by Sarah | Feb 27, 2014 | Character Interview, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing
Thank you Sarah for having me here!
There are few things more enjoyable than sitting down with friends. I got to do just that recently with the stars of my erotic sports romance, Pink Pucks & Power Plays, the first book in the To Love a Wildcat series. Given that Alain has a rather severe dislike of the press and/or interviews, I wasn`t sure he would agree, but my gal Viv finagled the handsome young D-man into meeting me.
We arranged for the interview to take place at The Black Boar Bar & Grill, a popular eatery and sports bar a few blocks from The Houseman Arena where the Philadelphia Wildcats play. Alain is one of several `Cats who own a share of the trendy meeting place. I picked the table by the small stage in the large dining area. Rumor has it Philly sports stars perform here on occasion, but I`ve yet to see it. Maybe someday I`ll catch a performance by a Wildcat or two.

The hot spot was rather quiet, as it was after the lunch crush. There were televisions filling every available inch of wall space that wasn`t covered with sports memorabilia. As a friendly young waiter dressed as a referee delivered my decaf, I saw the couple arriving.
“Alain!” the few lingering patrons shouted as if we were at Cheers. Lessard smiled at his fans, slapping backs as well as shaking hands as he followed Viviana to the table. I smiled at the woman. She was, as she always is, vibrant. Her clothes were sexy, colorful and playful, accenting her legs and her breasts, for she knows how much her lover admires them. Viv and I bussed cheeks. We`re the same height and possess the same curvy form so seem to feel an affinity for each other. Alain enveloped me in a brotherly hug. My eyes grew wide. I peeked at Viviana. She smiled. Alain released me to pull the chair out for his lady love.
“Thank you for doing this, Alain,” I said as he hurried to push my chair in for me.
“It is my pleasure,” the Quebecer said as he dropped his well made frame into his seat. I could easily see what Viv saw in Alain. Six foot two, one hundred and ninety pounds, black curly hair, hazel eyes, athletic build, and a mouth that begs to be kissed. I`d be drawn like a moth to a flame as well! “This is not like a regular interview.”
“See, not all interviews are bad,” the sassy brunette said as she ran her eyes over the menu. Alain rolled those pretty hazel eyes playfully. His hand rested on the back of Viviana`s chair possessively. “Let`s get a fish dinner then split it.” Viviana looked at me with eyes the color of white grapes. Her eyes always amaze me. I nodded at the suggestion. After the order was placed and Viv and Alain`s drinks were brought out, we started chatting.
“So, how does it feel to be the stars of your own book?” I asked the couple.
“I`m tickled to be the first of the Wildcats women`s story that you told,” Viviana said then sipped at her raspberry flavored water.
“It is very nice,” Alain answered tactfully.
“He`s not always so tight-fisted with his words,” Viviana pointed out as our appetizers arrived.
“Oh, I`m well aware of how he can talk once he`s comfortable,” I replied with a wink for the hockey star. His mouth curled into a shy smile. “Although you do seem to have the lion`s share of the dialog in the book, Viv.”
“Yes, see, chaton, I don`t talk much because you are doing all the talking for us both,” Alain joked. “I cannot fit the words in edge like.”
“Oh pooh on both of you.” Viviana dipped a mozzarella stick into some red sauce then offered the first bite to Alain, her left hand cupped under the dripping stick. “It`s hot,” she warned. Probably so he didn`t burn those lips of his she is so keen on kissing.
“Speaking of sex,” I said as I dipped my own stick. Both my characters eyes widened with surprise. “Were you two pleased with the amount of it in your book?”
“Is there such a thing as too much sex?” Viviana asked with a impish gleam in her eye.
“It was very nice,” Alain responded. I suspected that was his stock reply whenever he felt the matter was too personal to discuss. It was better than being told it was none of my business.
“The sex was wonderful,” Viv interjected as she fed Alain the rest of the cheese stick. “I do love a juicy read, and this story certainly is that!”
“But there was more than the sex, no?” Alain said after dabbing sauce off his mouth with his napkin.”The sex, it was great, but the lesson my Viviana learned, that was big importance too, was it not?”
I looked pointedly at the woman trying to decide which mozzarella stick to chose for herself. “Was it, Viviana?” I asked directly. Her eyes flicked to me then returned to the basket holding our appetizers. The patrons hooted at an old replay of a Stanley Cup game on one of the TV sets.
“Can we talk about the sex instead?” Viv inquired.
“No, we are talking about all the book, not just the steamy sex scenes,” Alain hurried to say. I leaned back into my seat, nibbling the scalding hot stick carefully, my napkin held under my chin. “So, did you learn a lesson, Viviana?”
“Yes, I learned a lesson! Does that make you both happy?! For goodness sake, one would think I was Dr. Doom or something!” she huffed as she made a grab for a stick in the bright red plastic basket. Alain grabbed her hand, raised it to his lips and then laid it on the table beside Viviana`s plate. Then he chose a stick to feed her. I shifted around in my chair, suddenly quite uncomfortable. It felt as if I were watching the lovers in their bedroom. I smiled at a man eating his lunch behind us.
“What did you learn?” I asked when the sensual stick feeding was over with. “And for the record, we all adore you Viviana,” I added, for it was the truth. Sure, Viv could be rather brusque at times, but her heart was most generally in the right place.
“I learned that we should talk about one of the other ladies in the series. Let`s chat about the rest of the books! I`m sure your readers would like to know a bit about those instead of hearing more about the poor choices silly old me has made.”
I let her have that victory. She was far too clever to wrangle into such a private confession. She had been a reporter after all. Viviana Land had lots of pride, and chutzpah. I didn`t wish to push either her or Alain too far.
“Alright, let me see. The next book will be A Most Unlikely Countess.”
“Look at that dreamy look,” Alain teased. I felt the heat creeping into my face. “Ah poor V. L., she does so love goalies.”
“Okay, yes, I do have a thing for goalies. Everyone knows that.” I hurried to grab my coffee to hide behind. Viviana patted my arm while laughing at my discomfort.
“It`s fine, ” Viv assured me. “A woman would have to be dead and buried not to be swept off her feet by Veikko Aho. He is perhaps one of the most classically handsome men I have ever laid eyes on.”
“Ahem!” We both looked at Alain with his arms now folded over a tee that read ‘Old Time Hockey’ and featured the Hanson Brothers from the movie, Slapshot.
“Aside from you of course, darling.” Viviana patted his muscular bicep.
I hurried to carry on lest more male ego was trampled. “After A Most Unlikely Countess will be O Captain! My Captain!, Reality Check, and Language of Love. I`m also toying with a few ideas for other Wildcat books, but we`ll see how things hatch with the planned five before I count chickens.”
“I for one hope they do well. If women knew just how sexy hockey players are, they`d flock to grab those books.” Viviana leaned back to give the server room to place her half a fish dinner. My mouth watered when my plate of flaky flounder, thick steak fries, and a side of coleslaw was set in front of me. Alain was eating rare steak with a fat baked potato that was topped with sour cream and chives. I guess the players get tired of chicken.
“I can`t argue that point,” I said then waggled an eyebrow. Alain smiled self-consciously.
“He does humble well,” Viviana whispered as she passed the ketchup bottle to me. The meal progressed pleasantly. We chatted about small things. Alain seemed to relax completely by the time dessert was brought out. We each had a small dish of ice cream. Mine was vanilla, Alain`s fudge ripple, and Viviana`s black raspberry.
“So, can I ask a question?” Alain said as we enjoyed our frozen treats. I nodded. “How do the Wildcats do in our quest for Lord Stanley`s cup?”
“Oh no you don`t!” I shook my spoon at the charmer, “You`re not wheedling that information out of me. No way and no how!”
“I could send a certain goalie over to persuade that information out of you,” he teased, his hazel eyes sparkling with mischief. I stared at him over the table. Viviana slapped his arm.
“Would you stop tormenting the poor woman so! If you wish to know if the `Cats win it all, or if any of our friends find love, buy the books.”
“But Viviana, how do I find time to read when I am working to keep you happy?” Alain asked with utmost sincerity.
“Oh, he`s good,” I muttered under my breath.
“Yes he is,” Viviana purred, leaning over to steal a kiss from her Wildcat. It didn`t take the couple long to finish their ice cream, snap up the check, and wave goodbye. I sat back with a contented smile. One Wildcat happy ever after, four more to go!
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Viviana Land just can`t seem to say no to her younger sister. Somehow, the curvaceous society page reporter gets lassoed into serving as her niece`s Busy Bee scout leader. One overheated engine later, Viviana and her girls find themselves in the Green Hills Ice Rink. Enter Alain Lessard, the charmingly handsome defenseman for the Philadelphia Wildcats, who is donating his summer to coaching the youth league.
When our intrepid reporter is given the opportunity to write the break-out story of her career, Viviana leaps at the chance. Thinking it would be easy to flirt and tease some juicy tidbits out of Alain, Viviana soon finds herself falling for the sensual, younger, kind-hearted man. Will she put aside her virtual pen for a chance to stay at her new paramour`s side? Or will Viviana finally get away from those mundane bakery opening articles by using the man she may possibly be in love with?
V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, belly laughs, anything romantic, Greek mythology, New York Rangers hockey, comic books and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a steer named after a famous N.H.L. goalie, and a flock of assorted domestic fowl.
V.L. is a self-published and conventionally published author. She is a proud Torquere Press and Secret Cravings Publishing author. When not writing romantic tales, she can be found enjoying her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand, writing, or cheering on her beloved New York Rangers. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, and GoodReads.
I love to meet new friends and fans! You can find me at-
My blog-
by Sarah | Oct 10, 2013 | Friday Dialogues, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing

Here I am – a writer struggling to find a way to balance life, reality and dreams.
I know I can’t speak for others but I know for me, this seems like an impossible task some days. There is just too many things going on in life that something has to give. It’s finding that item that you can do without. That movie you don’t HAVE to see so you can stay home for two hours in quiet and write out a scene. It’s getting up early, churning out a few hundred words then hitting the streets and working on your day job.
I worry that I miss out on part of life to stay home and follow that dream I feel burning deep inside. Then when I do take moments to set the dream aside and experience life, I feel guilty that I’m letting myself down. It is a constant struggle I feel deep inside.
That’s why I have a rule, every three months I take one month off. That way, I know, at least for a quarter of the year I am guilt free in spending time basking in the sun, driving around town, chilling at the movies or simply cuddling on the couch reading a book.
I think that’s what is the hardest part about writing – it isn’t creating the characters or worlds, its balancing the world you live in. As a writer you have a few…Reality – your everyday life with family and friends, Your world when you’re writing – the world that blocks everything out and puts you into what I call a zone, nothing but extreme focus and concentration. And then the worlds you create in your mind and then deliver onto paper. These are the worlds that occupy your thoughts, your dreams and what sometimes you mistake for actual reality.
I’m hoping one day I’ll be able to quit the day job so I can focus on just my writing for eight hours and then live my life in the reality that everyone else exists in.
One day – that dream will come true.
The Art of Safkhet Presents – The Blood Series
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Blood Purple
In a world we think we know, live other races entirely hidden from the mortal perspective. Creatures of legend, of fable and myth, their very history and nature have allowed them to walk side by side with humans since time immemorial. They are warriors, they are hunters, and they are Algula. Vampire. And in their own midst, a battle is brewing for supremacy, for dominance, that can and will affect all around them. Old hatred never dies and vengeance is a fiery sword that cuts a bloody swath.
Will be Available in Print and E-book formats
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Blood Yellow
The lines are drawn, and Zayn and Nikole must face each other in a battle of forgiveness and power; each attempting to right their wrongs, each battling their own inner demons.
Haydar and Leigh prepare for war, rounding their men and setting into motion courses that cannot be undone.
The tales will fall in line as the four of them come face to face with each other, and they will watch loved ones perish.
When the dust settles and dawn breaks, who’s going to be left standing and who will be missing? Will Nikole forgive Zayn for his betrayal? Will Leigh and Haydar overcome their differences? Will Adara say yes?
Blood Yellow…Because the stories only just begun….
Will be Available in Print and E-book Formats
Dominic pulled up to the house, looking up at the tall wall surrounding the mansion. The red brick cast a shadow over the car, making it unseen from the side of the road, the perfect place to hide. He opened the door and the cool evening breeze hit him hard. The smell of the mountains captivated him. Getting out, he started to walk along the wall, analyzing his options of entry. His leg still throbbed, the warm blood running down it. His mind couldn’t stop thinking about his omm. Had that really been her? He knew he was worthless as an ebn’, and he killed her after all. If he hadn’t been born, she would still be alive, and his abb wouldn’t have such hatred for him.
He heard something off in the distance, pausing to listen closely while inclining his head towards the tree line. He saw two animals a few feet away, a doe and her fawn. Lucky fucking animal to have an omm who tended to him, he thought. No one understood what it was like, killing their own omm. The failure of knowing you were letting everyone down didn’t matter the age, you still fucking failed. He walked for half a mile looking for a weakness in the wall, a place to set up his attack. He saw a foot hold up ahead. It looked like an old ladder was attached to the wall. Dominic ran his hand over the indentations on the wall, gripping his hands in them. Looking back over his shoulder at the deer, he let out a sigh. “Fuck you, Omm. You left me to rot at the hand of my abb. Now it’s time to fucking end this war.”
He started to scale the wall, right hand, left foot, left hand, right foot, over and over. Reaching the top he peered over the rim. He saw the lights shining on the grounds, the dogs walking the grass patrolling for intruders. He pulled himself up, supporting his weight on the wall.
“Dominic, this isn’t you, stop this. This is your abb’s, fight not yours.” Dominic hissed his fangs out toward the voice.
“What do you want now? I thought I told you to leave me the fuck alone, like you have my whole fucking life.” He pulled his lower half up onto the wall, looking down at the dogs walking in the grass. “You never cared about me. Why are you trying to stop me?”
Her translucent form grazed his hand then went up to his cheek, cupping it. He could feel the coolness from her form; his body yearned for love, for compassion. How could he take love and tenderness from someone who was the first to betray him?
“Dominic, I love you, never doubt that. My love for you started the moment you were conceived. I had your akh and okht for your abb but you, you were for me, someone I could love and claim as mine. You were all I wanted.”
“LIAR! All you do is lie!”
He felt the tears in his eyes form and then blinked as they started to roll down his cheek. He was such a coward, worthless and weak. Look at him, crying on a wall to his omm. What kind of man does this shit? He looked back to the mother doe, she was cleaning her fawn. Lucky son of a bitch. “Why are you just now showing up? Why can’t you just answer me?”
Sarah started to shake her head at him, trying to make him see. “Dominic, I am here to help you save yourself. I don’t want the only child I loved to die not knowing a parent’s love. Let me help you; let me show you what you mean to me.”
Dominic shook his head no with a flurry of anger. “It’s too late for me.”
Author Bio
Ashley is married and lives in Houston with her husband Tony. They have two dogs, Toto and Doogie. They have been together for over 8 and a 1/2 years and he brings her more joy than she could ever imagine as a child. She loves to read and has been hooked on the romance genre ever since her lifelong best friend Laura gave her “Ashes to Ashes’ by Tami Hoag to read when they were younger.
Ashley finds her strength through her family, especially her parents. They always support her in life; they push her to strive for greatness. There once was a motto that Ashley heard in her youth through her Taekwondo life ‘Reach for the Stars’ and that is what Ashley has always done. It was through her upbringing that the values Ashley has and displays come from. With her parents always cheering her on in life she was able to grow up having faith in herself and her ability to conquer the world.
Author Information: Ashley Nemer Website Facebook Twitter
by Sarah | Aug 22, 2013 | Friday Dialogues, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing
The Best and Worse Things about being an Author.
I am not a veteran author, not by a long shot. The fact is, I’m still learning the ropes as they say. My journey into the wonderful world of professional publishing began about three and a half years ago, when a very well established publishing company, Renaissance E Books Inc, picked up my first book Soulmate’s Touch.
My overzealous joy, as you can imagine, made me feel like a five year old on Christmas morning. I soon learned that it actually required a lot of work to actually publish a book and get it ready for the public. Yeah my excitement soon fizzled into anxiety and the fear of being rejected by readers.
You see I wanted everyone to like my book. I wanted to sell millions and have thousands of adoring fans. Boy was I b _ _ch slapped with reality very fast.
Now before I continue, let me say that my journey has been worth every single sleepless night, every single tear I shed, and most importantly every failure and every success I’ve been through so far.
This is what I have learned in my short, eye-opening career as an Author to date.
First off, as I mentioned before, I wanted love, I wanted fame, I wanted… hell I wanted all the positive things that comes from being a popular author. However, that is not what happened. Nope, not even close and here’s why.
W.O.R.K =
W-working your ass off, rewriting, editing, rewriting, editing, rewriting editing…see a pattern here.
O-owning your mistakes and learning from them. Yes that is correct. Sometimes as a new author on the scene we go into the public forums with the expectation of being recognized and praised. Gulp! No that is not what happens. Humility goes a long way here. I’ve learned the hard way that joining a popular online website for promoting your books, doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to. There are certain un-written rules that need to be followed.
Honestly I’m still learning these rules. But the most important one I’ve learned is to remain an observer. Wait until the public comes to you and starts up the conversation. Of course, not all sites are like this, but for the most part being humble and grateful is most effective. Eventually your readership will grow and readers will seek you out.
R-recognizing that because you are now published doesn’t mean you are the best of the best. In other words, like anything else writing takes practice and a lot of eating crow. If your editor, who has been writing for nearly two decades, is a multi published author, and whose books have been featured in USA Today magazine, tells you something sucks and needs to be revised, it probably sucks. So, swallow that sulking pity-me and FU attitude and fix it. Trust me a good editor will NOT coddle you. No, a good editor will kick you in the arse and make you work to be a better writer.
K-Knowing your flaws. This is where criticism is going to help you. Remember how I started by saying I wanted to be loved. Okay I still do. However, this does not happen overnight. Nor does everyone who reads your book praise you. Don’t expect them to. Everyone, especially people purchasing your books have a right to either hate, like or just be indifferent.
Do I want everyone to like instead of hate my books? Absolutely! But that’s not reality. The reality is critical reviews, mean reviews, and reviews that make you cry, are going to happen to most new authors. And so are good reviews that praise, encourage and make you feel like Queen/King of the hill.
Perception and the idea of what is good and what is bad, differs from one person to the next. So for every five or six positive reviews be prepared to get a critical one where the reader felt your writing and your book were less than stellar. See it for what it really is, an opinion, and all reviews are opinions. Some are more “colorful” (ahem), than others, but it still is the point of view and perception of the individual writing it. So how can this help you as an author?
First thing, it makes you realize that you are human and can’t please everyone. Secondly, it helps you grow a thicker skin. I hated that term, until I was forced to grow one of my own. And third, it helps you develop a better understanding of what readers want and what they don’t want. This is true for good and bad reviews.
To conclude I believe the most important thing that being an Author thus far has taught me is when you find your readership, and they take the time to contact you, friend you on Facebook or Twitter and let you know how much they can’t wait for your next book, makes the W.O.R.K we authors go through absolutely P.R.I.C.E.L.E.S.S. And that is why I write.
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Vampires, Demons and Gargoyles are real. Joyce Davis has just found out that she is mated to one of them. Romiel is a gargoyle, an offspring of a Demon father and Vampire mother. Cursed by a powerful human wizard, Romiel and all Gargoyles are imprisoned in stone. And only the touch of a true Soulmate can free him. The moment that Joyce touches Romiel, she knows there is a strong bond between them. Although she tries to justify why loving a Gargoyle is wrong, her heart, soul and body refuse to listen.
Together she and Romiel face an uncertain future, as evil forces are unleashed on the unsuspecting humans. In the midst of an ancient war between the immortal vampires and demons, Romiel must unite with an old enemy in order to protect the human race against certain annihilation. As their love for each other grows stronger, Joy and Romiel must face evil head on to save humanity and the Gods themselves.
by Sarah | Aug 21, 2013 | Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing
There has been a lot of talk about my new book, SKIN, and I’d first like to say thank you. Thank you to all the readers out there who share my dreams and make it possible for me to follow them. Without you, I couldn’t do what I do.
So everyone is curious about the book SKIN and they should be. The fact that so many readers are connecting with this topic gives me such joy. SKIN is different from any book I’ve ever written or read because the heroine is real. She is you. She is me. She is every woman who has ever looked in the mirror and not liked her reflection. My decision to write SKIN was inspired by the media’s sudden overzealous interest in celebrities packing on baby weight, respected clothing chains making disrespectful statements about not wanting girls bigger than a size twelve wearing their attire, and the inescapable fact that I have been shopping in the plus size department since I was thirteen.
Here’s some real news. I am curvy and I am beautiful. I have skinny friends and they’re beautiful too. Beauty doesn’t come in a shape or size.Beauty is defined as a quality in a thing or person that gives pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind. Beauty is a smile, a laugh, a look. Beauty is confidence. Beauty is love, loving yourself and others. When society tries to pigeonhole beauty we often don’t laugh. We see ourselves and frown. We look at ourselves differently,unfavorably. Our confidence becomes shaken and we love ourselves a little less.Why? If everyone looked the same, our minds would lose interest. Variety keeps the world beautiful.
Beauty is about perception and we must, as a whole, begin perceiving ourselves as beautiful, not on levels, but on a diverse plane where no quality outweighs another. We areall beautiful.
I love writing and reading romance, but never have I read a book where the heroine’s thoughts matched mine. I don’t think there is a woman out there who has not contemplated how her body appears in the midst of an intimate encounter. Nobody is one hundred percent confident one hundred percent of the time. When I wrote SKIN, I wrote it honestly. I wanted the reader to truly know the character’s thoughts, fears, insecurities, and dreams. Mallory Fenton wants to change the SKIN she’s in. Her journey is an emotional evolution that does indeed change her, but not the way she assumed it would.
I hope that you enjoy this story and the rest of the McCullough Mountain Series. SKIN releases on August 22, 2013 and it is dedicated to you.
To watch the Book Trailer for SKIN visit:
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When Finnegan McCullough gets a flat tire he bumps into a woman he’s never seen before. After a stern lecture on trespassing, he offers her a ride and a friendship takes shape. Mallory Fenton is unlike any girl he’s ever met. She’s funny, sexy as hell, and sweet as pie, but she doesn’t see herself that way.
After literally crashing into Finnegan McCullough, Mallory is a hot, tongue-tied,mess. A true lumberjack, he wears his flannel well and possesses the sexiest smile she’s ever had thrown her way. Unfortunately, men like that don’t look at girls like her. When Finn confesses his desire to be more than friends, Mallory is shocked. After years of being the ‘fat girl’ she knows better than to believe a man like Finn could ever find her attractive. But she’s gotten under his skin and Finn is determined to show Mallory how beautiful she truly is.
A realistic and heartwarming romance that proves love and beauty come inall shapes and sizes.
Shaky fingers unzipped her boots and she stepped out of them, shrinking three inches.She undid her jeans and slid them off her legs. Taking a deep breath, she removed her shirt and folded it on the corner of the sink.
It wasn’t easy to face her reflection, but with a slow turn she pivoted. Opening her eyes she tried to see herself, truly see her, the way Finn would see her.Her breasts were displayed in a satin, black bra, supported in a way they didn’t naturally sit. Her stomach curved in wrong places and her belly button was a crease rather than the petite hole that a super model might show off.
The black lace of her boy shorts scalloped the pouch of her stomach, making her,again, appear more feminine than she actually was. She would not start berating herself, not now when this was going to happen.
Her fingers unclasped her bra and away went the support and down fell her breasts.Her nipples darkened and tightened in the cool air. She had nice nipples, not to big and not too small. Not too dark and not too pink.
Her gaze landed on the jagged white scars stretching over her breast. She’d started getting stretch marks when she was a teenager. No amount of lotion or magic cream took them away and she, for the most part, tried to ignore them. Maybe he would ignore them too.
Her head bowed as she slid off her panties. There she was, as naked as the day she was born. Wide hips creased by gravity made it difficult to notice the small patch of soft, brown curls at her apex.
Her gaze flowed over her reflection and took note of her better qualities. Her nails were painted and filed neatly. Her makeup was subtle, but nice. Her hair was long and natural in color. For some reason, it became important for her to show him exactly who she was. There would be no veils or facades, not tricks of beauty or accessories to distract the eye. It was all or nothing. If he wanted her, that was exactly who he was going to get.
She emerged from the bathroom wearing only her robe. Her breath caught when she saw him sitting on the bed in only his jeans, his bare chest showing in the soft lamplight from the nightstand. He was stunning.
A fine trail of golden, brown hair ran over his abs, disappearing behind the unbuttoned snap of his jeans. On the nightstand she spotted the infamous box of condoms. Funny, not until that moment did it actually register that she was going to have sex. The physical act was second hand to all the emotional repercussions.
She hadn’t had sex in years. She almost forgot what it felt like. Chills skated up her spine as she drew the slow epiphany that whatever he was hiding in those jeans was going to be inside of her very soon.
She smiled and he reciprocated the gesture. With slow steps she walked into the bedroom. Taking one last look at the beautiful man sitting on her bed, her fingers went to the switch on the wall and extinguished the light.
Darkness settled on the room for only a second and then a soft click came from the bed as Finn leaned over and turned on the nightstand lamp. He slowly shook his head, telling her there would be no hiding.
Having her body displayed in light where unfavorable shadows could be cast was not a comforting thought. But the look in his eyes told her the idea of seeing her without shields was very favorable to him. She nodded in acceptance and he whispered, “Thank you.”
Her feet carried her slowly to the bed. Standing at the foot, she struggled with the tie of her robe. He stood and met her at the foot of the bed, touching her hands softly, stilling her motions.
She let out a shaky breath as he took over the knot and whispered, “Let me.”
Shutting her eyes, she nodded as the terrycloth lapels were drawn apart. He sucked in an audible breath and said, “Gorgeous.”
She bit her tongue so as to not object to the compliment and gentle fingers tipped up her chin. Soft lips pressed into hers and she shivered. The heat of his body covered her front as he stepped even closer. Tender lips coaxed her mouth open as he kissed her softly. Their heads tilted and her body warmed.
Strong hands cupped her breasts as his thumb dragged over her nipples. Her body tightened as he deepened the kiss.
The backs of his knuckles caressed her stomach causing her to slightly suck in a breath. He teased at the soft curls at her apex and she whimpered.
“I love your body,” he said against her lips.
For more books by Lydia Michaels visit:
by Sarah | Jul 10, 2013 | Book Spotlight, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing
I’m happy to welcome Dana Mason today. She’s talking about her series, and sharing a little about each book. Please welcome her and check out the books!!
The Embrace Series is a romantic suspense series about a group of friends from Northern California who learn how short life can be when you don’t hold on to what’s important. My characters learn the hard way what happens when you take your loved ones for granted. All three books are based on life’s second chances. Dangerous Embrace is the first in the series.
Dangerous Embrace‘s second chance theme is home. Sarah’s lived a bit of a nomad lifestyle. She’s not sure what to do when Mark is thrust upon her, offering her a world she never thought she could have.
Here is more about Dangerous Embrace:
Sarah Jennings wants nothing more than a quiet life–alone. Raised by an eccentric mother, their life on the road only taught her how to run away from hard times. When she finds herself in an abusive relationship, this lesson serves her well. Eight years later, she’s settled back in her hometown and less fearful than she’s ever been in her life. She’s a first grade teacher, and with few friends and less family around, she has what she wants, a quiet life under the radar where she can be free of her past and live quietly. Until one night and one brutal act of violence changes everything.
Injured and afraid, Sarah wants to run again, but Mark Summors refuses to let her go.
Mark was born and raised in Santa Rosa. He married his high school sweetheart and never questioned his life, until he found his wife with another man. Now divorced, he wants something more. He’s passionate about his job, he wants to protect people, and he devotes his life to it. This time he’s protecting more than just another client, he’s protecting his future; at least, Sarah Jennings will be his future, once he convinces her she loves him.
When Sarah agrees to let Mark help, she doesn’t anticipate just how important of a role he’ll play in her future or how the violence in her past will come back to threaten them both.
To celebrate the release of book two, we’re offering Dangerous Embrace FREE on Amazon from July 11th – July 14th
Dangerous Embrace Links:
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Amazon CA
The second book in the Embrace Series is Precious Embrace. The theme in this book is still based on second chances, but it also circles around family. Johnny was raised by his aunt and uncle after losing his parents at a young age. Ali also lost her dad when she was only eight years old. When Ali’s son is kidnapped, they both have to fight the overwhelming despair of another loss while also trying to make sense out of their new relationship.
I hope you’ll love reading about Johnny and Ali as much as I enjoyed writing about them.
Here is more about Precious Embrace:
A second divorce and a new baby wasn’t the vision Alison Hayes had for her future. Now a single mother with two young boys, she wants to focus on her kids and what’s left of her stagnate career. When Detective Johnny Rhay Bennett breezes into her life with his country-boy accent, she wants to run. She doesn’t need another man in her life, or another reason to make people talk. But when her worst nightmare becomes a reality, Johnny is the only person who can pull Ali out of her despair, forcing her to stay strong and not give up hope of finding her missing child.
Who falls in love after a one-night stand? Johnny Rhay doesn’t believe it’s possible until it happens to him. With Nashville in his rear-view mirror, he’s determined to convince Alison she loves him too, even if it means moving to the West Coast. Ali’s not easy, and she’s living on just this side of bitter after her divorce, but Johnny doesn’t care. He’s up for the challenge. At least, he believes he’s up for it until baby Micah is stolen right out from under his nose. Now Johnny has to keep it together and get that sweet little boy home safe before his dreams of having a family vanish too.
Precious Embrace Links:
Barnes & Noble Nook
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Amazon UK
Amazon CA
Book Three, Broken Embrace, is Brian and Melissa’s story. The second chance theme for Broken Embrace is love. This story is currently being edited and I’m hoping to have it available in Spring 2014.
Dana Mason Bio:
Dana Mason starting writing to prove to her computer geek husband and her math & science geek kids that she actually has a brain; it’s just a right functioning brain instead of a left. She’s lived all over the country and uses that experience in her writing and character studies. Her debut novel, Dangerous Embrace is the first in a contemporary romance series about a group of friends from Northern California who learn just how short life can be when you don’t hold on to what’s important.
When not writing, Dana specializes in professional development and training. She’s also a board member on the local Art’s Council and does what she can to support the art community.
Author Links:
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Goodreads Author Page:
by Sarah | Jul 3, 2013 | Guest Authors, Guest Post, Writing
As a writer, I’m always interested in how or where writers get ideas for their stories. Story ideas invade our consciousness, often uninvited, sometimes unwelcome if we have other stuff going on, and occasionally, incognito. And we fail to recognize them as the jewels they are.
The idea for my upcoming release, Love and Murder In Red Satin, came in two parts several years apart. One idea occurred when I read an article in the Writer’s Digest that listed several items to choose from and include some in a story. That’s how a red dress took up long-term residence in my head.
The second idea came as an announcement in a grocery store. So, instead of “Wet cleanup in aisle 4,” I thought, “Homicide in aisle 13.” But I write romantic suspense, not mystery, so Love and Murder In Red Satin became the title.
This book is set in Colorado and features a marriage counselor suspected of murdering her ex-husband, a cop out for redemption and maybe a bit of revenge, a neat-freak killer, burned pancakes, and hot passion.
| [amazon_link id=”B00DH0BU5E” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Amazon[/amazon_link] | B&N | Passion In Print |
Allie Blair, a divorced marriage counselor accused of murdering her ex-husband, tries to prove her innocence but unwittingly accepts the help of the man who wants to prove her guilt.
Greg Weston, a Denver homicide detective, vows to bring his cousin’s accused murderer, Allie Blair, to justice. To win her trust, he signs up for a class she’s teaching, “What Women Want.”
When Allie becomes a target of the actual killer, her sizzling chemistry with Greg ignites passion too hot to ignore. But Greg knows even if they survive, he’ll lose Allie when she learns he’s a cop.
Ian Feldman had confessed his desire to Allie Blair over coffee an hour ago, but nothing had changed. He sucked in his gut and tugged harder on the zipper. He’d put on a couple of pounds, but slowly the fabric came together encasing him, transforming him.
He puffed out his chest, admiring his reflection in the full- length mirror. Satisfied, he glanced at his watch, ten-thirty. At least a half hour before Laura would be home. Maybe it was time to tell her. Would she still love him? Would revealing his secret eliminate the rush he got from doing this and he’d be normal?
A noise downstairs made him flinch. Oh, my god, Laura was home early. He grabbed the zipper tab then stopped. He’d told Allie how this made him feel, and she wasn’t repulsed.
“Courage,” he said to his reflection and went downstairs to tell his sweet wife.
But it wasn’t Laura.