100 Words – Fingers

I know all I’ve done in recent weeks is the 100 word challenge. I promise that I have other things on the line. Including an interview with a great author. For now, here is my 100 words for this week.

This week’s challenge word was “Fingers”.  This is not as dark as my last two at all. I hope you enjoy it.

Circle of Life

Long, elegant, comforting and soft.
Soothing with unconditional love.

Strong, steady, supporting and firm.
Cradling unconditional love.

Little, flexing, releasing and stretching.
Reaching toward unconditional love.

Exploring, probing, playing and fidgeting.
Impatient racing toward independence.

Bleeding, broken, impaired and depleted.
Searching for the relief of comfort

Growing, stretching, changing and reaching.
Looking for independent strength.

Shunning, hiding, holding all within.
Smothering unconditional love.

Building, learning, shining and finding.
Once again reaching for love.

Seeking, joining, touching, loving.
Finding the matching grasp.

Encircled, shining, holding, oath swearing.
Joining a larger circle of love.

Tiny, reaching, grasping tight.
Unconditional love found again.

100 Word Challenge – “Corridor”

This week’s challenge word was “Corridor”. Without a doubt the first thing that came to mind was this. It took me all week to find the strength to write it. I call it GRIEF.


The sterile scent of medicine and bleach.

Hospital blue, hospital white.

Forever before me the corridor stretches, his room on my left. At the end is a lounge, I see a couch, hear a TV.

At his door I stand, unable to enter. The man before me not the man I remember.

Strength – gone.

Bulk – depleted.

The pillar of our family held down by tubes and cancer.

I can barely say hi, the tears form too fast.  I have to run.  To the lounge, where the couch will soak up my tears along with the tears of thousands of others.

100 Word Challenge – “Worthless”

This week’s challenge word was “Worthless”.  For some reason this time it inspired a poem.  I’m going to entitle it “HOPE”.


Ripped open

I bled for you

Rivers of tears

There was something so wrong

It was me

It was you

Ashamed within

I tried so hard

Afraid of you

It was nothing close to love

It wasn’t me

It was you

New chance

New, different pain

It’s nothing new

Somehow it is always my fault

It wasn’t me

It was you

Torn down

Trod on

Broken hearted ache

Physical pain, emotional destruction

It could be me

It could be them

What is this

A new life

Growing within

No longer worthless, alone; there’s hope

It wasn’t me

It was him

100 Word Challenge – “Uncomfortable”

In order to get my writers blog mojo going, I’ve decided to start participating in the 100 Word Challenge again. I’ve also joined in on another project that is coming up soon, and I’ll share more details when that comes around.  Until then, here is my entry for this week.  I like it so much I’m thinking of turning it into a short.  Don’t know how I got this line of crazy from “Uncomfortable”…but here it is!!



The heat was unbearable, the humidity – murder. A bead of sweat trickled down his neck into the smooth curve where it met his shoulder. Neither of us said a word, his focus had to be on his task.

The ropes tied tight, the blocks in place. Soon it would be over. Relief would be immense. No one would ever know what I had done.

With a final tug the task was complete. We both wrapped our hands around an end and lifted, whispering a farewell before we tossed it over the side.

I smiled, it was over.

“Your turn.”