreams?
*While this book is considered clean romance, it contains passionate kissing and a few mild curse words.*
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Other Books in the Sweet Montana Bride Series:

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About Kimberly Krey

I’m a writer of contemporary clean romance, a lover of home, family, & friends, & the ultimate hater of laundry.
A few of my favorite things: Diet Coke, Cafe Rio, and novels by Marcia Lynn McClure.
I do not go anywhere without: SoftLips Chapstick and Altoids Smalls.
Website – Facebook – Twitter – Goodreads
Tour-Wide Giveaway
– $100 Amazon Gift Card
– Open Internationally
– Ends August 10th
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Come along for the ride!
July 21 – Launch
July 22 – Kelly P’s Blog & Mary
July 23 – I Am A Reader
July 24 – Christy’s Cozy Corners
July 25 – Musings of Immortals, Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima,
& The Wonderings of One Person
July 27 – Wishful Endings
July 28 – Book-Marks the Spot
July 29 – Undercover Book Reviews & My Devotional Thoughts
July 30 – The Written Adventure & Sarah’s StoryLines
July 31 – Katie’s Clean Book Collection & Southern Chelle
August 1 – Bookworm Lisa & Reviews By Molly
August 3 – Grand Finale