by Sarah | Apr 4, 2018 | All About Me, Blogging Life, Books, Changing Tracks, Escaping Humanity, General, Holiday, I'm A Writer, Masked Hearts, Publishing Credits, Redefining Perfect, Secret Cravings Publishing, The Tribe, Wordy Wednesday, Writing
On February 8, 2013 my very first novel was published.
At the time I was contracted with the fabulous small publishing company, Secret Cravings Publishing. Very excited, and a very unseasoned author.
Thankfully, through SCP I had some great mentors, supporters, and fellow authors braving the waters.
The past 5 years have been a whirlwind of ups and downs. I spent time writing thousands upon thousands of words, and spent months upon months unable to write a word. I’ve had months with sales beyond belief and months where I didn’t sell a single book. I branched out into self-publishing with a few small gambits, but then my publisher closed their doors and I had to dive in full-force.
Some days it’s truly hard to believe that it’s been five years. How much my life has changed. How much my goals have changed. How much I’ve first lost, and then re-found my love for this world.
These days I’m keeping crazy-busy in my personal life, but also in writing. I pulled all 6 of my original Dominion Falls Series books, the first books I published, last year. I’ve revised, revamped, and added words to the books. Now I’m re-publishing them. Getting back to my roots, and sending these books back out into the world, with a new little novella added on for good measure.
The next book in The Tribe series, which will be book 5 “The Child” is written and with the editor, due for release in July.
My best friend & co-author, Mary Terrani, and I finally released our book to the world, Escaping Humanity (The Exceptionals 1). We are in the middle of book 2, looking forward to a release at the end of the year, first of next. We’re also working with a fabulous artist to turn the book into a graphic novel.
I’m working to try to create a new cover for Masked Hearts so that I can re-release it in September.
I have notebooks with plans for new books, new series, more books in my existing series.
I went to my first conference as a signing author recently, and did well, and had so much fun.
I’m excited to continue doing what I love, and bring more stories into the world. I’ve had to revamp my views on my publishing career, what I want to do, and where I want to go with it. I’d become too sensitive to the numbers and to the “you should” and “you shouldn’t” voices and lost my way.
I feel good coming home to my characters again. I hope you’ll come on in and pull up an armchair, grab a book and join me. Get lost in one of my worlds for a while. They are fun, dangerous, mysterious, romantic, sweet, and spicy. You’ll be able to find something for your personal taste with me.
by Sarah | Oct 6, 2014 | Books, Escaping Humanity, Tuesday Tales, Writing
Welcome back to Tuesday Tales!
This weeks prompt is to be inspired by the word Short.
Since it went over so well last week, I’m returning to Escaping Humanity again. This time we meet a few other characters. Again, I’ll have to try to shorthand it a little for you.
Annie is a mutant that is dying of a mysterious illness. James (brother of Lynx/Elan from last week) is a clone that was created to be an always-angry super-soldier, the fiercest fighter…but his mother Talisa (who built him) made sure he was damn brilliant too. He’s confused by the fact that he cares for Annie…but when he kissed her, she collapsed from her illness.
Chance is the Lenape tribe chief, Talisa’s & Roark’s best friend. Charlotte is also James’s sister (and Lynx’s twin…they have a twin connection where one can sense the other…).
Clear as mud? Well, good…here you go, throwing you to the wolves 😉 Oh, and I turned Short into Shorty…b/c that’s a nickname in the story 😉
Charlotte rushed into the room right as James laid Annie on the bed. “What happened? Where was she?”
“She went to see the sunset.” James didn’t bother to hide the snarl that had returned to his voice. He was angry that she’d had another attack so fast. More so that she actually thought she was less of a person. And the pinnacle of his anger lay with the bastard that had done this and so much more. “I’m going to rip that son of a bitch into tiny little pieces.”
“Stand in line,” Charlotte muttered. In quick succession she hooked the monitors back up. The IV was replaced, and she added new medicine. “Her pulse is weak and thread. At this point I don’t feel safe taking another sample, but I think it’s safe to say she’s deteriorating further.”
“Maybe Elan was stupid, but then again maybe she was the smartest one here. We need Mom. You sure as hell can’t think outside the box like she can.”
“Stop it James. Stop taking your confusion out on me. You care about Annie. You want her better. I get it. Just admit it so we can move on and fix her.”
James stopped mid-pace, a low growl in his chest. There were many things he was capable of, many horrible, cruel things. Caring was not one of them. “Nice try, shorty. I don’t care. I’m a not-so-natural born killer, remember?”
“Blah blah blah.” Charlotte rolled her eyes. After checking the monitors and making notes in the chart she stepped away from the bed. “Go ahead and sit with her. I know you want to. I’ll get back to work on trying to think outside the box.”
“What happened?” Warren raced into the room ahead of everyone else. “Is she okay? Damn it. I thought she was up, she was doing better.”
James couldn’t stop the growl that shot through him. “She’s dying. She thinks her parents don’t trust her, and there is no hope for her. Yeah. She’s stellar.”
“Easy James.” Chance walked in behind Abby. “Charlotte? What’s the word?”
Charlotte didn’t respond. When James glared toward her silence, he realized she’d paled so much, she looked like a white woman instead of the native she was. Whatever her distraction, he couldn’t be bothered with it.
“Shorty!” James snapped his fingers in front of her face. “What the hell is up with people anymore? They can’t focus long enough to actually help someone. Since Char is out of commission and can’t be bothered to think outside the box, I guess I’ll go back to the stupid lab.”
“James.” Chance didn’t have to speak loud to put the power of his role behind his words. When James was smart enough to keep his lip shut, Chance turned to Charlotte. “Is everything okay in there?”
Charlotte’s head shook violently and she took several steps backward. “Lynx.” She said nothing else, just stared off toward the west.
“Great. Lynx’s thoughtlessness is making Char useless as hell.” James snarled.
Chance pointed to the door. “Hall. Now.”
James didn’t have to be told twice. He barely made it to the hall before his fist connected with the metal wall with a resounding tone that half-deafened him. “As stupid as I think Elan is—at least she took action! Nobody else is doing a damn thing.”
Chance showed no reaction to the outburst beyond a quirked brow. “That’s two broken hands today. At least yours will heal faster than Danny’s.”
“Stop trying to be clever, you’re not mom.” James dug his fingers into his hair, ignoring the pain from his hand. “Sorry, Chief.”
“Getting tired of apologizing to me yet?”
“Good. I’m damn tired of needing to hear it.” Chance’s hand landed on James’ shoulder with a firm grip. “I am your chief. I’ve always had faith that you could get past this wall you’ve deemed exists. You’re the one struggling with it.”
“I know what I was programmed to be.”
“Then why do you care about Annie? Why do you love your mother? Your father? Why do you protect your sister even when you’re being a jerk to her?” Chance sighed. “You’re as stubborn as your mother always was. She actually thought she didn’t know DNA once. It took Roark beating her over the head a few times for her to get the picture.”
“Yeah. I’ve heard the story.” James sighed and turned to lean his back against the wall. “About a million times. Doesn’t mean I’m not what I was created to be.”
“You were created to be a strong center for your family—to be everything your mother imagined her children to be. Do you really think Talisa would ever do anything exactly as ordered? That anyone, even Steele, could bully her into making you nothing more than a killing machine with no real heart?”
“Mom never did anything as ordered, she hates being ordered around.” James glanced up when the door opened. When Charlotte emerged, her skin almost green, he frowned. “Char. What is it?”
“I’m not sure.” Charlotte’s blue eyes were still wide. “Can you handle the lab for a little while? I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Charlotte?” Chance wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple. “Anything I can help you with?”
“I’ll be okay. Lynx isn’t blocking as well as usual, or I’m not. I don’t know.” She gave Chance a strong hug. “I’m okay, Popsicle, I promise. It’s been a crazy couple of days and I think I just need to get my head on straight again.”
“You aren’t the only one.” Chance smiled. “Go take some time and get your head together. You can’t work twenty-four-seven. Not even Tal can do that. Then you can come back refreshed and ready to work.”
Before she took off, Char barreled into James. He grunted, but held her close in a hug. “Easy Shorty.”
“Let yourself care before you explode.”
James sighed. That was the problem, wasn’t it? He couldn’t. The girl had kissed him, and then proceeded to collapse. She was going to die, so what good would caring do?” He kissed the top of Charlottes head. “Go on, Shorty. I’ve got work to do.” He pushed her off him and then down the corridor.
Chance smirked. “If she was feeling better she might have smacked you harder. She wants you to be happy, James.”
“Well maybe if someone came up with a way to save that girl so Abby and Warren could live without suffering like the rest of us.”
“If you want to claim it’s for Abby and Warren, fine. Just keep something in mind, James.”
“Your demeanor changes around Annie.” Chance met his gaze levelly. “Just think about that while you’re working on her. It’s not a bad thing to care. I promise.”
“We’ll see.”
Hope you enjoyed it! Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!

by Sarah | Sep 29, 2014 | Books, Escaping Humanity, Tuesday Tales, Writing
Welcome back to Tuesday Tales!
This weeks prompt is to be inspired by the word Pretty.
I had planned on bringing you another excerpt from my F/F story, Luck of the Cowgirl, but another full weekend of Harry Potter movies and other assorted time constraints led to that not happening. Instead, I’m bringing you an excerpt from my co-authored WIP, Escaping Humanity.
This is mid-story so there is a lot you missed, and so I’ll try to short-hand it for you. The Exceptionals are mutants, created by a multi-government plan to build super-soldiers. When it failed, General Steele started war against the “Infected” as he calls them and a propaganda campaign against them, many battles later the world is a vastly different place. This is a Dystopian Urban Fantasy with a probabilty of becoming a series. 🙂
In this scene, Lynx has returned to Steele’s compound, the place she was raised after she’d been stolen from her parents who were told she was dead. Lynx was told worse lies…but fast forward some years later and she’d returned to Steele’s compound to save her now-kidnapped parents.
I know, clear as mud, right? Anyway, Lynx has decided that after all the bad things she did in her past as Steele’s “daughter”, she has a lot of karma to pay back and is willing to sacrifice everything, including herself, to save her parents and get them away from Steele…and she just might have to.
Lynx forced out her mother’s voice and rose. There was no way she’d fail in this mission. Steele forgot one very important thing.
She’d grown up in this compound, but more importantly, Steele had raised her as his ultimate weapon. Her intense, brutal training made her the best. While he’d searched for ways to create super-soldiers under the guise of destroying the threat he’d created—he’d grown his own little super-soldier in the package that was Lynx herself.
Worst of all, for him, she knew all the ins and outs of his organization. In the end the so-called military would suffer a huge blow. Roark and Talisa would be free to return home and save Annie.
Everyone would win.
Except Steele.
If this proved to be her last mission, it would be the best damn mission she’d ever run. The best executed and the only one she’d ever done for the right cause, the right reasons, to save the right people.
If she did it right, Steele would be dead along with a chunk of his military.
“Lynx, my dear.” Steele’s smile was warm as she entered his office. “Thank you for not killing my men. Talisa and Roark actually made improvements with their latest experiment. My project is finally seeing the progress we’d always dreamed of.”
Lynx forced forward a bright smile. She could kill him right there and then, but he had safeguards in place that would mean instant death for her parents. First she had to play his game until he let her close enough to disable those mechanisms. “Good to know. Curious they were together like that, though. I thought for sure you’d never allow such a thing.”
“Oh, that. Talisa had a heart attack or some nonsense. She’s too weak to do much of anything right now. Also, it can’t be said that I’m heartless. I suppose a couple of hours once a year is allowable.” Steele smirked. “They can consider it incentive to do well. I might let them see each other again.”
“So you’re done pursuing Talisa as your own personal genetics factory and bedmate?” She picked up a gun from his large display of weaponry. All of them were empty of ammo, but she pretended to admire the new addition to his collection, wishing it could be so easy as one bullet.
“She’s been too disagreeable this time. Pretty as she is, I don’t care for such attitude. Having this disease has really changed her.”
Disease. She tried not to curl her lip over the fact he still called their mutations a disease, or his levels of denial that anything changed her mother but her losses. The genetic alterations only made her stronger. Steele would never change, though. The fact that he and military leaders from all around the world were the cause of this ‘disease’ didn’t matter to him, he only wanted it eradicated because he wanted to control the super humans, not be defeated by them. “You’ll still let me remain infected, won’t you Poppa?”
It was a good thing he couldn’t see her face, because this time she did grimace at calling him Poppa again. He chuckled behind her. “I’m not insane, Lynx. You are the best soldier I’ve ever had. So long as you remain loyal to me, you’ll stay just as you are.”
“Good to know.”
“On that note.”
Lynx’s stomach did a sickening flop. A lifetime in the man’s presence left her familiar with every nuance of every tone of his voice. She knew what he was thinking before he said it, and while she’d expected as much, it didn’t make it easier to face. He wouldn’t trust her, not yet. She’d have to endure a test of faith first. “What sort of test are you throwing at me, Poppa?”
“You should pluralize that. You’ve been out of the fold a long time, my dear. Who knows what they’ve brainwashed you to believe.” One firm hand planted on her shoulder. “You’ve endured these tests before. It should be no trouble this time.
Lynx couldn’t deny the scream of Talisa in her mind, proving she hadn’t truly shoved her mother all the way out. Of course, her own grief and guilt over what Steele’s plans would mean to her life, her husband, and how much she would betray her own wedding vows. She had to focus on the end game. “Of course, Poppa.”
“That’s my girl. I have a few new toys to play with you, but first you can go visit your old friend. He’ll be thrilled to see you again. You both did so well mixing business and pleasure.” Steele’s smile when he turned her around was cold and hard as his moniker. “Once you’ve adjusted back to our way of life I’ll be able to send you on your first mission.”
Lynx nodded and pulled away. After a brief glance toward her parents labs below, she left the office. There was no point in delaying the inevitable. Maybe in the end her ‘friend’ would be able to help her.
Chaz had been as warped as her when she’d left. There’d been seven more years since for Steele to warp him further. Unlike her, Chaz was treated like an actual animal. To Steele, he was no more than a tool and a way to get money. Chaz was regularly sold off to rich benefactors for hunting, or for women to play with in their own sick way.
First, she would have to deal with the animal. Perhaps then she could get through to the human she knew lived underneath. That meant doing something she hadn’t done since she’d met Danny, she’d have to let another man abuse her. If there’d been any doubt before, it was a sealed deal now. Danny would never forgive her.
Outside the door to Chaz’s quarters stood two guards. She waved them off. Last thing she needed now was an audience.
The door slid open at a touch of the keypad. Humidity wafted over her, and birds chirped somewhere inside. Her sharp ears picked up other animals scurrying and slipping through the foliage and trees of the jungle Steele had created in the room. If she hadn’t known its purpose, she might have called the scene before her pretty.
Instead, it was a sick elaborate cage for an Exceptional that deserved far better. Of course, that particular Exceptional didn’t know it, and had been conditioned to not think like most humans. After a few deep breaths to brace herself, she stepped into the woods.
The path to Chaz’s cage had become overgrown. Since the war it was probably difficult to find the wealthy individuals that had once fueled Chaz’s purpose as money-bait. It seemed the war had spared Chaz from some of his worst duties.
That also meant he’d been penned in for a very long time. Which meant the upcoming reinitiation could be very painful as Chaz would likely have little control over his animal instincts, as if he ever had.
“Chaz?” Lynx crept over the large log that held his cage. “Cheetah?”
A low growl greeted her, feline and nasty as hell.
“Cheetah, it’s me. It’s Lynx.” She dropped down in front of the cage. Yellow eyes glowed from inside. She was surprised to find her hand shaking as she reached for the lock. The code was complex, which bought her a few more minutes. “Cheetah.”
“You left.” It was a snarl, difficult to understand. Of course, his use of English had never been great, but based on those two words it might have devolved some.
“I had a mission. He sent me away. I’m here now. Maybe together we can get out.”
He growled low again. “Let me out.”
“I am.” Lynx hovered over the last number. “Cheetah. Remember, I’m your friend.”
“You always help.”
She swallowed against the uncharacteristic fear of what that meant. After pushing down the fear as she’d been trained, she hit the last button. She stumbled away from the cage.
A flash of pain triggered her mutation.
Soon it would be over.
Then he would listen.
He had to.
Hope you enjoyed it! Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!

by Sarah | Jun 10, 2014 | 500k, Books, Challenge, Changing Tracks, Dark Territory, Derailed, Escaping Humanity, Goals, Holiday, The Tribe, Writing
It’s been a while since I checked in on the 2014 forecast for me and my writing. I meant this as a monthly check-in type of deal and thought maybe I should get back on that. So, months after my last update, let’s see where I am.
So first, the overall goals I’d set – with where I am now.
- I’ve challenged myself to write 600,000 words in 2014. (258,159 C as of 6/8/14 9:53PM)
- I will finish books 4 & 5 of the Dominion Falls series and submit by February 8th – I did submit on 2/17/14 & both books were accepted/contracted. Releases in August’14 and January’15.
- I will fine-tune and perfect Leap (Hidden Senses #.5) for publication. It goes to my editor on July 1st, then to the proofreader.
- I will build my audience and work harder at promotion. I am not doing enough with this. Need to get out more.
- I will find focus (see below), and figure out how to USE it. I am working on this. Some days I do great, others not so much. Call me a work in progress.
And for my list of projects. Items in RED are done. Items in ORANGE are in progress (or progress notes). Items in BLUE are new. Some of the new items are in blue with the progress I’ve made in orange.
- Runaway Train (Dominion Falls 5) – 113k
- Stalled Independence (Lake Point #3) – 35k
- Katherine’s Story (Dominion Falls Prequel) – 48k – Named finally. Independent Brake
- Into a Mirror Darkly (Morgana Chronicles 1) – 100k (~10k done)
- Witch Way (Lake Point #4) – 30k (1k done)
- A Thorough Thanksgiving (Lake Point #5) – 30k
- The Tribe (The Tribe #1) – 85k
- The Wolf (The Tribe #2) – 85k (24395 done)
- Natural Selection – 40k (6921 done)
- Hybrid – unknown…going to do as “Chapters” not full length novel.
- The Dead Past (Dominion Falls 6-temporary name) – 100k
- The Chief (The Tribe #3) – 85k
- The Raven (The Tribe #4) – 85k
- Escaping Humanity (Co-authoring w/ Mary Terrani) – 100k (22k done)
I’m quite certain at this point that I’m forgetting something. I do know that not on the list, but completed is setting an editing schedule with my editor. I’ve also come up with an idea for a new series, but it has to go on hold while I work my way through that crazy list up there.
Overall, I’m happy with my progress. Despite some crazy real life stuff and my typical propensity for distraction, I’ve almost reached the halfway point on my insane 600k goal. I have plenty of stories that are in progress or just need editing. I have ideas ready for next years holidays series, and my brain has not imploded yet. So yay me. 🙂
Seriously, though. I expect items to be added to my list now that I’ve managed to check a few off. First, I need to finish Witch Way, The Wolf, & The Chief before I can seriously contemplate what to add to the list. Once I read the “There’s more red than black/orange” point, I know I have to start thinking toward the future.
So one last goal right now is to adjust and add to all my goals next month, and get The Wolf and Witch Way completed.
(P.S. Having that editing schedule set means a crap ton of books this year, people…seriously, it’s cah-razy).
by Sarah | Nov 27, 2011 | Challenge, Escaping Humanity, Writing
The Saga Continues. Since we alternate every week, you start here with Chapter 11, then it’s off to Mary’s site with Chapter 12 of “Escaping Humanity”!!!
For those that have missed this from the beginning, you can find the complete story description and chapter listing HERE.
“I’ve been able to see it for miles. It’s lit up like a Christmas tree. I hope the military never obtains a mutant like me.” Chantalle held onto the reins, staring toward what looked like a small farming community. A handful of houses, a small plane and some planted fields.
From any angle but the one they currently stood at she wouldn’t be able to see anything but trees. Right where she was there was a break in the trees where vehicles could enter, other than that it was silent.
“God help us if thye ever do,” Neil said quietly. The tension in his voice tingled with excitement and nervousness. “We’re already being watched. We’ll have to take care. If we do anything wrong we will be attacked first, questioned later.
She didn’t need to be told they were being watched. Despite their extreme care and quiet, she could see the auras of the men in the trees. Native Americans from what she could tell, their ties to the land were so strong. “I’ll be careful. I can see them. Hopefully they’ll recognize you before they attack.”
“I don’t exactly look like I did. I wouldn’t hang my hopes on that.” Weeks ago it would have worried her, his comment would have been so laced with self-loathing and fear. Now there was a bit of humor mixed in. She wasn’t sure if it was her months of influence or just being close to home that did it.
With a deep bracing breath she moved forward, “You said I’m to ask for Night Hawk, right? James.”
“And he’s Charlotte’s brother. He will recognize you if the others don’t.”
If it wasn’t for the fact that they could be in danger, she might have found it amusing. For every step she took closer to the compound, the closer the auras in the trees came. Then, out of nowhere they stopped. She gasped in surprise, her eyes darting through the trees as the men retreated. “They’re retreating. Why are they retreating?”
“I’m not sure. That is not standard procedure. I heard no signal.”
“No. You didn’t. It was telepathic,” she whispered. “There’s a telepath heading our way.”
Another brother of Charlotte’s an indirect twin of James, at least that’s how she’d come to refer to the two men’s association. It made her a little more relaxed, and she moved closer even as she felt the brush of Lucas’ mind.
You have nothing to fear from me.
“I know. You mean me absolutely no harm. Thank you for calling off the SWAT team. I really didn’t want them to shoot first and ask questions later.”
“At least you’re more likely to live with a well placed arrow as opposed to a bullet,” Lucas chuckled as they got close enough. He looked up at the horse, his eyes softening at the sight of the man on it. “Neil. Thank the Spirits. We thought for sure you were dead. Only Charlotte was convinced you weren’t.”
“I thought I might be for a while,” Neil said quietly. His voice caught and he cleared his throat, “Charlotte. She didn’t think I was dead? Really?”
“Really. Everyone will be thrilled that you are in fact alive.” Lucas held up a hand, clasping it with Neil’s as he got off the horse. “On top of our renewed hope for Mom and Dad, this has been a good day.”
“Renewed hope? But how?” Neil grasped Lucas’ shoulder, “James saw them die. How can there be renewed hope?”
“We think Mom sent a message to Aunt Abigail. Come, we’ll go into the tunnels so you can see Charlotte. The rest of the news can wait.” Lucas smiled at Chantalle, “One of the men will take your horse to the stables. The Chief will want to meet you in person. I’ve alerted him to your arrival.”
Chantalle nodded, “I look forward to meeting him. Neil has told me so much about all of you. Should I wait up here so you can take Neil to his wife if that’s better.”
“No. You’re welcome down in the tunnels. Ravenhawk will be waiting for you down there.” Lucas set Neil’s hand on his arm, guiding him toward the nearest house.
For a while they were all quiet. The only sound came from Lucas’ occasional warning of how many steps down they were taking. By the time they got to the tunnel, Chance was waiting for them.
Chance moved forward, “Neil. Thank the Spirits.” He embraced him before pulling back. “We haven’t told Charlotte. Lucas said you were coming, but we didn’t want to get her hopes up. Do you need medical care first?”
“No. These wounds are old and healed physically.” Neil smiled, “Chantalle has made sure our trip went smoother than I would have thought. We ran into no one. The few times there were any troops within a few miles she got us some place safe to hide.”
“Chantalle?” Chance turned his attention to her. For a moment Chantalle had to force her way through the shield of defensiveness in his aura. Underneath it she could see his genuine gratitude, but getting to that was tough. “Thank you. For bringing him back to us safe. I’m Chance.”
It was almost enough to put her on the defensive, but she wasn’t that sort of person. She was a people person, and had cracked tougher walls than this just by being herself. Chantalle shook his hand with a warm smile. With a bit of effort she focused on the warmth she found lingering under the grays and blacks of his mistrust and pain, “Nice to meet you. Lucas, why don’t you go ahead and take Neil to his wife? I think I’ll be all right in your Chief’s capable hands.”
Lucas smiled, “I will. Thank you, Chantalle.”
Chance waited until they’d made their way down the tunnels before gesturing into the tunnels. “Right this way. I don’t know how much Neil has told you about us.”
“We’ve had a few months together so I know quite a bit.” Chantalle shrugged, “I’m a people person I can’t be quiet. Plus he was so depressed and scared. I had to keep him moving forward. Thank you for letting me enter without any trouble.”
“Lucas says you’re very open for him, and that we have no reason to mistrust you. I take his word on it. So thank you for bringing Neil back to us.” After that his walls eased a little bit, but he still tried to keep guarded. He probably didn’t realize nothing was protected from her mutation.
“He saved my life once. It only seemed right that I help him get home to his wife.” Chantalle kept her focus on the tunnel walls for a moment. It was a welcome distraction from the dichotomy of who he was. Not to mention the fact that she couldn’t avoid how attractive she found him. It was an honest enough thought, but it had been so long since she’d been with anyone that she had to put those thoughts away before she attacked the poor guy without warning. “He was so talented, I hate to see him lose his ability to perform surgery. So much tragedy came out of this.”
“Too much. Here, let’s get you something to eat.” Chance led her into a small kitchen. Several crock pots lined the counter, “We try to keep a steady stream of hot food ready. Many people come in and out throughout the day. Not everyone bothers to put a kitchen in their unit down here, it’s easier to have some community food at the ready.”
“With a community food mentality, shouldn’t you have a bigger kitchen than this?” Her cheeks grew warm, “Sorry. It just seems a bit cramped.”
“It is. We plan a larger cafeteria sort of room in our new wing. It’s not slated for completion for another month, though. We take our lessons as they come.” Chance helped himself to some chili before holding out a chair for her. Once he sat, he studied her for a moment. “Lucas says you are from New York City.”
“I came from there after the war, yes. I’m from England originally.” She spun her spoon in her chili. If he asked her about her family she just might fall into a place she didn’t like going. A place she hadn’t been since she’d stumbled on Neil and got a traveling companion to distract her from her own worries.
“So you were on Broadway when the attack started?”
“Literally.” Chantalle rubbed her arms as the memory shivered through her. “I was on stage, in the middle of a show. We didn’t hear the sirens, but the stage manager halted the performance. Said the military was attacking mutants, and the mutants were fighting back. It was an all out war across the island. By the time the first concussion of a blast shook the theater the screams were deafening.”
Chance’s hand rested on her arm, pulling her out of the depths of her own intense study of her chili. For the first time since she’d met him his guard was down. Concern and warmth poured toward her in soothing and peaceful waves. “I remember the battle. It was the first and the worst.”
Somehow the colors of his aura melted into a watercolor of confusion. It was then that she realized she was crying. “It’s horrible to watch people die,” she whispered.
“I know.”
“No. You don’t.” She wiped at her tears, focusing back on the chili. Counting beans to distract herself. “You see them die. Their shells, their surface. I see it all. Their pain, their fear, their entire life dim and fade into black.”
Beyond the screams that day she’d had to watch so many deaths. Good friends trapped under the rubble. Sudden deaths, long and lingering death. It was now at the point where she was sure she could see the grim reaper coming long before it happened.
She cleared her throat, “Sorry. Can we talk about something else? I haven’t been around people in so long the last thing I want to do is blubber like a baby in front of all of them.”
“Of course. How about we get you a unit to stay in? You can have a hot shower, even listen to some music or watch some TV.”
“Music?” That made her straighten up, “What sort of music?”
Chance smiled, “I’m sure if it’s not in our database it won’t take any time to find whatever you want. We have the world’s best computer geek here.”
“A hot shower and music. I think if you proposed right now I’d say yes just for offering me those two things. Throw in some dance shoes and there’d be no doubt.”
He quirked a brow, “I’m afraid we don’t have any of those. But I’ll keep that in mind.”
Indie Ink Challenge has asked us to no longer include our story in their weekly challenge for many reasons. For just as many reasons we’ll no longer participate in Indie Ink Challenge at all. We will probably continue the story, but it will take some time to work out a new posting schedule and format. From now on you can follow the story through the twitter hashtag of #EscapingHumanity. Thank for those of you who have been reading, we h0pe you continue to return for it.
by Sarah | Nov 20, 2011 | Challenge, Escaping Humanity, Writing
The Saga Continues. Since we alternate every week, you start at Mary’s site with Chapter 9 of “Escaping Humanity” – then come back here and read Chapter 6!!!
For those that have missed this from the beginning, you can find the complete story description and chapter listing HERE.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?”
“Don’t screw with me Lucas,” Lynx hissed at him. “Just go back to your happy blissful ignorance, your happy little wife and get the hell out of my way!”
“Fat chance, Tiny.” James’ voice came from behind her. They’d tagged teamed her?
Lynx let out a low growl, “James. You know I can kick your ass from here until next week. Lucas, you aren’t even animal, and your water doesn’t touch me. What do you think you can accomplish?”
“Maybe getting you back into a clear headed state of mind?” Lucas leaned against the wall of the tunnel, “Because James and I are certain that you aren’t in one.”
Lynx folded her arms across her chest, her stance relaxed even as her skin thickened and turned gray in preparation for battle. Her nails grew into long black claws. She grinned when both men tensed. They knew how poisonous her claws were, “I’m not like you, Lucas. I can’t sit there, close my eyes, count to ten and go off to la la land talking to hallucinations. There aren’t enough drugs in the world.”
“You aren’t going out there blind, Lynx.” James moved closer to her. In one move he was close enough to make her claustrophobic reactions that much stronger. “I don’t care what you think you know.”
“I know what you do,” she snarled over her shoulder. “If they’re alive you know who has them. You also know that if anyone can get in there it’s me. The old man still has a soft spot for me.”
James ignored her clear threat and gripped her arms. She was only aware of it through her line of sight. “And he’ll take you back and try to make you his again. When you don’t join his team with a smile, he’ll kill you. You know what that would do to Mom, you ungrateful little bitch!”
“Enough!” Lucas was quiet on most occasions, but when he wanted to be he could pack real power behind his words. This was one of those times. “We aren’t here for you two to show how well you fight. Lynx, you promised Mom. You swore that you would never go near Steele again.”
“It was a different time.” Lynx narrowed her eyes at James, letting one claw sink into each of his wrists. As an animal he would heal, but it still burned like hell. Once his eyes widened she grinned and shoved him off toward Lucas. “And they weren’t in a Steele trap! I have to get them!”
Both men looked at each other. For all intents and purposes they were identical. The expression they wore was as opposite as who they were. Lucas had been born and raised as natural as the day is long. His personality had always been calm, collected, the perfect temperament for his eventual chosen path as medicine man.
James was his opposite in every way. Talisa had created him under duress, forced to make him hot tempered – so angry he could almost be called unfeeling. A world class fighter, he might have been what he’d been created to be if they hadn’t found him. So instead of the world’s best soldier, he was the head warrior of what was left of the tribe and of the mutant fighting force.
“No.” Lucas was calm, “Not like this. Not without a plan in place.”
“Lucas,” James growled. “I can’t let her! I am bound to Chance’s orders. Mom and Dad’s too! They made us swear we would keep this family together no matter what!”
“That’s what I’m trying to do.” Morgan backed up a little, “And I’m not bound to follow Chance’s orders like you. I do what I want.”
“It’s suicide,” James lunged for her again. “I won’t let you! If I have to lock you in a cell you’d better believe that I will!”
“You think a threat of a cell scares me?” Lynx snorted, “I thought you knew me better than that by now.”
James’s growl was cut off and in a moment Lucas was in his place. Lucas ignored her claws and thick skin, drawing her into a hug. “Lynx, we all want Mom and Dad back. That doesn’t mean we’re willing to give you up to do it.”
Lynx closed her eyes, pushing back against him. “Love and affection doesn’t do it either, Lucas. You just don’t get it. Neither of you do.”
“What’s going on here?” Out of the shadows came the only face that was most welcome to her. Unfortunately it was also the least welcome. Of all the people that would fight her plan to go after her parents, Danny was the one that would be able to stop her.
James knew it too, if the shit-eating grin on his face was any indication. “Well for one your woman was about to try to head on out of here to save our parents. Didn’t plan on telling anyone about it either.”
Lynx growled and lunged toward James.
Danny grabbed her arms, staying behind her to avoid the claws. “Babe? Is he serious?”
“Asshole,” Lynx snarled at James.
Lucas nodded toward Danny, “Yes Daniel. We just got word this morning that our parents might not be dead after all. Lynx has it in her head that she is the only one that can save them.”
Lynx took a swipe at Lucas, knocking away Danny to run down the corridor. Behind her she could hear him calling for her, but she didn’t stop. With speed and sure footedness she raced through the corridors.
Soon as she could she burst out of one of the houses. Danny wasn’t far behind her, but it didn’t matter. She just had to get out of the confines of the tunnels. Despite her claims that a cell wouldn’t affect her she was too claustrophobic for tunnel living.
“Elan,” Danny’s arms wrapped around her and he pulled her back against him. “Babe, look at me.”
“Stop calling me that!” She struggled against his grasp, but then a flood of memories filled her head. The tears of Talisa ringing through her head, My baby.
“Babe. She loved you.”
I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you to that man again. Please, Elan. Stay with your brothers. Talisa had been trying to keep Lynx from going to kill General Steele once the truth of what he had done to her parents and herself came out. Her first goal had been to kill him.
Lynx fought against Danny’s grasp, “Stop! You said you wouldn’t do that to me!” His ability to manipulate memories, to keep a person confined in the emotions of them could be valuable. But she had some scary memories and made him swear to never use it on her.
“I’m sorry, babe. I just thought you needed to see Talisa’s argument too.” Danny turned her toward him, “I know you want to save them. If they are alive I can’t blame you for that one bit. Going in there just ain’t smart.”
“I’m the only one General Steele will let close.” Lynx relaxed despite herself, her skin returning to normal. Being able to feel Danny’s touch relaxed her the rest of the way, “There’s no other way.”
“There’s always another way.” Danny kissed her forehead, “Your parents are some of the smartest people I know. Bet they’re working on something now.”
“Yes, Elan?” Even though he was the only one that didn’t receive the threat of death for calling her by her real name, it still hurt every time she heard it.
“They’ve all lost so much. I helped start this hell they’re going through.” Lynx kept her eyes lowered, even when he tried to force her to look up. “If I can save them I have to. For the family they gave me. For them.”
“They wouldn’t want it if it meant losing you.” He sighed, “And I ain’t about to spend the rest of my life moping around like Charlotte and Ariel. So you’re not going nowhere. Not without me.”
“I’m not risking your life.”
“Then you ain’t risking your own.”